Opvarmningsprogram til bænkpres


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Jeg ville høre om nogle evt. kunne hjælpe mig med det ideelle opvarmningsprogram til bænkpress, det må alt i alt tage ca. 20min.

Grunden til jeg spørger er, at jeg skal bruge det på gymnasiet, og jeg ville garanteret kunne imponere min idrætslære hvis jeg laver et optimalt opvarmningsprogram.

Kravene er følgende: De øvelser der benyttes under opvamningsfasen skal kunne forklares således at man fortæller hvilke muskelgrupper der benyttes. Desuden er endnu et krav at ryggen skal varmes grundigt op.


PS. Hvis nogle har spørgsmål, fordi emnet ikke er blevet præciseret nok, så skriv dem med glæde :D

Edited by Vetö
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Inden man træner så skal man jo varme op, altså sætte blodcirkulationen i gang. Du siger at det max. må tage 20 min. Så hvis man starter med en generel opvarmning f.eks. cykle på en kondicykel i 8-10 min. Og derefter en specifik opvarmning. Altså en opvarmning i bænkpres. Dette gøres for at varme den specifikke kropsdel, der skal i brug.

Og det tror jeg gøres bedst, ved at kører øvelsen igennem, dog med lagt mindre vægt på end, hvad du ellers ville, havde trænet med. Øvelsen bør dog ikke blive kørt så mange gange igennem, at man bliver udmattet, kun så man lige bliver opvarmet og kropstemperaturen når at stige. Hvis man gør det så burde man være nok opvarmet, så ens muskler kan yde sit max. Når man opvarmer skaber man, som sagt, en blodcirkulation.

Det gøres dels for at mindske risikoen for at få skader, og for at musklerne for tilført noget energi og kommer af med affaldsstofferne.

Der ligger lidt mere idet. For det er ikke kun for ens musklers skyld, det er også pg. af ledene, senerne og nervesystemet som kontrollere musklerne. Hvis du så lidt hen ad vejen putter flere kilo på vægten så når nervesystemet at vende sig til belastningen.

Håber det var svar nok ;) ;) ;)

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hvorfor skal ryggen også varmes op??? Er det bare et af lærenes tossede krav?? :)

Du kan lige få et udklip fra Max-OT programmet omkring opvarmning:

Here we are going to take the Bench Press and show you a proper warm-up technique that will allow you to lift more weight on your heavy sets. Remember, more weight - more overload - more muscle.

Again well use 275 as your heavy weight. If you typically warm-up and train like I pointed out earlier the 275 will feel a lot lighter this time.

First Set: 135 x 12 reps (warm-up)

These should be good smooth reps. Not too slow and not to fast. Your main goal is to increase blood flow and get the feel of the movement and the weight. After this first set you should rest about 2 minutes.

Second Set: 135 x 10 reps (warm-up)

Same weight as before. Rhythm should be a little faster this time. Not much faster. Rest about 2 minutes.

Third Set: 185 x 6 reps (warm-up)

This should be a deliberate set done at a moderate pace. This is the next step in weight acclimation. It should feel light and 4 reps should be very easy. Rest about 2 to 3 minutes before the next set.

Fourth Set: 225 x 3 reps (weight acclimation)

You should follow the same rhythm as in the last set. 3 strong reps. Rest 2  minutes before next set.

Fifth Set: 255 x 1 rep (weight acclimation)

That's right, just 1 rep. The purpose here is weight acclimation. This should be a strong, powerful and deliberate rep.

Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Set: 285 x 4 to 6 reps (muscle-building)

These are the muscle building sets. Very important. These are the only sets that produce muscle growth. All the sets leading up to these heavy sets are merely warm-up sets and are treated as just that and nothing more.

Notice we went to 285 instead of 275. Warming up the Max-OT allows you to use heavier weight during the most important muscle building sets.

Så må du selv regne procentsatserne ud.

Edited by Jast
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Her er et opvarmningsprogram til 1RM i bænkpres taget fra ironmagazine.com

Dette inkluderer også rotatorcuff øvelser

Finding Your One-Rep Max

 To determine your 1 rep max you should not train for 48 hours. You should also perform the test before you do any other exercise. If you try and test your 1 rep max after a hard workout you will not be able to lift maximum weight. You need to warm up properly before lifting, this will help to increase your strength and prevent injury. Start off by doing 5 minutes of light cardio (stationary bike, treadmill, jogging in place, etc.). Then do the following stretching and warm up exercises.

Arm circles:

Keep your arms straight and perform arm circles forwards and backwards. Do 15-20 circles in each direction.

Push ups:

Do a couple sets of push ups (do 20-30 total reps, i.e. 2 sets of 15 reps). Do not work too hard, you only want to get the blood flowing and warm up your joints.

Arm rotation for the rotator cuff:

Warm up your shoulder joints by standing with your arms straight out to the sides, bend your elbows so they are at 90 degree angles. Rotate your arms so that your forearms point up and then rotate your arms so that your forearms point out in front. Do 20-30 rotations.

Rear dumbbell flyes:

Hold a pair of light dumbbells and bend over at the waist. Keeping your back parallel to the floor, move just your arms and lift the dumbbells to the back in a fly motion. Really focus on squeezing the back of your shoulders together as you lift the dumbbells. Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

Here's how to determine your 1 rep max.

(Note: make sure to have an experienced spotter handy just in case you need help lifting the barbell.)

Do a couple of light sets for 5 reps. (do not wear your self out with too many reps)

Rest 2 minutes.

Increase the weight and do a set of 3 reps.

Rest 2 minutes.

Increase the weight and do another set of 3 reps.

Rest 3 minutes.

Increase the weight and do a single rep

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