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How does 85 lbs. in four months sound? Powerlifter Jason Brice came up with the workout; and I recently gave it to a friend who plays football for Townsend University. He went from 335 to 420 in just 4 months, as did Brice. Here it is:

Start off with 67% of your 1RM. Do only one set of 5 per workout, adding 5 lbs each workout. You'll be benching Mon. - Fri. The schedule is kind of unorthodox, but it works...BIG TIME!

Obviously, you aren't going to be able to keep adding 5 lbs. forever, you'll eventually hit your 5RM; however, this weight will be signifcantly greater than your previous 5RM.

When you hit this point, it's time to switch the program around by utilizing a Russian technique called "ladders." The weight you will use is the 5RM that you just established. A "ladder" is simply doing one rep...resting ten seconds...two reps...resting ten seconds...three reps...

When you can't top the reps of your last mini-set then you start back at one. Your first "ladder" session will probably look like this:

1-2-3-1-2-1, with 10 second rest periods inbetween. It's kind of like one large set. You do this every other day for 2 weeks. This is the portion of the program where I think that a 2 week cycle of Mag-10 could be very beneficial; your ladder reps will probably rise at a much greater rate.

After 2 weeks of ladders, drop 10 lbs from the 5RM you established 2 weeks ago (the same weight you were using for the ladders) and resume the linear cycle: 1 x 5, Mon. - Fri.

When you hit your 5RM again, take 2 days off and test your 1RM.

That cycle takes approximatly 2 months. If you are satisfied with the results, then feel free to repeat it. You won't gain as much during the 2nd cycle, probably about 70% of what you did during the first cycle, but most people feel that it's definately worth it to give it a second go 'round.

I got this program from powerlifter Jason Brice; shared it with a friend who's bench was stuck at 335 for months and here were his results:

October 1: 1RM = 335, 5RM = 285

December 1: 1RM = 385, 5RM = 325

February 1: 1RM = 420, 5RM = 360

Gains will start to get stale after two cycles; therefore, it's probably best to do something else for a while. After increasing your strength to that degree, the gains you would experience while on a bulking cycle would be greatly increased. I'd probably do a Mag-10 cycle right after completing 2 cycles of the program.

One key to this program is to never-ever train to failure. I've seen a few people try to bang out some forced reps while on the ladder portion of the program and they really messed themselves up. Breaking down muscle while on this type of strength cycle will only lead to halted progress. Bottom line, if you aren't going to push the next rep up by yourself, don't attempt it. Of course a spotter is recommended anytime you are working with heavy weight, but they are there for emergency situations, not to help with reps you can't do.



Edited by vikingiron
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Hej vikingiron

Jeg kørte i en periode noget Power to the people (dog kun Dødløft) med ganske udemærket succes. Jeg øgede, så vidt jeg husker, min 5rm med 10kg på et par uger. Jeg kørte noget med et set af 5 reps fulgt op med et set af 90% af det første set. Altså 2 set hver gang. Det er vigtigt at holde pause eller i hvert fald træne meget lidt i en periode efterfølgende, da det virkelig er noget der tapper din krop at køre så ofte. Det er måske ikke så galt, når det er bænkpres du vil køre, men husk at være opmærksom på overtræning.

Jeg gætter på du er rimelig ny indenfor styrketræning, så du skal nok holde extra øje med, om din krop kan klare den rimelig voldsomme workload Pavel's programmer har for vane at anvende :bigsmile:

men prøv det bare ad!

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