Thierry Sanchez

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Posts posted by Thierry Sanchez

  1. 11-09

    Kettlebell snatch @24kg level 11 @18rpm (5-3-5 @20kg 1swing+1snatch)

    finally training in a center again

    A1 SumoDL @100kg x6 x3

    A2 1 arm row @30kg x9 e.s x3

    B1 SumoDL @100kg x6 x3

    B2 Hindu push ups x15 x3

  2. Thanks, the programming was do as many sets as I could throughout the morning that didn't interfere with my snatch training.

    Usually that was about 4-6 sets, submaximal reps.

    Alternated the following day with 1 arm rows.

    As primitive and instinctive as there is ;-)

    Now I have to leave them out, as I feel it will take too much of my recovery. Focus is kettlebell DM in October and also VM in that's a lot of overhead work.

    But at least I know now it doesn't that much time with minimal effort to get to that level!

  3. 26-08

    Kettlebell snatch @24kg, level 5 @20rpm

    Deck of cards: 20 min time limit

    Jokers= rope skip x100

    Aces, Kings, Queens, Jacks= Shouldering Sandbag @65kg x1

    Hearts= Ice skaters @BW, e.s

    Diamonds= Swings @36kg

    Spades= 1 arm row @24kg, e.s

    Clubs= Bulgarian bag spins @17kg, e.s

    BP after 15 min stretch + relax: 120/84, HR80

  4. Super, good luck with you experiment!


    A few sets throughout the day

    Kettlebell Clean and press MDS@20kg x8 e.s/ DS @24&20kg x8e.s/DS @24&20kg x8e.s/ MDS @20kg x8 e.s/

    Kettlebell swing @32kg x25/ x25/ x25/ x25

    Pull ups @BW x15/ MDS @20kg x9/ MDS @32kg x4/ MDS @32kg x4/ @BW x15

  5. Hi Kousgaard,

    No problem.

    In regards to strength, generally while fasting or while training in the fasted state, I do not feel any difference as to eating normally or training with food in my system.

    I am not doing maximal strength training right now though, so I do know all there is to it ;-) But I doubt it would be any different.

    Energy levels are really good throughout the day, but could also be due to the fact that my little boy is sleeping full nights now, hehe!

    It never stopped me from training, so far. Then again, I am not training super hardcore, but I get results so it's working for me. At nearly 42, I am over training hard to be cool or prove anything. I try to train as little as possible while still being effective ;-)

    I do not plan to put on much mass either. But everything is moving forward. Waist has decreased and shoulder/ chest are increasing. Can't wait to squat and deadlift again though. Soon ;-)

    It is not like I am trying to get down to silly low bodyfat levels either. I think 8-12% is healthiest. Lower is good if you plan to go onstage, but I do not think it should be maintained for too long.

    The biggest difference is how IF has positively affected my digestion. I've been taking 3 tabs of bromelain (ananas enzymer) for years to help digestion and general recovery. But there's always been some food combinations that left me a bit bloated. Now it's like I can eat just about anything without discomfort.

    About feeling hungry, it goes in waves. So ignore it, get busy and you should be fine. I find one cup of black coffee early in the morning helps with that. So far there's only been 1 day where I thought stuff it, today I can't do this, I need to eat. No stress, there always tomorrow to get back on track.

    So right now I am doing the 16/8 but I follow my recommendations, not Martin's. It has been a fine experiment, but I think I'll soon go back to 1-2x24 hours a week, see what happens during the change over.

    Calorie wise, I do not track. I know I am roughly getting 80-100 g protein through my food, the rest?

    I do not try to catch up as much as possible when I get to eat. I just eat my fill, enjoy my foods and that's it. Actually I think I just do not have to eat as much as before.

    it's like I can still do the same things and feel good on less food.

    But you know, some days, I eat more.Like yesterday it was my mother in law's birthday, so I had beer, cake and shit. What I like is that is balances out in the end, on the good side of things!

    Hope this helped.

