Nice and clean power building


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På nye apparater, som fx den jeg nævner, er der i forvejen installeret protokoller på, der kan benyttes af selv en 5 årig. Jeg benytter mig selv af disse protokoller per instruks fra min coach.

Du havde en gammel EMS ikke? Jeg kunne forestille mig at alt skulle indstilles manuelt på denne?

Jeg synes konceptet er interessant. Men jeg vil umiddelbart vurdere at det nok er svært at vide hvordan man kan inkorperere dette på en meningsfyldt måde i ens øvrige træning med mindre man har noget ekspert erfaring at trække på.

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Lige pt føler jeg mig ikke så vanvittig beskidt. Jeg har snart fablet i et år, ellere mere om Nordland cup, og nu hver der er 3 måneder til, tvivler jeg stærkt på at jeg kan blive klar til at levere noget som helst brugbart.

Anyway du har fuldstændig ret. Jeg er som jeg er, og jeg bliver aldrig Happy gilmore. Omvendt tror jeg tit at folk overfortolker min til tider negative eller lidt pessimistiske tilgang til livet. Jeg er generelt lidt forbeholden anlagt.

Ligeledes er jeg jeg heller ikke typen der slynger om mig med bortforklaringer og undskyldninger. Jeg har ofte en forklaring på hvorfor tingene er som de er, men det er bestemt ikke det samme som hverken bortforklaringer eller undskyldninger. Jeg vil som så mange andre, gerne det hele, og har svært ved at acceptere at livet er et kompromis.

"bad energy begets bad and good energy begets good"

Det tog mig lang tid at forstå dette koncept, i sær når man har brugt had og vrede som brændstof gennem mange år, men da min træner først fik banket det ind i knolden på mig, ikke mere end et par måneder siden, blev mit liv inklusiv træning langt bedre.

Jeg synes konceptet er interessant. Men jeg vil umiddelbart vurdere at det nok er svært at vide hvordan man kan inkorperere dette på en meningsfyldt måde i ens øvrige træning med mindre man har noget ekspert erfaring at trække på.

Det er nu slet slet ikke så besværligt. Om ikke andet vil jeg altid kunne hjælpe dig. I starten af maj måned skal jeg 5 dage til Berlin med skoleklassen.

Jeg sender min EMS afsted så du kan prøve den. Men mind mig lige om det.

Edited by Athlete X
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"bad energy begets bad and good energy begets good"

Det tog mig lang tid at forstå dette koncept, i sær når man har brugt had og vrede som brændstof gennem mange år, men da min træner først fik banket det ind i knolden på mig, ikke mere end et par måneder siden, blev mit liv inklusiv træning langt bedre.

Jeg føler nu ikke at jeg går rundt som en stor torden sky. Men jeg har et ret aktivt liv på mange områder. Arbejde, træning, familie, religion, m.m, alle er ting der fylder en del på mere end en måde. Derfor er det umuligt at levere 100% på alle områder. Jeg må definere rammerne de enkelte ting kan og skal fungere under, og så få det bedste ud af disse. Men når man gerne vil være den bedste man kan, til det hele, bliver resultatet desværre at noget af det alligevel bliver middelmådigt, og det er naturligvis utilfredsstillende.

Når det så er sagt, så er det ikke helt irrelevant at jeg ER deprisivt anlagt.

Det er nu slet slet ikke så besværligt. Om ikke andet vil jeg altid kunne hjælpe dig. I starten af maj måned skal jeg 5 dage til Berlin med skoleklassen.

Jeg sender min EMS afsted så du kan prøve den. Men mind mig lige om det.

Cool. Will do

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Here below you can find a brief description of the program included in the electro stimulator


Warm Up:

Increases the muscle's temperature to make it more prepared for training. It also increases the

blood supply and the metabolism in the muscle. Recommended before physical training or


Intensity: moderate or intermediate.

Maximum Force:

Improves the maximum force capacity and increases muscle mass. It allows to train with maximum

loads with fewer risks of injuries compared to classic heavy strength training.

Recommended for all sports where you need maximum strength.

