Ocean Weight Loss


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Jeg stødte lige på en ganske speciel artikel som eftersigende skulle være et trick bodybuildere benyttede sig af i '70erne og '80erne. Jeg kan ikke helt gennemskue om der er mening med vanviddet eller om det bare ER vanvid! :blink: :lol:

(jeg er ihvertfald vanvittig nok til at prøve det hvis det passer :tongue: )

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Bodybuilding Ocean Weight Loss

Not one person has ever believed they can lose weight just sitting in the ocean for one hour. So I will devote this section to the subject and try and discuss it thoroughly.

The bigger you are, the more weight you will lose per hour. If the trainee is 50 to 80 lbs. overweight, they will lose 10 or 12 lbs. in one hour. Just sitting, no swimming. _ is fat and _ is water. The salt dehydrates the skin and the cold burns stored fat. The muscles are protected because they are the “furnace” that produces the heat in our bodies. Fat releases 3000 calories per pound verses 1500 calories per pound of carbohydrates. Much more heat is produced by fat then carbohydrates. The body is in a serious emergency, if our body temperature goes down by two degrees we pass out and die. We are using hypothermia to lose weight.

Within two minutes of being up to your chest or neck in the cold water, the thyroid is rapidly raising to meet the challenge of this terrible heat loss. The body always wants to conserve fat for an emergency and this is one. The heart operates directly off of fat, it is the only organ that does, the rest operate off of carbohydrates. That is why the body is so reluctant to burn fat when we exercise. It consumes that energy source last to make sure the heart has energy to operate on.

Why does this work? We are warm-blooded mammals, our constant temperature of 98.7 allows us to be active anytime of the day or night. When we enter the water we start losing body heat at 22 times the rate of losing body heat in just the atmosphere. (Air)

There was a real life story years ago about a sailor that fell off a ship just off shore from our coast. They found him after he had been floating on his back in the cold water for 12 hours. He had lost 90 lbs. during his stay in the water. If he had not been over weight he would have died from hypothermia. He was losing 7-1/2 lbs. per hour while in the water.

Using cold water means you do not have to STARVE to lose weight. If your training and diet are balanced, the weight will stay off once it is lost in this manner. The new level of your metabolic rate will stay up for 5 days. Go to the ocean again at that time or sit in a bathtub with bags for ice and 2 cups of Epsom salts. A hot tub with the heat turned off works very well, plus 2 cups of Epsom salts. The salt will not harm the hot tub, they are designed to handle chlorine.

Sitting in the cold water is very difficult and boring. You have nothing to do but concentrate on how cold you are. It helps a great deal to have a friend join you. I use a swimmer’s stopwatch to time myself or I want to get out in just a few minutes. I shoot for 1 hour but must stay in for at least 30 minutes to have any effect. In the winter the water temperature goes into the 50’s and I can only go into my waist for 30 minutes before turning blue.

If the wind is blowing hard, do not go into the water, the chill factor is so great it will make you sick.

Bring along some hot Green Tea or Hot Coffee in a thermos mug, sweetened with honey. If too cold or you start to shake uncontrollably, get out for while, drink the hot liquid and honey to get some carbohydrates back into your system. It is a total of an hour and not a constant hour that counts to the body. It is OK to get in for 15 minutes or so and then get out for 10 minutes to get warm for the next 15 minutes in the water.

One of the greatest benefits for any contestant is the fact that the extra skin on your body from the weight loss is also consumed by the cold water. I think the body is reducing surface area of the skin to try and stop the terrible heat loss through the skin. It will tighten up your stomach skin like nothing else in this world. This is a really good trick.

Losing weight in this manner means no STARVING or OVER-TRAINING to get ready for a contest!!!

Once you get home take a luke warm shower or bath and treat your skin to some oil or skin cream to replace the natural oil the salt took out. Extra Virgin Olive Oil with some body oil and water in a sprayer is good and quick to use. Do not get into a very hot bath or shower, you will lower the thyroid charge you just got from the cold water.

I wish I could claim to be the inventor of this great fat loss trick. Back in the 1970’s or 80’s I read a magazine article about it in Iron Man magazine. I think that was the magazine, they kept changing owners and names quicker then we could keep up.

I have only seen this in print that one time. In his magazine articles or his book Arnold spoke of “swimming in the ocean 20 minutes every day and running on the beach every day. I did not “connect the dots” until I read the magazine article. I was raised at the beach, I should have come up with this!

Try it and see! It works!

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Den køber jeg ikke helt...

One of the greatest benefits for any contestant is the fact that the extra skin on your body from the weight loss is also consumed by the cold water. I think the body is reducing surface area of the skin to try and stop the terrible heat loss through the skin. It will tighten up your stomach skin like nothing else in this world. This is a really good trick.

:lol: Godt nok er kroppen adaptiv, men det tager trods alt lidt tid. Derfor kan kroppen ikke forbrænde så meget energi, at den kan holde dig varm. Hvis den kunne, så ville den gøre det, og så var der en del flere der havde overlevet Titanics forlis...

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There was a real life story years ago about a sailor that fell off a ship just off shore from our coast. They found him after he had been floating on his back in the cold water for 12 hours. He had lost 90 lbs. during his stay in the water. If he had not been over weight he would have died from hypothermia. He was losing 7-1/2 lbs. per hour while in the water.

Hvis det passer så kan man tabe 3,5 kg i timen :blink::blink::blink:

Men det er jo nok under mere extreme forhold end godt er. Så hvis man bare under meget kontrollerede forhold kunne tabe ½-1 kg primært fedt i timen, så skal jeg da være den næste til at hoppe i et isbad. B)

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Jeg kom til at tænke på Le Mans, der sidder kørerne igennem lang tid i nogle ekstremt varme biler. Så vidt jeg husker så bulker de faktisk op, i det de ved de kommer til at miste en masse kropsfedt under løbet. Så hvis det virker med varme, så taler det også for at det virker med kulde.

Er der nogen der kan huske om hvordan det forholder sig i forbindelse med Le Mans og vægttab?

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Det kan umuligt være et fedttab på 3,5kg i timen. Mht sejleren der faldt i vandet må man - hvis historien er sand ;) - regne med at det er væsketab langt det meste.


Har allerede overtalt min gamle trænignsmakker til det, han er altid frisk på at afprøve noget andereledes og små ekstremt! :w00t:

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jeg tvivler på man kan hive nok ilt indenbords til at forbrænde alt det fedt...

har regnet lidt på det:

I 0C koldt vand vil kropstemperaturen falde ca. 8C på 15min. En human krop på 100kg ligger på ca. 83 Kcal/C, hvilket betyder at kroppen skal producere ca. 664kCal svarende til ca. 100g fedt. Omend dette er en MEGET simpel opstilling og under antagelse at der kun forbrændes fedt, er der immervæk langt op til det 1kg fedt, man skulle kunne brænde på et kvarter (svarende til 10-12 pund i timen).

Og her snakker vi vel at mærke om livstruende nedkøling!


Edited by pingtoft
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