  6. 26-08

    Kettlebell snatch @24kg, level 4 @18rpm

    Deck of cards: 20 min time limit, 11 cards left

    Jokers= rope skip x100

    Aces, Kings, Queens, Jacks= Shouldering Sandbag @65kg x1

    Hearts= Ice skaters @BW, e.s

    Diamonds= Swings @36kg

    Spades= 1 arm row @20kg, e.s

    Clubs= Bulgarian bag spins @17kg, e.s

  7. 23-08

    Kettlebell snatch variable load @20rpm for 10 min (x1 min@20kg +1min@24kg +1min@20kg+2min@16kg e.s)

    5 min rest

    Kettlebell snatch @24kg x1min e.s @22rpm

    1 min rest

    Kettlebell snatch @20kg x1min e.s @23rpm

    1 min rest

    Kettlebell snatch @16kg x1min e.s @24rpm

    1 arm row @32kg x6-10 e.s throughout the day

  8. 16-08

    Few sets through the day

    Fuck me If I didn't just do 7reps e.s of clean and press with a 24kg kettleball... I might even press the 28kg in a while, haha!

    KB c+p @24kg x7e.s/ @20kg x8e.s/ @24kg x6e.s/ @24kg x5e.s/ @20kg x8e.s

    Pull ups @16kg x8/ @16kg x10/ @BW x18

    1 arm row @32kg x8 e.s/ @32kg x8 e.s/ @32kg x8e.s

    Ice skater jumps x20 x5

    Bulgarian bag spins x10e.s x5

  9. 14-08

    Kettlebel snatch @20kg x4 min e.s @21rpm

    3min rest

    kettlebell 1 swing + 1 snatch @16kg x3 min e.s

    Kettlebell swing @36kg 10 reps every min for 5 min

    A1 Bulgarian bag spins @17kg x10e.s x2

    A2 hindu push ups x10 x2

  10. 13-08

    A few set spread through the day

    Pull ups @BW x17/ @20kg x8/ @16kg x8/ @BW x15

    Kettlebell clean and press @24kg x5 e.s/ @20kg x8e.s/ @24kg x5 e.s/ bottom up c+p @20kg x3 e.s/ @20kg x8 e.s

    1 arm row @24kg x8 e.s/ @28kg x8e.s/ @32kg x6e.s

    Valslide curls 10/10/10

    nice and steady progress without complexity

  11. 10-08

    A few set spread through the day

    KB Bottom Up clean + press @16kg 30 reps in 2 min

    Pull ups @16kg x5 + chins @BW x5

    KB c+p @20kg x8e.s

    Pull ups @16kg x5 +chins @BW x5

    Kb c+p @24kg x3e.s

    Pull ups @16kg x5 + chins @BW x5

    Kb c+p @24kg x3e.s

    Pull ups @16kg x5 + chins @BW x5


    Kettlebel snatch @20kg 4 min e.s @18rpm

    5min rest kettlebell snatch with gloves @16 /12kg 3 min e.s

    A1 reverse deficit lunge x10,8,6 e.s + squat x10,8,6 with sandbag @30kg

    A2 power wheel leg curl x10,8,6


    Walk 20 min

  12. 09-08

    Deck of cards 33 min of hell

    Hearts x2-13 hindu push ups

    Diamonds x2-13 TRX row with feet up

    Spades x2-13 deficit reverse lunges, eyes closed, each side

    Clubs x2-13 kettlebell swing @36kg

    Aces x5 clean and press sandbag @30kg

  13. You're welcome Arcus.

    I have mainly used 20-24hour fast once or twice a week in the past. Over the last 2 weeks I have been doing 16/8, but no food intake whatsoever until 1400. I plan to do it for a 5-6 week duration and see how it goes.

    Then I eat, and have dinner around 1800 again and a big glass of milk or kefir around 2100.

    I don't use protein powders or BCAAs, only creatine.

    Check out this blog post too

    I have had no problem training in a fasted statethose last 2 weeks, I train around 1030 and no problem by eating first at 1400.

    I think for people who do not train kinda extremes like marathons or silly WODs day after day, it doesn't affect strength or endurance enough to be noticeable.

    On the blog post there is a link to Mcfadden, a strongman from the early 1900, check it out doing 1 arm press with 50kg after a 7 day fast.

    let me know how it goes!