Intensity: Maximum muscle contraction without pain. Active rest should give comfortable

muscle vibrations.

Resistance Force:

Improves the capacity to develop a high level of force over a prolonged period of time and

increases the ability to withstand toxin accumulation and therefore delays the fatigue of the

muscle. To achieve a very high intensity of work the objective is to induce a large number of

long strong contractions alternating with short active rests. This is recommended for sports needing

intense muscle work over a prolonged period of time.

Intensity: intermediate or maximum. The Active Rest should give muscle vibrations.

Explosive Force:

This program increases the capacity to rapidly achieve a maximum force expression. The objective

is to use the largest amount of muscles in the shortest possible time. It is advisable to start

with a maximum force program in order to prepare the muscle for the Explosive Force.

Recommended for all sports characterized by maximum force expressions with natural load e.g.

sprint, ball sports, alpine skiing. Intensity: maximum, muscle contraction without pain. The

Active Rest should give muscle vibrations.


To improve the reactivity it is necessary to increase the quick contraction of the fast fibres and

the receptive activity of the myo-tactical nervous fibres. It is advisable to combine this treatment

with pliometric and proprioceptive activities in order to complete the reactivity training. The

muscle contractions are brief, very strong and at a very high speed. For all sports needing quick

acceleration and reaction capacity e.g. ball sports, combat sports, sprint.

Intensity: maximum, muscle contraction without pain. The Active Rest should give muscle vibrations.

Muscle Relaxation:

Enables a very effective muscle relaxation thanks to the comfortable vibrations that increase the

circulation. These programs can be used at any occasion when muscle relaxation is needed.

Intensity: from moderate to intermediate.


Increases the blood supply to the muscle and improves the resistance quality and recovery. This

circulation increasing, allows to maintain active the primary and secondary capillary system that

improves the tissue oxygenation. This gives a delayed fatigue during very intense work. The capillarisation

programs are especially recommended for sports where resistance strength and endurance

are important.

Intensity: intermediate.

Recovery post competition/training:

It increases the ability to regain muscular capacity after training or competition. The stimulation

varies from muscular vibrations to light contractions that allows a circulation improvement and

a minor muscle hardening. This program also relieves the pain due to the endorphin production.

This program is recommended for all sports because it helps to recover rapidly the maximum

capacity of the muscle. It is advisable to be used after 8–24 hours of training or competition.

Intensity: from moderate to intermediate



The combined stimulation achieved by the four channels of the stimulator produces a muscular

pumping effect, starting at the extremity of the limb and spreading all the way to its root. The

pumping action, mainly activates the venous but also the lymphatic systems by mechanical effect.

Its objective is to improve the circulation and to promote the elimination of toxins.

Intensity: from moderate to intermediate.


The low frequency of this program has a positive effect on the metabolism; it increases the capacity

to eliminate toxins and unwanted fluids. This method enables to model the undesirable areas

modifying the metabolism of lipocytes. It improves circulation and increases the capacity to eliminate

the orange skin appearance. Intensity: from moderate to intermediate.


It enables a very effective decontraction of the muscle due to the comfortable vibrations that

increase the circulation and help the muscle to relax. These programs can be used at any occasion

when muscle relaxation is needed.

Intensity: intermediate.


The program is suitable for sedentary people who have weak muscles that have lost some of their

bulk. It prepares the muscle to more intense stimulations. It can be used every day on large

muscle groups such as the thighs, abdominal and dorsal muscles.

Intensity: from intermediate to elevated.


The toning program offers genuine maintenance work for muscular tone. This type of training

session is of moderate intensity, making it suitable for everyone without causing muscle soreness.

The program is specially aimed at those who, attentive to their physical condition, are looking

for a complement to their regular training. It can be undertaken three times a week.

Intensity: from intermediate to elevated


The sculpting program is the last phase in a complete aesthetic program. The program is aimed

at those who desire to obtain muscular sculpting in place where traditional muscle-building

exercises are insufficient. The sculpting program produces intense work and for this reason it is

normal for some muscle soreness to be felt during the hours following sessions of this nature.

