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jeg er også interesseret hvis der er nogen som har en trainer de vil af med til billige penge :lol: PM mig venligst hvis det er tilfældet.

Det er ellers rigtig spændende at læse hvordan det går med træningen med dem. Har i mærket nogle forbedringer hvor i kunne bruge jeres grebsstyrke (udover at i har nemmere ved at lukke CoC'erne)?

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Grip Training 101

How much can bench? How many times have you heard that? What’s your best squat? How about dead lift? Everybody wants to be good at these lifts. But when was the last time during the day that you where laying down and someone handed you something that you had to press to arms length? Afterwards, you thought, man, am I glad I can bench 400! Same thing with squat and dead lifts. They are fun, but if you are not competing, they are not practical.

Enter the world of GRIP TRAINING. No matter if you are a wrestler, baseball player, competitive weightlifter, or a golfer strong hands are an advantage. Grip is divided into 3 main categories. Crush-Support-Pinch. I am going to touch on all three and try and give you examples on how to train each.

CRUSH GRIP- When someone things of strong hands they think of someone who almost broke their hand with a bone-breaking hand shake. This is crush grip.

Crush grip is trained mostly on torsion spring grippers. The most popular being the one from IRON MIND. Oh yes, the captains of crush. Iron Mind makes 5 grippers to take you to just about any level you are will to go to. From a Trainer to the almost invincible #4. These are not your wallmart brand of grippers.

Grippers should be trained similar to the way you would training r a max on your bench. Low reps. While you get a great pump in your hands from high reps, they are not going to do anything for that crunch you need to close the #3 and get your name on the Captains Of Crush list. Of which there are only around 90 right now in the world. Me being one of them.

Ok, let’s say you have been training hard on your grippers and you are down to that last 1/4" but it just won’t budge. There are a few techniques I will tell you about to get you past this point.

My favorite is Negatives. Let’s say you are almost getting the #2 to close. Get the gripper set good in your hand (USE CHALK) now close the gripper all the way by pushing it against your leg. Now let up, and try and hold it there. You won’t be able to hold it long, if at all. Now fight it out until you get about half way open. Now do another one! Do it until you can’t even slow it down. Do about 3 sets of these. Only do them once a week.

Next we have STRAP HOLDS- What you need here is a thin piece of leather or something in the ball park. However you can, hook some weight (start out with 2 1/2 lbs) to the end of the belt. Now, take a gripper that is one below what you are trying to close( If you are working on the #2 take the #1) and close it down on the strap. Now all you have to do is pick the weight up and hold it for as long as you can. Sounds easy right?

Last, but not least are OVERCRUSHES. Here, like strapholds you take one gripper less than you are working on, mash it down, and try to so hard that it flattens. Don’t just touch the handles, try and make them into one. These are all very good ways to improve on your crushing power. ONLY DUE THESE ONCE A WEEK. If done right and as hard as you can, these are very intense. You can do your normal grip training later in the week, but don’t repeat these.

SUPPORT GRIP- This is what big dead lifts are all about. Everyone has heard of ED Coan. Ed can pull 900lbs but can barely close a #2 gripper. Does he have weak hands? I don’t think so! What he has is a freaky support grip. This is trained by simply holding a bar for time or even for a max out of a power rack. Set it so you just have to pick it up about 2” or so. Use an Overhand grip. Also try training with a thick bar. These are anything larger than your standard bar. I have used 2” all the way up to 3”. Try doing over dead lifts with these. Not an ego booster! By the way for you guys that grapple, these kick butt!

Last we have PINCH GRIP- Next time you go the gym, take a pair of 45lb plates and put them together smooth sides out. Now, grab them with one hand and pick them up. Impossible right? I have seen it done with the right hand and left hand at the same time! I have also seen 2 plates picked up and pass from hand to hand going around his back! Or, how about doing pull-ups on the rafters in your basement or your garage. This lift is all about the thumb and fingers. The best way I have found to train this is pinching plates as mentioned above, and plate curls. When you start plate pinching start with 2 10’s just to get the feel of it. Work you way up to 2 -25’s or if you are really a stud, 45’s.Now, plate curls. Here I want you to grab a 25lb plate with one hand, smooth side up. Now curl the plate keeping your wrist from bending. I have also seen this done with a 45!

