Reduform - 8% vægttab på 4 uger

The Bear

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HMM.. de sælger nu det her fedt bindende middel inde på getbig, og jeg er syntes det lyder lidt for godt ti lat være sandt. Det går ud på at man tager 10 - 12 piller om dagen som indeholder reduform binder fedt til sig således at man kan tabe op til 750 gram fedt om måneden ved hjælp af de her piller.

Man kan læse om reduform her .. under slankeprodukter og så reduform...

Men tror i på den ? Er der nogen med erfaringer ?


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øhm.. den nakker jo det fedt du spiser ? det virker umiddelbart meningsløst at købe Udo's Choice bare for at skide det ud, fordi man også tager

reduform :lol:

Hvis man spiser så meget fedt at der skal diverse tilskud til for at undgå optagelse af alt fedtet, så er det måske smartere at justere lidt på sin kost :kj:

Edited by -Anders-
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Endnu en gang mambo jambo fra getbig :blink:

Chitosan supplementation does not affect fat absorption in healthy males fed a high-fat diet, a pilot study.

Gades MD, Stern JS.

Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis, California 95616, USA.

BACKGROUND: The use of dietary supplements, especially those for weight control, is increasing. Advertising claims for some of these supplements may give consumers unrealistic expectations. For example, it is claimed that the supplement chitosan can block the absorption of up to 120 g of dietary fat per day. OBJECTIVE: To test the effect of a chitosan supplement used as directed, on the absorption of dietary fat. DESIGN: Seven healthy male volunteers with average age 28, range 23-30, average body mass index (BMI) 26, range 23-31, maintained a high fat intake (>120 g/day) for 12 days. On days 6-9, chitosan was taken as directed by the manufacturer prior to meals and snacks and totaled 15 capsules or 5.25 g of chitosan daily. A charcoal marker was consumed on days 2, 6 and 10 to mark the baseline and supplement periods. All feces were collected on days 2-12, and were divided based on the appearance of charcoal in the feces. Fecal fat content corresponding to the four baseline and four chitosan-supplemented days was measured. RESULTS: Average dietary fat intake did not differ between baseline (135+/-5 g), and chitosan (135+/-3 g) periods. Fecal fat excretion did not differ between the two periods (6.9+/-1.0 g/day baseline; 6.8+/-0.4 g/day chitosan). The fecal fat content as a percentage of fat consumed did not differ (5.1+/-0.7% baseline, 5.0+/-0.3% chitosan). Fecal mass did not differ (176+/-26 g/day baseline, 182+/-14 g/day chitosan). CONCLUSION: Consumption of this chitosan supplement did not increase fecal fat content and therefore did not block fat absorption.

In the absence of dietary surveillance, chitosan does not reduce plasma lipids or obesity in hypercholesterolaemic obese Asian subjects.

Ho SC, Tai ES, Eng PH, Tan CE, Fok AC.

Department of Endocrinology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of Absorbitol on body weight, anthropometry, body composition, blood pressures and lipid profiles in obese, hypercholesterolaemic subjects without dietary restriction. DESIGN: A randomised, double blind. Placebo-controlled study. SUBJECTS: Normal volunteers with no history of chronic illnesses (n=88) who were obese (body fat percentage > 20% in males and > 30% in females) and hypercholesterolaemic (total cholesterol > 5.20 mmol/L). Sixty-eight (72.3%) subjects completed the study. INTERVENTION: After a 4 week run in phase, 4 placebo/Absorbitol (250 mg) capsules were prescribed 3 times a day before meals. Subjects received written information on healthy lifestyle but there was no dietary restriction or monitoring. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Weight, body mass index, lean body mass, waist, hip, blood pressure, fasting lipids and insulin levels were taken at baseline, 4th and 16th week of the study. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PERFORMED: Analyses were on an intention-to-treat basis. Comparisons between groups were made using Student's t and Mann-Whitney tests for parametric and non-parametric data respectively. RESULTS: There was no significant change in the measured parameters in Absorbitol treated subjects compared to those on placebo, with exception of HDL-cholesterol which increased in the absorbitol group and decreased in the placebo group (p=0.048). The side effects of Absorbitol were also comparable to that of placebo. CONCLUSIONS: In the absence of dietary surveillance, Absorbitol does not bring about improvement in weight, anthropometry, body composition, blood pressure or lipid profile.

Randomized, double-blind trial of chitosan for body weight reduction.

Pittler MH, Abbot NC, Harkness EF, Ernst E.

