Finasteride's påvirkning af muskelvæksten.


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I forbyggelsen mod mandligt hårtab tager jeg hver dag 1mg finasteride. Finasterid mindsker, så vidt jeg er orienteret, omdannelsen af testosterone til di-hydro-testosterone(DHT). Når omdannelsen nedsættes er jeg flere steder læst at testosterone niveauet skulle stige omkring 10 procent ( på ingen måde et fact ).

Mit spørgsmål lyder som følgende:

Når man ændre på den måde som kroppens homoner virker og regulerer sig selv, ved at indtage finasteride, mindsker man så ens potentielle muskelvækst?

Altså selvom ens testosterone måske stiger, falder ens mulighed så for at øge muskelmassen, grundet mangel på DHT eller andne bivirkning?

Til dette spørgsmål høre sig vidst en smilie med hår :elvis:

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Kan desværre ikke svare på dit spørgsmål, men faldt over dette på wiki som du henviste til. Umiddelbart nogle rimeligt triste bivirkninger for at undgå hårtab. Men virker det så?

Recognised side-effects, experienced by around 6%-19% of users, include erectile dysfunction, and less often gynecomastia (breast gland enlargement). [1]In trial studies, side effects ceased after dosage was discontinued.
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Kan desværre ikke svare på dit spørgsmål, men faldt over dette på wiki som du henviste til. Umiddelbart nogle rimeligt triste bivirkninger for at undgå hårtab. Men virker det så?

Jeg har heldigvis ikke oplevet nogle af bivirkningerne.

Må have læst lidt for hurtigt på wikipedia for der står allerede svaret på mit spørgsmål:

DHT has been shown to be deactivated in skeletal muscle through the actions of 3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and therefore does not have a significant effect on muscle hypertrophy.

Altså det brude ingen indflydelse have for muskelvæksten.

Sprøgsmålet er så bare hvor man kan få bekræftet disse oplysninger?

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Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Jan;288(1):E222-7. Epub 2004 Sep 14. Links

Inhibition of 5alpha-reductase blocks prostate effects of testosterone without blocking anabolic effects.Borst SE, Lee JH, Conover CF.

Department of Applied Physiology & Kinesiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA. [email protected]

We studied the effect of the 5alpha-reductase inhibitor MK-434 on responses to testosterone (T) in orchiectomized (ORX) male Brown Norway (BN) rats aged 13 mo. At 4 wk after ORX or sham surgery, a second surgery was performed to implant pellets delivering 1 mg T/day or placebo pellets. During the second 4 wk of the study, rats received injections of MK-434 (0.75 mg/day) or vehicle injections. Treatment with T elevated serum T to 75% above that for sham animals (P = 0.002) and did not affect serum dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or serum estradiol. T treatment also caused an elevation of prostate T and a marked elevation of prostate DHT. During the second half of the study, ORX rats lost an average of 18.86 +/- 4.62 g body wt. T completely prevented weight loss, and the effect was not inhibited by MK-434 (P < 0.001). ORX produced a nonsignificant trend toward a small (5%) decrease in the mass of the gastrocnemius muscle (P = 0.0819). This trend was also reversed by T, and the effect of T was not blocked by MK-434. T caused a significant 16% decrease in subcutaneous fat that was not blocked by MK-434 (P < 0.05). Finally, T caused a 65% decrease in urine excretion of deoxypyridinoline, a marker of bone resorption, and again the effect was not blocked by MK-434 (P < 0.0001). In contrast, T caused a greater than fivefold increase in prostate mass, and the effect was almost completely blocked by MK-434 (P < 0.0001). This study demonstrates that 5alpha-reductase inhibitors may block the undesirable effects of T on the prostate, without blocking the desirable anabolic effects of T on muscle, bone, and fat.

Det her lyder ganske fornuftigt, men forsøget er lavet på rotter, så det er ikke en 100% garanti. Og Finasteride er en 5alpha-reductase inhibitor hvis du skulle være i tvivl :xmas:

Urology. 2003 Nov;62(5):894-9. Links

Effects of finasteride on serum testosterone and body mass index in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia.Roehrborn CG, Lee M, Meehan A, Waldstreicher J; PLESS Study Group.

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas 75390-9110, USA

OBJECTIVES: To examine the effect of finasteride on serum testosterone in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). METHODS: The Proscar Long-Term Efficacy and Safety Study (PLESS) was a 4-year trial comparing the safety and efficacy of finasteride 5 mg with placebo in 3040 men with moderate to severe symptomatic BPH and enlarged prostates. PLESS included the prospective measurement of annual serum testosterone in a randomly selected subset of patients comprising approximately 10% of the randomized population (n = 301). RESULTS: Finasteride treatment led to a modest, but significant (P <0.001), increase relative to placebo in serum testosterone, with this increase greatest in patients who had low baseline testosterone levels. The larger testosterone increases seen in finasteride-treated patients in the lower baseline testosterone tertiles were associated with significant mean reductions relative to placebo at year 4 in body mass index (BMI), ranging from 0.6 to 0.8 kg/m2. No statistically significant between-group difference was found in BMI in the upper testosterone tertile. The sexual adverse experience profiles for finasteride and placebo were similar across the baseline testosterone cohorts examined. CONCLUSIONS: Finasteride treatment led to a generally modest increase relative to placebo in serum testosterone, with the greatest increases occurring in men with low baseline testosterone levels. The physiologic significance of these changes in men with low baseline testosterone levels is unclear, but the associated reduction in BMI is intriguing and may be related, because BMI is known to be negatively correlated with serum testosterone levels in men.

PMID: 14624915 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Her undersøger de desværre ikke fedt%, så det er svært at konkludere særligt meget ud fra forsøgene andet end at det næppe vil have den store negative indflydelse på din træning.

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Det her lyder ganske fornuftigt, men forsøget er lavet på rotter, så det er ikke en 100% garanti. Og Finasteride er en 5alpha-reductase inhibitor hvis du skulle være i tvivl :xmas:

Her undersøger de desværre ikke fedt%, så det er svært at konkludere særligt meget ud fra forsøgene andet end at det næppe vil have den store negative indflydelse på din træning.

Er ikke helt sikker på hvordan jeg skal tolke forsøgene, men håber da du har ret, at det ikke har nogen indflydelse på træningen.

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