I have touched base on just a few ways to get rid of that wet fish grip that you have. Work on these and watch you other lifts improve also. Not to mention the growth you will get in your forearms.


Train hard and train smart

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hmm.... får man flere muskler i sine hænder ved at træne med COC, så ens hænder kommer til at se større ud?? Det er lidt nitte at rende rundt med sådan nogle tynde hænder, som ikke passer til resten af kroppen... mmh..??

Nej - der sidder ikke rigtigt nogle muskler i selv hænderne. Fingerledene bevæges via sener. Musklerne sidder i underarmen :)

Ny rekord i langsomt svar... man skal lige se efter når man har været i gang med et svar længe....

Edited by Arne
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Der sidder da nogle muskler i hænderne. Tommelen har både en adduktor, en abduktorer, en fleksor samt en musculus opponens (gør at tommelen kan lave cirkler) . Lillefingeren har nogenlunde de samme muskler + at der findes et par muskler til 2-4 finger også. Jeg ved dog ikke hvor meget hypertrofi der kan rives ud af disse muskler, men uhyrligt stærke kan de blive!

Edited by laush
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Jo, der er selvfølgelig muskler i hånderne!

Der er Thenar gruppen som er tommelfingerballens muskelgruppe, som består af 4 forskellige muskler. Og så er der Hypothenar som er lillefingerballens muskelgruppe, som ligeledes består af 4 forskellige muskler.

Derudover er der muskler som sidder mellem mellemhåndsknoglerne: Mm.Interossei og Mm.lumbricales.

Men som der rigtigt nok er sagt, så er det primært underarmenes muskulatur der bliver trænet med COC. De muskler som sidder i hånderne er for små og svage til at udvikle den kraft der skal til at lukke en COC. De bruges mest til de mere fine bevægelser i hånderne. Eksempelvis penselgrebet når man fatter om en kuglepind / Blyant.

Men jeg vil da mene at specielt Thenar muskelgruppen bliver brugt ret meget når en COC skal lukkes.

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Det ses tydeligt når håndens muskler atrofierer. Stykket mellem tommelen og håndledet bliver helt fladt, og hånden synes "lang".

Når der er (stor) forskel mellem muskelstyrken i de to hænder, føles det som om de ting man holder på er "glatte" (når man sammenligner). Så - håndmusklerne bruges meget til at holde tingene man holder på i stilling, hvor styrken mere kommer fra underarmen. Dette skyldes også insertionen af musklerne, hvor de mest distale (længst ude på fingrene) besættes af underarms musklerne. :)

Edited by Jørgen L
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Folk der udtaler at der ikke er nogen muskler i hænderne og fingerene har øjensynligt aldrig skulle lære dem udenad. Så er der nemlig rigeligt. Men der er ikke det store vækstpotentiale i dem, det er da rigtigt.

Edited by jsc
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Hvaffor nogle muskler??

Jooooo, skulle droppe alle de individuelle betegnelser for underarmsmusklerne, og så bare kalde det ekstensor-logen og fleksor-logen. Ikke så meget pjat der. At det nok ikke helt kommer til at fungere i en diagnostisk henseende er en anden snak. Men hvad, det hele kan jo ikke være perfekt :tongue:


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Share on other sites skulle droppe alle de individuelle betegnelser for underarmsmusklerne, og så bare kalde det ekstensor-logen og fleksor-logen. Ikke så meget pjat der. At det nok ikke helt kommer til at fungere i en diagnostisk henseende er en anden snak. Men hvad, det hele kan jo ikke være perfekt 

Hehe! Jeps, det gjorde vi også da jeg læste til massør, men efter jeg er blevet fysioterapeut studerende er det bare med at kunne de muskler, for vi skal kunne dem i både i Anatomieksamen i 2.semester og i Manuel Væv eksamen i 4 semester :blink:

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