Department of Complementary Medicine, School of Postgraduate Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Exeter, United Kingdom.

BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity is a prevalent and costly threat to public health. Compelling evidence links overweight and obesity with serious disorders such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Dietary regimen are notoriously burdened with poor compliance. Chitosan is promoted in the US and other countries as an oral remedy to reduce fat absorption and has now been incorporated as a major constituent into several over-the-counter remedies. The primary aim of this study is to investigate the clinical effectiveness of oral chitosan for body weight reduction. METHODS: Thirty-four overweight volunteers were included in a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind trial. Subjects were assigned to receive either four capsules of chitosan or indistinguishable placebo twice daily for 28 consecutive days. Measurements were taken at baseline, after 14 and 28d of treatment. Subjects maintained their normal diet and documented the type and amount of food consumed. Adverse effects were assessed and compliance monitored. RESULTS: Data from 30 subjects were entered into an intention-to-treat analysis. After four weeks of treatment, body mass index, serum cholesterol, triglycerides, vitamin A, D, E and beta-carotene were not significantly different in subjects receiving chitosan compared to those receiving placebo. Vitamin K was significantly increased after four weeks in the chitosan group compared with placebo (P<0.05). Compliance was 91.5% and 96.0% for chitosan and placebo groups respectively. CONCLUSION: The above data suggest that chitosan in the administered dosage, without dietary alterations, does not reduce body weight in overweight subjects. No serious adverse effects were reported.

Comparative evaluation of fecal fat excretion induced by orlistat and chitosan.

Guerciolini R, Radu-Radulescu L, Boldrin M, Dallas J, Moore R.

F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Palo Alto, California, USA.

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of chitosan and orlistat on fecal fat excretion. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURE: A randomized, open-label, two-period sequential design study was used. A total of 12 healthy adult volunteers within 20% of their ideal body weight entered a 7-day run-in diet period before being randomized to orlistat (120 mg) or chitosan (890 mg) three times daily for 7 days. Subjects then crossed over treatment regimens for an additional 7-day period. Subjects followed a standardized diet (2500 kcal/d, 30% as fat) for the entire 21-day study. Feces were collected on days 4 to 7 of the run-in period (baseline) and during the two treatment periods. Mean daily fecal fat excretion was measured at baseline and during each treatment regimen. RESULTS: Mean baseline fecal fat excretion for all subjects was 1.36 +/- 0.45 g/d. During orlistat treatment, mean fecal fat excretion significantly increased from baseline (+16.13 +/- 7.27 g/d; p < 0.001). No significant effect was observed with chitosan (+0.27 +/- 1.02 g/d; p = 0.379). Fecal fat excretion was significantly greater with orlistat than with chitosan (p < 0.001; 95% confidence intervals: 11.73; 20.00 g/d). DISCUSSION: This study provides additional evidence of the inhibitory effect of orlistat on dietary fat absorption. Chitosan, however, has no effect on fecal fat excretion.

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Cilius's indlæg siger det hele... Jeg prøvede det for halvandet års tid siden og det virkede (heller) ikke på mig... Endnu engang penge ud af vinduet....

Har dog noget chitosan tilbage og tager et par piller hvis jeg skal ud og spise usundt... Så har jeg det bedre med mig selv psykisk :rolleyes:...

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Giver alle ret...Hvor pokker er det intelligente i at binde det fedt man spiser ?????

vi kan alle skrive side op og ned om at have en god portion skepsis overfor produktet. Men hvad er MENINGEN med det her produkt ???? Hvorfor binde det fedt man skal bruge til optagelse at vigtige macronæringsstoffer og vitaminer med ???

For mig lyder det produkt som idioti som til gengæld kan sælge for rigtig mange millioner..

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Har ikke prøvet det.

Men man kan finde en del positive referencer til studier der går ind for det herunder (vær opmærksom på at de er fra en producent, men hvis nogle gider grave i dem kunne det da være spændende)

De besvarer også nogle af kritik punkterne som man også nemt kan finde referencer til på en hurtig google søgning. Lader til der findes flere forskkellige former for chitosan og at de ikke alle er lige aktive. Tillige lader det til at der ikke altid er så meget chitosan i som der står oplyst på labelet.

Kan dog kun anbefale at spise mere sundt og lave noget mere da det er den eneste holdbare løsning i det lange løb. Hvis man skal tage det med et fedt tilskud skal man nok ikke tage de to ting samtidig, det giver vel næsten sig selv:

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