Grøn te


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Grøn te - Grøn the - Camelia sinensis

Højt indhold af bioflavonoider. Har antioxidantegenskaber. Benyttes for sin velsmag, stimulerende virkning, til at forebygge kræft, mod bakterier, virus, huller i tænderne, plak, højt indhold af LDL-kolesterol og til at regulere blodsukkeret.


Grøn te er blade fra tebusken Camelia sinensis. De dampes og varmetørres, men fermenteres ikke ligesom sort te. Grøn te kan nydes ligesom almindelig te. Det fås i pulverform som opløses i varmt vand eller det kan sluges i kapselform.

Grøn te indeholder mange gavnlige stoffer: B-vitaminer, C-vitamin, mineraler - ofte betydningsfulde mængder af mangan, lithium, molybdæn og andre spor- og mikromineraler, koffein samt mange bioflavonoider. Mængden af disse indholdsstoffer varierer med dyrkningsforholdene, klimaet, tebuskenes alder og hvor på busken, bladene stammer fra.

Koffeinindholdet i en kop grøn te er typisk mellem 50 og 100 mg koffein.

Grøn te har en kraftig effekt som antioxidant. Den virker cellebeskyttende, især overfor mavesæk, tyndtarm, bugspytkirtel, tarmkanal og lunger. Den er med til at forebygge kræft, modvirker bakterieangreb og dermed madforgiftning og huller i tænderne, modvirker virusangreb, regulerer blodsukkeret og er derfor appetitdæmpende, sænker niveauet af LDL-kolesterol i blodet.


Den kinesiske metode

Efter høstningen bliver tebladene bredt ud og tørret på store sigter, hvorefter ventilatore blæser luft til bladene. De meget fine sorter bliver tørret i solen. Efter 4-12 timer har bladene mistet mindst 30 procent af deres fugtighed. Herefter bliver bladene opvarmet i 10 min. i 280 grader celcius varme jernpander eller i varme tromler. Opvarmningen stanser fermateringen. Derefter bliver bladene rullet i en maskine og derefter færdigtørret.

Den japanske metode

Den væsentligste forskel op de to prosseringsmåder er at den grønne japanske te slet ikke fermenteres. Fermenteringen hindres ved at de plukkede tebkade straks behandles ned varn damp i store riterende tromler. Herefter opvarmes bladene u adre tromler i 30 min ved 55 grader celcius. Bladene bliver derefter rullet i en rullemaskine og derefter lufttørret.

Sådan får du en god kop te

- Anvend en kande af porcelæn, keramik eller glas

- Opvarm kanden før brug

- Brug frisk vand fra den kolde hane. Bring vandet i kog

- Afmål den rette mængde te, en teske pr. kop

- Lad det kogende vand stå i 5-7 min. så det når ned på ca. 85 grader. (Herved bevares vitaminerne i teen)

- Lad teen trække i 3 min, hvis den er småbladet og 5 min. hvis den er storbladet. Teen bør ikke trække mere. Ønskes stærkere te, må man benytte mere te.

- Bryder man sig generelt ikke om grøn te kan alt grøn te tilsættes den ønskede smag. Spørg evt. din tehandler om en god blanding.

Gode sorter jeg har haft erfaring med (ind til videre)

Kinesisk te

Lung Ching

Kinesisk te fra Hangzhou i Zhejiang provinsen, som er den mest yndede grønne te på det kinesiske fastland. Har en frisk, sødlig smag, Bladene er lange, flade og meget grønne , som kan bruges flere gange. En ret dyr te. Ca. 55 kr. pr 100 gram.

Gun Powder - Temple of Heaven

En fornem perlete fra Zhejiang provinsen, som giver en aromatisk te, sød græsagtig smag.

Japansk te

Sencha m. Orange

Grøn te, der er tilsat sweet orange. En velsmagende og frisk te.

Interresante referencer

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 70, No. 6, 1040-1045, December 1999. Viser konklusionerne på en undersøgelse man lavede af Grøn te's fortræffeligheder både i forhold til forbrænding men også i forhold til helbred i det hele taget. Man undersøgte det fordi Grøn Te indeholder store mængder af bl.a. Polyphenoler og Coffein. Konklusionen lyder at relativt i forhold til de placebobehandlede deltagere vil der være en signifikant forøgelse af basalforbrændingen (4%< p<0,01). Se det spændende er nu at; dette er mere end man kan forklare ved coffein indholdet alene. Man havde en testgruppe der alene blev behandlet emd coffeinet, i samme doser som man finder i grøn te. Der var en signifikant forøgelse af fedtoxidering, og det hele uden en forøgelse af nitrogen i urinen. (forskningen blev lavet af: Abdul G Dulloo, Claudette Duret, Dorothée Rohrer, Lucien Girardier, Nouri Mensi, Marc Fathi, Philippe Chantre and Jacques Vandermander )
Background: Current interest in the role of functional foods in weight control has focused on plant ingredients capable of interfering with the sympathoadrenal system.