You can prevent the soreness by executing some stretching exercises before and after the session

or you can associate a relaxation program.

Intensity: from intermediate to elevated

Muscular mass increasing:

Special program to increase the volume and the muscular mass.

Intensity: maximum muscle contraction without pain.

It is advisable to carry out a warm up program before starting any Firming, Toning, Sculpting,

Body Sculpting and Mass program.


Tens utilizes the nervous system's own pain relief mechanism to ease both acute and chronic pain.

When stimulating, impulses are sent through the nerves to block the pain impulses. The analgesic

effect occurs during the program execution but it can also last for hours. The duration of this effect

varies. Tens also increases the circulation. Place the electrode on the painful area and start the program.

You can carry out this program on any occasion when pain relief is needed.

Attention! TENS relieves the pain but it does not treat the cause. If the pain persists, seek medical


TENS (Antalgic-EEndorphinic)

It offers effective relaxation of the muscle, as well as pain relief. The TENS utilises

the nervous system's own pain relief mechanism to ease both acute and chronic pain. When stimulating,

impulses are sent through the nerves to block the pain impulses.

You can carry out this program on any occasion when pain relief and muscle relaxation are needed.

Attention! TENS relieves the pain but it does not treat the cause. If the pain persists, seek medical


Intensity: ANTALGIC TENS Pins and needle sensation without pain. Should not cause muscle contraction.

ENDORPHINIC TENS: visible muscle vibrations.

TENS: (Cervical, Lumbago, Periarthritis, Epicondylite, Tunnel Carpal, Sciatica, Knee pain, Achilles'


The TENS utilizes the nervous system's own pain relief mechanism to ease both acute and chronic

pain. When stimulating, impulses are sent through the nerves to block the pain impulses. In this program

we use the stimulation alternative with light contractions that stimulate the release of endorphins.

Attention! TENS relieves the pain but it does not treat the cause. If the pain persists ,seek medical


Intensity: pins and needle sensations without pain.


Atrophy Recovery

Resuming physical activity after a period of interruption. After injuries or other interruption in physical

activity, the muscles often lose strength and muscle mass. It is important to restore normal muscle

capacity as soon as possible. The Atrophy Recovery program, gives the possibility to train specific

muscle that are affected. Can be used on any occasions when resuming activity is needed.

Intensity: from moderate to intermediate.

Muscle Relaxation

This program enables a very effective relaxation of the muscle due to comfortable muscle vibrations

that increase the circulation and help the muscle to relax. Tensed muscles are a common problem

e.g. after an injury or after overworking of muscle. This kind of program can be used in any occasion

when muscle relaxation is needed.

Intensity: moderate.


This program increases the absorption of the muscle haematoma caused by, for example, a contusion.

It also improves the circulation in the involved arm. This program should not be used within 72

hours of the muscle injuries. Always seek medical advice for further information.

Intensity: from intermediate to moderate.

This is a medical device for the presence of clinic stimulation program. It is therefore certified by the

Notified Body Cermet n° 0197 complied with 93/42/CEE requirements. The certification covers clinic


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Træning i BVK i dag

Var overraskende træt. Tror det er ren kombination af at vi var 7 timer hos nogle venner igår og hjalp dem med at male i deres nye hus.

Og så det at jeg trænede Lørdag. Der plejer at være et par dage i mellem


1 x 5 x 20

1 x 5 x 50

1 x 5 x 80

1 x 3 x 110

1 x 3 x 145

3 x 3 x 155

1 x 5 x 155

1 x 3 x 160

Bænkpres m. pause

1 x 10 x 20

1 x 8 x 50

1 x 5 x 80

1 x 3 x 110

5 x 3 x 120

Usædvanligt lidt presse power i dag

Pulldowns - Spadegreb

1 x 8 x 85

1 x 8 x 90

1 x 8 x 95

1 x 8 x 100

1 x 8 x 105

Incline dumbell curls

3 x 10 x 17,5

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Man kan ikke både blæse og have mel i munden..................

