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  1. Hvordan gik sidste år for dig? Var du i stand til at opfylde dine drømme og opnå dine mål fra dine nytårsforsæt? Er du som de fleste, der må svare nej eller i bedste fald "delvist", indeholder denne artikel nøglen til at gøre 2007 til det bedste år i dit liv.

    Denne artikel vil afsløre den hemmelighed, der vil få dig i mål. Du vil lære at sætte dig konkrete mål, og hvordan du opnår dem. Så skynd dig at læse videre for at lære de 15 hurtige og simple skridt til at gøre dine drømme til mål og dernæst til virkelighed! Er du klar til nogle fantastiske ændringer og forbedringer i dit liv? Gør 2007 til det bedste år i dit liv!

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  2. Dear MOL Forum Members,

    Thank you for taking the time to discuss this topic and the other Paul Chek articles I have posted on MOL.

    It is great that we have people who look critically about health, training and nutrition seeking the optimal way to be healthy. That’s the beauty of MOL as it provides both a forum for discussion, which I am sure has helped 1000’s of people and some cutting edge articles and info as well. Well done Morten Z, you have done an amazing job!

    I would like in this post to give you some background information on Paul so you better understand where he is coming form and where he is going.

    Paul Chek has played a big part in revolution the training and rehabilitation world. When he popularised Swiss ball training for sports and rehabilitating everyone thought he was crazy and told him so. But Paul stuck to his guns and worked hard to explain and show people via getting great results with is clients how useful a swiss ball is to compliment every training and rehabilitation program.

    In addition when Paul stuck to his guns about functional training and introduced many new excellent functional exercises to the fitness world many other “so called experts” sold out to the machine manufacturers etc. for obvious reasons.

    Paul’s favourite room at his Institute is his considerable library full of 1000’s of books and articles that he has read and researched to gain the knowledge he needs to design the training, nutrition and rehabilitation programs he teaches. He is also an avid student of the research scientists publish every year.

    However if Paul and other experts who get good results waited for scientists to prove scientifically what he knows works because he and his students and colleagues have used it successfully many times in practice then his training and nutrition systems would not be nearly as effective as it is today. This is where a lot of the controversy with Pauls work comes in. Having a scientific background myself I also prefer to have research back up theories but often there is no research done on specific topics so you can either wait until the research proves what you know works in practice or continue doing what you know works.

    Paul Chek is continually looking at the system he uses with his clients and teaches to his students in order to improve the results they can get with their clients. I personally believe he is the best at what he does and his system is the best system there is for getting the results people deserve. This is why I invited him to present in Denmark 6 years ago and still work with him today.

    Many Doctors, physiotherapists, trainers and everyday people have benefited personally and their clients as well because they have either attended seminars or taken his education programs. The results many of Pauls students get with their own bodies and clients are in many cases amazing. You can literally see the improvements in health with them when they come to a new set of seminars. I, my family and friends have also benefited from following his advice.

    What Paul is doing with is work and life is to genuinely help people. This is exactly what I am doing with my site Neither of is doing it for financial reasons, its because we believe in what we are doing. The food allergy article is one of Paul most controversial and also one of the most difficult to translate, but it doesn’t change the fact that many people are allergic or intolerant to food they are eating daily. Even if you don’t agree with the articles contents I am sure there are many other articles of Pauls that people will benefit from reading.

    Yes Paul Chek is controversial and not everybody’s cup of tea, buts that’s life you either like him or you don’t. Most people do that’s why they come back to his seminars and workshops.

    Thank you once again for your feedback, keep it coming I use it to help improve my site which in turn will hopefully benefit and help people achieve the health and results they deserve. And discussions like this can only help find the best way to rat and train and that’s the beauty of an excellent site such as MOL! :4thumbup:

    Kind Regards

    Alun Biggart "Din guide til en sund og veltrænet krop"

  3. Fødevareintolerance kan påvirke kroppen på mange måder: Fordøjelsesbesvær, sure opstød, træthed, koncentrationsbesvær, overvægt og dårlig respons på træning er nogle af de mest almindelige symptomer. Se her, om fødevareintolerance er et problem for dig, og hvordan du bliver dine symptomer kvit.

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  4. Uanset hvor i verden man træder ind i et fitnesscenter vil man kunne få øje på en, der laver lat pull down øvelsen ( skulder træning ). Træning af den store rygmuskel er populær fordi den betyder meget for ens fysiske fremtoning; kvinder fordi den hjælper til et "tonet" look og mænd fordi den hjælper med at få den eftertragtede "V" form, som fremmer deres maskuline appeal.

    Hvis du vil læse resten af artiklen - klik på dette link:〈=

  5. Vi er besat af mavetræning. Boghandlerne er fyldt med bøger om træning, som lover dig en flad mave. Utallige tv-reklamer sælger hundredvis af træningsremedier, som garanterer dig stenhårde mavemuskler og ethvert fitnessblad på markedet har en månedlig artikel med fokus på mavetræning.

    Hvis du vil læse resten af artiklen - klik på dette link:〈=