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Til dem af jer, som følger med i det amerikanske (ikke IPF) SL miljø.

EFS er gået i gang med pre-updates til stævnet så lad os lige poste

video/billeder og senere resultater i en tråd, for dem der ikke skulle bevæge sig væk fra MOL.

Nok ikke de mest seriøse updates indtil videre, men det er vel en start.

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De opdaterer desværre ikke med billeder og videoer før stævnet er overstået, da de sidder på en crappy forbindelse.

We arrived in late this afternoon. Jim arrived at the meet earlier today and as he left I gave him the video camera and asked him to get some pre-meet clips. I should have known what to expect leaving Jim alone with a video camera. Take a look at the video link above and you will see what I mean.

I am not sure what kinda of updates we will be able to provide from the meet site. We could not get in but I am 1000% sure there will not be a broadband connection and I am getting a very week single with my spriint card. I will do some testing tomorrow and see.

We should still be able to get some type of text update durring the day ( I hope ). Pictures and videos may have to wait.

With the pics and videos there is an issue that I would like to address before we post anything. There are a couple companies who have also sponsored this event that sell videos and pics online. This is the business they are in. I do not feel right postiing pictures and videos of all lifters as these companies are paying for the right to do this and will be making them available after the meet.

We will however posts our team guys and some of the most popular lifts (if we get them - It will be very crowded in the hall).

- Dave Tate

Amatures are runing today. Meet site turned out to be better than I first thought it would be. It looked VERY small from the outside but it will work nicely. It will however be crowed tomorrow. We are set up for tex, pictures and video feeds. We will try to post them as we get them in.

Mark Bell just walked up to me eatting 7 cookie and a gatorade. He head is HUGE. Just big but GIANT. He also is wearing green sunglasses and really camo shorts. He face is also pink and I know for a fact he avoides the sun like a vampire.

Oh, Mark says Hi

- Dave Tate

We now know the video uploads will not work with the connection we have. They will have to be loaded after the meet. We just tried to upload a clip to u-tube and gave up on it after 45 minutes uploading.

You know it is a power meet when the announer has a spit cup, metalica is playing, and there are more black T-shirts than a goth feast.

As the amauters finish up their squats the smell of blue heat, ployester and canvas fill the air. After the chalk dust has settled Mike "paper" Stuchiner is left with a 775 squat and is on his way to his first Elite total. I used to train with Mike and know he has been chasing this total for many many many years. After his does this I NEVER want to hear ANY shit about poor gentics again.

As the disco ball spins in the middle of the main floor we notice amoungst the tribal tatooes there is a 1:1 short to untied work boot ratio. As we step away we are left with the following squat ( sorry we do not have them all ).

Chicken Hawk - 905

Sean Donegan 850 for a 40lb PR

Sean L-Italien - 900 for a 100lb PR

John Randle - 650

Jason Adams - 755

From our friends at Diablo Barbell

Dalen Randa - 775

Steve Bartlett - 550

illary Harper - 515

Steve Flaming - 725

Dan Varela - 745

Charlie Telesco - 785

David Saldivar - 835

Amy Weisberger - 590

- Dave Tate

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Hvad har de bombet, David?

Hvad sker der iøvrigt for Vogelpohl? Han er da ikke ligefrem blevet stærkere af at tage 20 kg på.

Jeg ved det desværre ikke. EFS kommer med komplet resultat liste i morgen. På de vedhæftede filer fremgår nogen.

Enig. Chucks resultat var mindre godt end forventet. 50 pund mindre i squatten end han hidtil har presset. Han har dog længe ligget i 275 så det er intet nyt dér.

Mark Bartley er desuden ude, nået med at hans ene quad. Heldigvis ikke så slemt.


Edited by anonymiseret-bruger
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Vogelpohl har jo nærmest lavet det samme i 100kg klassen som han nu laver i 125kg.

Ja, det er ikke meget galt. Det kan måske tyde på at den gamle mand er ved at brænde ud?

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