BVK i aften


1 x 5 x 50

1 x 5 x 80

1 x 4 x 110

Ryggen drillede lidt, og jeg måtte går hårdere til værks med opvarmningen

1 x 3 x 140

1 x 3 x 160

1 x 3 x 180

1 x 3 x 200

1 x 1 x 210

1 x 5 x 180

1 x 3 x 160

Flat dumbell pres

1 x 10 x 21

1 x 10 x 31

1 x 10 x 41

3 x 8 x 46

1 x 7 x 46

1 x 5 x 46

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Travl dag så træningen blev spilittet i to

Pas 1:


1 x 5 x 20

1 x 5 x 50

1 x 5 x 80

1 x 5 x 110

Bælte på

5 x 5 x 140

Pas 2

Bænkpres med pause

1 x 10 x 20

1 x 8 x 50

1 x 5 x 80

2 x 5 x 100

6 x 5 x 102,5

Dumbell rows

4 x 8 x 51

Incline dumbell curls

5 x 10 x 16

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Træningen Lørdag var liiige tæt nok på denne , da jeg egentlig skulle køre tung squat i dag. Men tung squat lørdag og så igen Mandag er liiiiige presset nok trods alt.

Bænkpres med pause

1 x 10 x 20

1 x 8 x 50

1 x 5 x 80

1 x 3 x 110

1 x 3 x 120

1 x 1 x 130

1 x 1 x 140

1 x 1 x 145 (Helt efter bogen. Lidt sløv, men ellers)

1 x 2 x 130

3 x 1 x 130

1 x 1 x 135

1 x 1 x 140


1 x 5 x 20

1 x 5 x 50

1 x 5 x 80

1 x 3 x 110

1 x 2 x 130

1 x 2 x 150

1 x 2 x 160

1 x 1 x 165

Gad ikke mere. Det spillede ikke i dag. Og så havde jeg fået sat beslagene på powerracket forkert, så den sad et par cm for højt. Jajaja bla bla bla , luk æderen og løft.

Cabel rows, semi wide

1 x 8 x 100

1 x 8 x 110

1 x 8 x 120

1 x 8 x 125


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Træning i BVK igår


1 x 5 x 50

1 x 5 x 80

1 x 3 x 120

1 x 1 x 160

1 x 1 x 180

1 x 1 x 190

2 x 1 x 200

2 x 1 x 202,5

1 x 1 x 205

Flat dumbell pres

1 x 8 x 22,5

1 x 8 x 32,5

1 x 8 x 42,5

5 x 5 x 51

Chest supported rows

1 x 8 x 50

1 x 5 x 80

1 x 5 x 90

1 x 3 x 100

1 x 3 x 105

1 x 3 x 110

1 x 2 x 115

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Imponerende styrke....Hvad vejer du egentligt? Og hvor høj er du?

Tak for det. Jeg ligger normalt omkring de 90kg. Jeg forsøger ikke at ryge alt for meget over, da jeg gerne skal forblive i 90kg klassen hvis jeg skal deltage i konkurrencer. Jeg er 182-83 cm høj :smile:

ChristianSpoer der imod ligger i kakkelovnen til out of this world whop ass til nordland cup :4thumbup:

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Lang dag , med eftermiddags/aften event på arbejdet, så jeg var først hjemme halv ni.

Kort træning i BVK


1 x 5 x 20

1 x 5 x 50

1 x 5 x 80

1 x 3 x 110

Bælte på

1 x 3 x 135

1 x 3 x 145

4 x 3 x 157,5

1 x 3 x 162,5

1 x 1 x 170

Er det Ol eller SL stil. Uanset er det nogle ganske habile kg.

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Træning, træning og atter træning

Bænkpres med pause

1 x 10 x 20

1 x 8 x 50

1 x 5 x 80

1 x 3 x 110

4 x 3 x 130

1 x 1 x 132,5



2 x 5 x 20

1 x 5 x 50

1 x 5 x 85

3 x 5 x 115

2 x 5 x 120

Ingen bælte, hvilket gør at jeg på den måde også får trænet goodmornings i øvelsen. Rigtig smart


1 x 8 x 95

1 x 8 x 100

1 x 8 x 105

2 x 8 x 110

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