Objective: We investigated whether a green tea extract, by virtue of its high content of caffeine and catechin polyphenols, could increase 24-h energy expenditure (EE) and fat oxidation in humans.

Design: Twenty-four–hour EE, the respiratory quotient (RQ), and the urinary excretion of nitrogen and catecholamines were measured in a respiratory chamber in 10 healthy men. On 3 separate occasions, subjects were randomly assigned among 3 treatments: green tea extract (50 mg caffeine and 90 mg epigallocatechin gallate), caffeine (50 mg), and placebo, which they ingested at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Results: Relative to placebo, treatment with the green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in 24-h EE (4%; P < 0.01) and a significant decrease in 24-h RQ (from 0.88 to 0.85; P < 0.001) without any change in urinary nitrogen. Twenty-four–hour urinary norepinephrine excretion was higher during treatment with the green tea extract than with the placebo (40%, P < 0.05). Treatment with caffeine in amounts equivalent to those found in the green tea extract had no effect on EE and RQ nor on urinary nitrogen or catecholamines.

Conclusions: Green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content per se. The green tea extract may play a role in the control of body composition via sympathetic activation of thermogenesis, fat oxidation, or both.

Mechanisms of cancer prevention by tea constituents.

Lambert JD, Yang CS.

Department of Chemical Biology, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA.

Consumption of tea (Camellia sinensis) has been suggested to prevent cancer, heart disease and other diseases. Animal studies have shown that tea and tea constituents inhibit carcinogenesis of the skin, lung, oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, liver, prostate and other organs. In some studies, the inhibition correlated with an increase in tumor cell apoptosis and a decrease in cell proliferation. Studies with human cancer cell lines have demonstrated that epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a major tea polyphenol, inhibits mitogen-activated protein kinases, cyclin-dependent kinases, growth factor-related cell signaling, activation of activator protein 1 (AP-1) and nuclear factor kappaB (NFkappaB), topoisomerase I and matrix metalloproteinases as well as other potential targets. Although some studies report effects of EGCG at submicromolar levels, most experiments require concentrations of >10 or 20 micromol/L to demonstrate the effect. In humans, tea polyphenols undergo glucuronidation, sulfation, methylation, and ring fission. The peak plasma concentration of EGCG is approximately 1 micromol/L. The possible relevance of each of the proposed mechanisms to human cancer prevention is discussed in light of current bioavailability data for tea polyphenols and the potential limitations of animal models of carcinogenesis. Such discussion, it is hoped, will clarify some misunderstandings of cancer prevention by tea and stimulate new research efforts.

Bertram B, Bartsch H.

Different processing of the leaves of the tea plant Camellia sinensis yields green or black tea, the subject of numerous investigations on the preventive effects on chronic degenerative diseases. The tea polyphenols, in particular (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) were found to account for most of the protective effects. Since the concentration of EGCG is 5 times higher in green than in black tea, it is assumed that green tea possesses a greater preventive potential. Protection against cancer and cardiovascular diseases are the most important biomedical effects. In experimental models the preventive activity of tea is well documented for tumors at many organ sites. In humans, tea was reported to be protective against tumors of the lung, the gastrointestinal tract and the liver. Tea polyphenols, especially EGCG, were shown to exert cancer-protective activity by the following mechanisms: they inhibit the metabolic activation of carcinogens and induce at the same time detoxifying enzymes. They inhibit signaling pathways controlling cell proliferation and tumor growth such as protein kinase C and the release of tumor necrose factor-alpha from cells. Tea polyphenols reactivate processes which are impaired in tumor cells, such as the programmed cell death and the tumorsuppressor gene p53. Finally, tea polyphenols can also block angiogenesis leading to a starvation of the tumor. By inactivation of proteolytic enzymes they inhibit the development of metastases. This short review summarizes relevant recent findings on the protective effects of green tea constituents.

Determination of tea components with antioxidant activity.

Cabrera C, Gimenez R, Lopez MC.

