One-arm chins


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Faldt lige over det her på et andet forum, og tænkte at der måske var andre der var interesserede. Det er desværre en del ude af rækkevidde for mig endnu....

1. Com Alexander Lechner from Germany who chins himself on one arm

at the bodyweight of well over 200 pounds has posted the following

outstanding program for mastering this extreme feat on our forum:

"1. Use a head high bar. Stand erect, no hanging, and grip it with

your right hand. The elbow angle should be 90°. Grab your right

elbow, biceps, or shoulder with your left hand. Now pull with

your right as hard as possible and your body will lift of the

floor. Lock off and go down.

The most important point: when you pull keep the legs locked!

When you do the negative don't go to a full hang but stop when the

feet touch the floor, your elbow at 90°. Do two sets of low reps.

Work slowly, no bouncing, just pulling.

You will feel when it´s time to help less and less with your

assistance hand. Work until you can do a one-arm chin from this

position. It does not take long, gives you the feeling of a OAC,

and it´s highly motivating. Once you can chin from the 90°

position, increase the height of the bar by 2" and start all over.

2. After the first exercise do uneven chinups with a 20" long

towel. Dead hang free for 5 seconds, than grab the towel with the

free hand and do a pullup. But not until the chin is over the

bar, just the first 2/3. The first and the second exercises will

cover the full ROM with a slight overlap. When you have done the

negative, let the towel hand go, do a 5 second free dead hang,

grab the towel again and pull up. This strengthens the hands

pretty good and gives you the feeling of the lock break, the

difficult start of the dead hang OAC. The sets are the same as in

the first exercise.

With this method you will get a start and a strong finish. All in

all, a really strong one arm chin through the complete ROM without

sticking points."

Remember to keep your shoulder sucked into its socket during the

free hangs! If you don't, you will get injured. If you can't, you

are not ready for this program. And let us be clear: the OAC is a

dangerous stunt.

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Lyder fornuftigt..

Må man spørge, fra hvilket forum?

Lidt søgning gav:;#entry599762

aka pavels netsted

Som der står er det vist taget fra et nyhedsbrev, men mon ikke denne artikel indeholder tilstrækkeligt til de fleste:

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Hmm… så er det bare lige at finde den justerbare stang i træningscenteret.. det er jo desværre ik’ noget de plejer at gøre så meget i.

Og dog… måske er der endelig noget fornuftigt at bruge Smith-stativet til :cool:

Slightly off topic, men smith stativet er også udemærket til inverted rows. Jeg er ihvertfald blevet ret glad for den øvelse.

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Slightly off topic, men smith stativet er også udemærket til inverted rows. Jeg er ihvertfald blevet ret glad for den øvelse.

Inverted Rows er en god øvelse. Mangler man variation kan man forsøger med håndklæder, blaststraps, fødderne på en skammel eller bruge ekstra modstand, som en vægtvest. Så kan man ihf. få træningen til at gå det næste lange stykke tid. :smile:

Edited by anonymiseret-bruger
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Inverted Rows er en god øvelse. Mangler man variation kan man forsøger med håndklæder, blaststraps, fødderne på en skammel eller bruge ekstra modstand, som en vægtvest. Så kan man ihf. få træningen til at gå det næste lange stykke tid. :smile:

Jeps... er også selv begyndt at lave inverted rows i smithstativet... det er en super opvarmningsøvelse til ryggen.

Vil i øvrigt (igen igen) linke til en interessant kropsvægt-side (inkl. one-arm chins):



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