Snapping iliopsoas syndrom


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Emne: Snapping Psoas



(1) external snapping hip - ITB over the greater trochanter

(2) internal snapping hip - Iliopsoas over a femoral prominence between the neck and the head (?intertrochanteric groove)

(3) intra-articular snapping - caused by subluxation or loose bodies within the hip

Internal snapping hip is the most common and is found in athletes with a hypermobile joint (esp. ballet dancers) and is usually painless. If painless, ignore, but if painful, conservative treatment usually doesn't work. A cortisone injection (ultrasound guided) to the iliopsoas bursa may help (deep to the iliopsoas tendon). Surgery may also fix the problem but is quite major.

synovial chondromatosis, hip subluxation, osteocartilaginous exostoses and labral tears. Extra-articular causes include more commonly a thickening of the posterior border of the iliotibial band over the greater trochanter and less commonly the iliopsoas tendon over the iliopectineal eminence, the iliofemoral ligaments over the femoral head, or the long head of biceps over the ischial tuberosity.

It is more a complaint of clicking than pain, with the patient localizing the problem to the groin or anterior hip if the psoas is involved.

Testing may show postive Obers, short iliopsoas or hamstrings, snapping reproduced by abduction and external rotation (if psoas involved).

Treat with fascial release and friction massage over the involved areas. Do stretching and postfacilitation stretching of tight muscles. Improve the biomechanics of gait, and correct leg length deficiencies.


Teknik, alignment.... abnormale biomekanisk faktorer??


Conditioning for Dancers:

Iliacus og psoas er forskellige muskler med en fælles sene.

psoas virker som den dybeste mavemuskel der stabilisere bækkenet når iliacus bøjer hoften. Man skal kunne løfte benet uden bevægelse fra hoften (finger på SIAS, rygliggende, med knæene bøjet og fødderne i jorden)

tendens ved svag/irriteret psoas = over brug af andre hoftebøjer = problematisk styrkeforhold imellem Tensor fascie latae og Glut mid = andre problemer (løberknæ, patella femoral problemer osv.)


Jeg kender en der går hos en specialist der behandler med udstræk (psoas mener jeg) og excentrisk træning af iliopsoas. Ingen funktions undersøgelse umiddelbart.

jeg kan poste det jeg finder efterhånden....

jeg er ikke selv skadet, udover let inflammation/svækkelse af iliopsoas senen.

Edited by RuneB
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