Department of Nutrition and Bromatology, School of Pharmacy, University of Granada, Campus de Cartuja, E-18012 Granada, Spain. [email protected]

Levels of essential elements with antioxidant activity, as well as catechins, gallic acid, and caffeine levels, in a total of 45 samples of different teas commercialized in Spain have been evaluated. Chromium, manganese, selenium, and zinc were determined in the samples mineralized with HNO(3) and V(2)O(5), using ETAAS as the analytical technique. The reliability of the procedure was checked by analysis of a certified reference material. Large variations in the trace element composition of teas were observed. The levels ranged from 50.6 to 371.4 ng/g for Cr, from 76.1 to 987.6 microg/g for Mn, from 48.5 to 114.6 ng/g for Se, and from 56.3 to 78.6 ng/g for Zn. The four major catechins [(-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG), and (-)-epicatechin (EC)], gallic acid (GA), and caffeine were simultaneously determined by a simple and fast HPLC method using a photodiode array detector. In all analyzed samples, EGCG ranged from 1.4 to 103.5 mg/g, EGC from 3.9 to 45.3 mg/g, ECG from 0.2 to 45.6 mg/g, and EC ranged from 0.6 to 21.2 mg/g. These results indicated that green tea has a higher content of catechins than both oolong and fermented teas (red and black teas); the fermentation process during tea manufacturing reduces the levels of catechins significantly. Gallic acid content ranged from 0.039 to 6.7 mg/g; the fermentation process also elevated remarkably gallic acid levels in black teas (mean level of 3.9 +/- 1.5 mg/g). The amount of caffeine in the analyzed samples ranged from 7.5 to 86.6 mg/g, and the lower values were detected in green and oolong teas. This study will be useful for the appraisal of trace elements and antioxidant components in various teas, and it will also be of interest for people who like drinking this beverage.

Andre interresante referencer

1. Anderson JW, Diwadkar VA, Bridges SR. Selective effects of different antioxidants on oxidation of lipoproteins from rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1998 Sep;218(4):376-81.

2. Benzie IF, Szeto YT, Strain JJ, Tomlinson B. Consumption of green tea causes rapid increase in plasma antioxidant power in humans. Nutr Cancer. 1999;34(1):83-7.

3. Dulloo AG, Duret C, Rohrer D, Girardier L, Mensi N, Fathi M, Chantre P, Vandermander J. Efficacy of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 Dec;70(6):1040-5.

4. Dulloo AG, Seydoux J, Girardier L, Chantre P, Vandermander J. Green tea and thermogenesis: interactions between catechin-polyphenols, caffeine and sympathetic activity. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000 Feb;24(2):252-8.

5. Graham HN. Green tea composition, consumption, and polyphenol chemistry. Prev Med. 1992 May;21(3):334-50.

6. Gupta S, Ahmad N, Mohan RR, Husain MM, Mukhtar H. Prostate cancer chemoprevention by green tea: in vitro and in vivo inhibition of testosterone-mediated induction of ornithine decarboxylase. Cancer Res. 1999 May 1;59(9):2115-20.

7. Hasegawa R, Chujo T, Sai-Kato K, Umemura T, Tanimura A, Kurokawa Y. Preventive effects of green tea against liver oxidative DNA damage and hepatotoxicity in rats treated with 2-nitropropane. Food Chem Toxicol. 1995 Nov;33(11):961-70.

8. Hirose M, Hoshiya T, Akagi K, Futakuchi M, Ito N. Inhibition of mammary gland carcinogenesis by green tea catechins and other naturally occurring antioxidants in female Sprague-Dawley rats pretreated with 7,12-dimethylbenz[alpha]anthracene. Cancer Lett. 1994 Aug 15;83(1-2):149-56.

9. Kao YH, Hiipakka RA, Liao S. Modulation of endocrine systems and food intake by green tea epigallocatechin gallate. Endocrinology. 2000 Mar;141(3):980-7.

10. Lin JK, Liang YC, Lin-Shiau SY. Cancer chemoprevention by tea polyphenols through mitotic signal transduction blockade. Biochem Pharmacol. 1999 Sep 15;58(6):911-5.

11. Muramatsu K, Fukuyo M, Hara Y. Effect of green tea catechins on plasma cholesterol level in cholesterol-fed rats. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 1986 Dec;32(6):613-22.

12. Sato D. Inhibition of urinary bladder tumors induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine in rats by green tea. Int J Urol. 1999 Feb;6(2):93-9.

