træning af bryst


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Jeg er næsten lige starten med at træne, og er begyndt med nogle programmer. jeg synes så det vil være ærgeligt at stoppe mit bryst program i uge 5. så jeg ville bare høre om nogen har en ide til hvordan jeg skal træne mit venstre bryst, når jeg har venstre arm i gips??? :unsure:

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Jeg vil sige, at du skal holde dig i ro indtil du har fået gipsen af, og kan træne normalt igen...! -du kan selvfølgelig god træne mave, læg, (ben)... men hvis du træner videre med bryst, biceps, triceps og ryg som om intet var sket, risikerer du bare at få trænet den ene arm større end den anden, eller den ene pat større end den anden...!

Mvh. Kejseren

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Jeg er godt nok grou uenig ;)

Det nemmeste er jo nok at fyre den af i pec deck'en hvis du træner et sted med sådan en?

Det er ikke den mest fantastiske øvelse, men bedre end ingenting.

Derudover kan enhånds håndvægtspres med den raske side hjælpe på 2 ting:

1. din raske side bliver ikke svagere så du har kun en side at genoptræne.

2. der er meget der tyder på at der er en hvis grad af "cross transfer". Dvs. selv om du kun træner den ene side, vil modsatte side også have en vis (omend begrænset) styrke/massefremgang.

Cross transfer effects of muscular endurance during training and detraining.

Yuza N, Ishida K, Miyamura M.

Junior College Division of Chukyo Women's University, Obu, Aichi, Japan. [email protected]

BACKGROUND: To clarify 1) how the cross-transfer effect, obtained in a contralateral untrained forearm through a 4-week ipsilateral endurance training regimen, is changed during detraining; and 2) how blood flow to the untrained limb is related to the transfer effect of muscular endurance during training and detraining periods. METHODS: Training regimen: hand-grip training by means of a hand-ergometer with a work-load of 1/3 of the maximum handgrip strength 5 times a week for 4 weeks. Blood flow: a mercury-in-rubber strain-gauge for venous occlusion plethysmography. Measures: 1) maximal number of contractions to determine the muscular endurance; 2) reactive hyperaemic blood flow response (RHBF3) to determine whether maximal vasodilatory capacity would be changed in both the forearms post-training and detraining; and 3) maximal work-related blood flow. RESULTS: We found significant increments both in the muscle endurance and the maximal work-related blood flow not only in the trained (+125%, +30%) but also in the untrained (+40%, +19%) forearms. During detraining, we found decreases both in the muscle endurance and the maximal work-related blood flow (-22%, p<0.01; -16%, p=0.053) of the trained forearm. However, in the untrained arm (-3%, NS) the cross-transfer effect of muscular endurance remained unchanged despite a drop in the maximal work-related blood flow (-17%, p<0.05). The RHBF3 did not change in either of the forearms during the whole periods.

CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the maintenance of the cross transfer effect of muscle endurance during detraining cannot be explained on the basis of changes in forearm blood flow.

Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1992;64(2):117-26.  Related Articles, Links 

Effect of one-legged exercise on the strength, power and endurance of the contralateral leg. A randomized, controlled study using isometric and concentric isokinetic training.

Kannus P, Alosa D, Cook L, Johnson RJ, Renstrom P, Pope M, Beynnon B, Yasuda K, Nichols C, Kaplan M.

McClure Musculoskeletal Research Center, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, University of Vermont, Burlington 05405.

The purpose of this investigation was to study the effect of one-legged exercise on the strength, power and endurance of the contralateral leg. The performance of the knee extensor and flexor muscle of 20 healthy young adults (10 men and 10 women) was first tested by Cybex II+ and 340 dynamometers. Then 10 subjects were chosen at random to train using one leg three times a week for 7 weeks whilst the other 10 served as controls. During the 8th week, the tests were repeated.Both quadriceps and hamstring muscles of the trained subjects showed a cross-transfer effect from the trained limb to the untrained side. This concerned the strength and power, as well as endurance characteristics of these muscles. The average change in peak torque of the quadriceps muscle was +19% (P less than 0.001) in the trained limb, +11% (P less than 0.01) in the untrained limb and 0% in the control limbs. In hamstring muscles the changes were +14% (P less than 0.01), +5% and -1%, respectively. Concerning muscle endurance (work performed during the last 5 contractions in the 25-repetition test) the corresponding changes were +15% (P less than 0.01), +7% (P less than 0.01), and -1% in quadriceps muscle, and +17% (P less than 0.05), +7%, and -3% in hamstring muscles.  The average strength benefit in the untrained limb was +36% (hamstring muscles) and +58% (quadriceps muscle) of that achieved in the trained limb. Untrained hamstring muscle showed better benefits in the endurance parameters than in strength or power parameters, while in the quadriceps muscle this effect was reversed. A positive relationship was observed between the changes (greater improvement in the trained limb resulted in greater improvement in the untrained limb) (hamstring muscles: r = 0.83, P less than 0.001, quadriceps muscle: r = 0.53, P less than 0.001). In endurance parameters, this relationship was almost linear while in the strength and power parameters the results were more in favour of a curvilinear relationship with limited benefit.

Publication Types:

Clinical Trial

Randomized Controlled Trial

PMID: 1555557 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Husk at ikke alene knogle og muskler svækkes ved immobilisering bindevævet svækkes også drastisk.

Derfor skal du ikke regne med at dine sener og ligamenter er ved fuld styrke før et år efter din immobilisering (gips).

Dette betyder simpelt hen, at du skal give det tid før du udsætter armen for meget tunge vægte (85-90% 1rm) :D

Edited by ptpoul
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Andre unilaterale (ensides) øvelser vil af ovenstående årsag også fint kunne benyttes.

Argumentet med at der kommer til at være størrelsesforskel:

Der kommer til at være forskel lige meget hvad! Armen i gips vil blive meget mindre end den ikke gipsede arm selv hvis den ikke gipsede ikke trænes. Almindelig dagligdags brug vil forhindre muskeltab i den raske arm hvorimod den svage langsomt svækkes pga gipsen anyway..

Igen hvad vil i helst genoptræne 1 eller 2 arme + fordelen af det ovennævnte crosstransfer.

Du kan også simulere en flye lat rais reverseflye pullover og pulldovn ved at en af dine venner yder modstand på dine albuer.

God træning :D Nu er der er ingen udskyldninger for ikke at træne ;)

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Jeg vil stadig sige at det klogeste ville være at komme over skaden og så tage det derfra. Det kan godt være at du får en effekt ved cross-transfer, men en brækket arm er en brækket arm og den skal have lov til at hele.

Hvis du har brug for at få rørt dig, kunne du gå nogle lange ture eller bruge en kondicykel. Ved godt det ikke er særligt spændende, men kroppen har brug for sine resurser i helingsprocessen.

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  • 3 years later...
Jeg er næsten lige starten med at træne, og er begyndt med nogle programmer. jeg synes så det vil være ærgeligt at stoppe mit bryst program i uge 5. så jeg ville bare høre om nogen har en ide til hvordan jeg skal træne mit venstre bryst, når jeg har venstre arm i gips??? :unsure:

du siger selv at du har gips i venstre arm ,du kan ikke trene med gips i venstre arm . du kan trene ben , leg. abdominal jag synes at du ma hold en lille pause. hilsen antonio

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Guest Slettet bruger
du siger selv at du har gips i venstre arm ,du kan ikke trene med gips i venstre arm . du kan trene ben , leg. abdominal jag synes at du ma hold en lille pause. hilsen antonio

du har svaret på en tråd der er 3 år gammel. skal vi ikke håbe han ikke har armen i gips længere :tongue:

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