13. Satoh K, Sakagami H. Ascorbyl radical scavenging activity of polyphenols. Anticancer Res. 1996 Sep-Oct;16(5A):2885-90.

14. Sayama K, Lin S, Zheng G, Oguni I. Effects of green tea on growth, food utilization and lipid metabolism in mice. In Vivo. 2000 Jul-Aug;14(4):481-4.

15. Schubert SY, Lansky EP, Neeman I. Antioxidant and eicosanoid enzyme inhibition properties of pomegranate seed oil and fermented juice flavonoids. J Ethnopharmacol. 1999 Jul;66(1):11-7.

16. Tanaka H, Hirose M, Kawabe M, Sano M, Takesada Y, Hagiwara A, Shirai T. Post-initiation inhibitory effects of green tea catechins on 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced mammary gland carcinogenesis in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Cancer Lett. 1997 Jun 3;116(1):47-52.

17. Wang ZY, Huang MT, Ho CT, Chang R, Ma W, Ferraro T, Reuhl KR, Yang CS, Conney AH. Inhibitory effect of green tea on the growth of established skin papillomas in mice. Cancer Res. 1992 Dec 1;52(23):6657-65.

18. Weisburger JH, Rivenson A, Aliaga C, Reinhardt J, Kelloff GJ, Boone CW, Steele VE, Balentine DA, Pittman B, Zang E. Effect of tea extracts, polyphenols, and epigallocatechin gallate on azoxymethane-induced colon cancer. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1998 Jan;217(1):104-8.

19. Xu Y, Ho CT, Amin SG, Han C, Chung FL. Inhibition of tobacco-specific nitrosamine-induced lung tumorigenesis in A/J mice by green tea and its major polyphenol as antioxidants. Cancer Res. 1992 Jul 15;52(14):3875-9.

20. Yang TT, Koo MW. Chinese green tea lowers cholesterol level through an increase in fecal lipid excretion. Life Sci. 2000;66(5):411-23.

21. Yang TT, Koo MW. Hypocholesterolemic effects of Chinese tea. Pharmacol Res. 1997 Jun;35(6):505-12.

22. Zhu M, Gong Y, Ge G. Effects of green tea on growth inhibition and immune regulation of Lewis lung cancer in mice. Chung Hua Yu Fang I Hsueh Tsa Chih. 1997 Nov;31(6):325-9.

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Enig med Klausjensen i at det er en god opsamling.

Dog vil jeg lige dryppe lidt malurt i tekoppen...

Bryan Hancock skriver følgende om grøn te:

Green tea has compounds that block COMT (as mentioned above by Aaron_F). I stopped using as much green tea when I found that they were anti-androgenic. They not only block androgen at the receptor, thay also apear to down regulate androgen receptors.


Om det er noget om snakken, har jeg absolut ingen anelse om!

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Gode sorter jeg har haft erfaring med (ind til videre)

Min personlige favorit er Celestial Seasonings, som man som regel skal i helseforretninger for at finde. Det skulle være et meget "rent" produkt, som for mig har den store fordel at det ikke smager af grøn thé :) Deres website er i øvrigt meget informativt og har en del artikler inkl. henvisninger til faglitteratur, om forskellige egenskaber ved alle former for thé og urter som Celestial Seasonings forhandler. Mine favoritter er Decaf Mandarin Orchard og Honey Lemon Ginseng :)

Ziggymund :bike:

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Personligt drikker jeg en del Pickwick Green Tea ”With a touch of lemon.” Det er billigt og smager godt. Der kan nemt ryge 2 liter på en aften :)

Det skal siges at jeg drikker det pga. smag og ikke pga. virkning. Om det overhovedet har nogen virkning, kan jeg ikke sige noget om, men da teen er lysere, så får man ikke samme misfarvning af koppen/tænderne.

Rock’n Roll :strat:


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Blander mig lige :)

Jeg drikker faktisk ikke andet end grøn the og er så heldig at der ikke langt fra mig, er en the og kaffe mand og hos ham kan man få en masse grønne the´er med smag:

Grøn Aroma the:

Sencha Rabarber

Sencha Mango

Sencha Solbær

Sencha Kvæde

Sencha Skovbær

Sencha Balily Cream te

Sencha Vinter/jule

Sencha Abrikos

Sencha Lemon

Sencha Orange

Sencha Earl Grey

Sencha Kirsebær

Sencha Vanille

Samt en masse rene grønne the, så der er noget for en hver smag. B)

Hilsen Austina :tongue:

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Michael ->>

Er gunpowder bedre end alm. grøn te? (og hvorfor (ikke)?)
Måske de link jeg har henvist til kan hjælpe en lille smule. Selv er jeg også interesseret i hvilken te sort som har de bedste sundhedsegenskaber.
Min helsekostmand, som solgte mig Temple of Heaven, er uenig med dig:

Gunpowder skal trække 2-2½ min første gang og lidt længere anden 3-4 min.

Tja, men så er det te-mand mod te-mand!

Hessel, hvorfor postede du ikke dette straks?

Hvad mener du?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Halløj spædende tråd...

Det er godt nok noget billig "lort" de fleste drikker her *GG*

Jeg har drukket grøn-te i 100 år snart *G .......mine farvoritter er:

1: Økologisk Sencha (specielt rig på antioxidant) (fra urtekram)

2: Økologisk Kukicha te ("Three Year Tea") (specielt rig på mineraler og ingen koffein) (fra urtekram)

3: Økologisk Gun-powder (Natur-drogeriet)

4: Hvid te

Hvid te..skulle være langt bedre end grøn osse meget dyre!

Hvid te: "Hvid te har et meget lavt indhold af tein (koffein) og et meget højt indhold af antioxidant - cirka tre gange så meget som i grøn te." (citat fra:

Det var bare det ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Jeg har for nyligt købt hvid the hos rigtig god the- og når man så blander lidt tørret citrongræs i  :w00t:

Superfed side! :)


Jeg ville høre om der findes the der ikke indeholder koffein, men samtidig smager godt og indeholder alle de gode ting. Nu er der selvfølgelig intet der slår elefanten som en g´nat drinks, men en koffein-fri the ville nu heller ikke være af vejen. :)

Hov!: Vores alle sammens Tommyboy var jo ligefrem behjælpelig her!:

Økologisk Kukicha te ("Three Year Tea") (specielt rig på mineraler og ingen koffein) (fra urtekram)

Men flere forslag modtages gernel.

Edited by Torben F.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
Undskyld men hvor meget grøn the kan man tilladse sig at drikke, hvis nu man bliver testet til et styrkestævne??

Jeg tror ikke det er noget du skal bekymre dig om. Grøm te indeholder væsentligt mindre koffein end kaffe. Hvis du lader den trække i kort tid og først hælder vandet over tebladende ca. 10 min. efter kogning er der endnu mindre koffein i og desuden smager teen bedre samtidig med at teen bibeholder sine sunde egenskaber.

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hmm er ikke så meget inde i THE haløjet, men;

1. Er det ikke noget med at der skal voldmængder til før man drager fordel af egenskaberne?

2. Hvilken approach kan anbefales, hvis jeg vil hive grøn the med i min lille thermos termoflaske istedet for den normale kaffe (skal holde 6-8 timer, ikke 2-6 min)?

3. Min eks, snakkede også altid om den hvide the; hvilket ER at foretrække, har indtil nu bare brugt alm the breve ala. Saint Pauli; men til MIT formål, hvad kan så anbefales?



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  • 2 years later...


50% of neuronal plasma membranes are made up of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA. In the brain, DHA is converted to a compound called neuroprotectin D1 which inhibits inflammatory gene expression, blocks compounds that induce neuronal cell death, and increases the activity of compounds that prevent neuronal cell death. DHA is sort of like green tea: If you aren't taking it every day, you're crazy.
Green tea was the most ìpresented onî herb of the bunch. One study showed that only 90 mg of EGCG combined with 100 mg of caffeine lead to a 24% increase in resting energy expenditure (don't get too excited, as this wasn't 24% over 24 hours). A study from Harvard also showed that green tea can reduce inflammation at the RNA level by altering cytokine expression. Seriously, if you aren't drinking green tea every day, you're just crazy.

Er noget grøn the bedre end andet?

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Ikke helt det svar du fisker efter, men anyways: det der smager godt, så du drikker en masse.

Prøv at kigge inde på De har en masse gode at vælge i mellem. Og der er uomtvistligt kvalitetsforskel på random lipton/fredsted/whatever grøn te, sammenligned med hvad du finder på chaplon. I de små billige te-poser, er det nærmest te-støv.

Desuden kan man sige at det fra chaplon har en højere grading, end hvad man finder i de små te-poser. Højere grading betyder større stykker, hvilket bedre kan holde på smag, aroma og måske også alle "de sunde ting".

Edited by Torben F.
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