til alle jer der løfter kettlebells

Thierry Sanchez

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On the 1st and 2nd of August, Karsten Hugger and myself, Thierry Sanchez, will be representing Denmark at an international kettlebell competition. The ultimate test of power endurance. The event will take place in Ventspils, Latvia and is home to 7 times World Champion Vasily Ginko.

Aalborg Sportshøjskole has agreed to sponsor us for the occasion, and we will be lifting under their name. Team SPH Denmark it is!

We will be the first athletes from Denmark to compete in kettlebel sport, aka GS or Girevoy Sport. I introduced Denmark to GS only last year, while all other Scandinavian countries have already participated in competitions.

What started our interest in competition was a unofficial virtual event arranged by the Finns in December, and then the biathlon relay I organized in March.

We only started to train seriously for competition in January, and old injuries are flaring up now and then as we increase volume and intensity. Hopefully our timing we’ll be right and we’ll set new personal records when it matters!

We’ll be competing in the double jerk and snatch amongst more experienced athletes, mostly Eastern Europeans, as the sport comes from Russia.

But you have to dream big, always!

Over 200 athletes are expected. Today I bought a Danish flag to hang next to the others. I know people are curious to meet us and so are we!

As amateurs we’ll be lifting 24kg kettlebells for maximum repetitions in 10 minutes. If this sounds easy, keep in mind you are not allowed to rest the bells on the floor, and only allowed to change hands one in the snatch event. Also, drop the bells and you are disqualified…

Experienced lifters compete with 32kg, and quite frankly, I am glad to be an amateur!

Training for kettlebell sport is quite different from training with kettlebells for fitness as most people do it in Denmark.

Strength, endurance, VO2max, a high lactate treshold, flexibility are all required factors, but in my opinion, most important is technique and the ability to relax under stress so that breathing can be optimal. The mindset is also different, as it is with endurance sports. Pushing through one’s barriers is tough.

When I teach fitness classes, I see a lot of people give up if it gets too tough or monotonous. For them, I have to keep the training challenging and fun or they won’t come back!

In kettlebell sport, you have to be able to clear the mind and keep going rep after rep, always trying to improve the numbers. If you feel like quite quiting after just 100 reps when sweat pours down your eyes , you might as well consider another sport. Top athletes might lift up to 20000kg in one training pass, training 6 times a week. That is a lot of reps…I guess that’s why there hasn’t been so many takers on my offers to compete this year. But really we all have to start somewhere. Who knows what will happen on the day? Maybe we’ll crash and burn, who cares? We’ll still be pioneers and making kettlebell history happen for Denmark!

In my mind, if you train only for the sake of training and never compete, you can not call your self an athlete. But that's also OK!

Hopefully next year the team will be larger and we’ll have a girls team!

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Send me a mail for luck ( much appreciated), and let me know if some of you have what it takes to compete next year!


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Sikke en lang reklame du fik fyret af der.

Trist for alle andre der dyrker power endurance sport at din er den hårdeste.

Kunne dig og nogle crossfit gutter ikke challenge hinanden? Så kan vi se hvem der vitterligt er de sejeste :devil:

Edited by ptpoul
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I am sure the crossfit guys could do well, they should have a solid base of endurance and masochism!

It's just a matter of getting into it instead of training for the sake of training. I have had quite a few people give mini contests a go, without previous experience. They survived and they had fun.

Now, we can argue all day long which discipline is the ultimate test of power endurance. It wasn't my intention to start a debate.

Rowing is up there as far as power endurance. Short, fast, relentless.

Fitness and technique being so specific, it is pretty impossible to ever find out which sport is the hardest. And really who cares?

But for someone who lifts bells, GS is a bloody test of power endurance, and will power may I add. But that componant is in all endurance sports.

The ultimate test can only ever be against yourself.

It is good to be critical, respect. It is easy to get carried away when one is really into his sport...

The discipline will be double jerk and snatch. I was going to compete in the juggling, but I might wait until next year, we'll see how I feel on the day.

There is also a relay race at the end of the 2 days. I hope it is not country against country, otherwise we're fucked!

I'll be competing in the 68kg division, and if all goes well, I hope to do around 40 jerks and 140 snatches. A mountain bike injury has stopped me training for 2 weeks...

Karsten in the 90kg division, maybe 30 jerks and 120 snatches.

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Det lyder rigtig godt, og spændende at I tager afsted.

Er det sådan at i mødes og træner et sted i Danmark, eller er det indtil videre bare hvad folk selv gør derhjemme, eller i centre med KBs?

Har i trænet specielt i forhold til det, altså har I fuldt en eller anden form for program?

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Hi and thanks for the good words.

Well, we were training regularly at Aalborg sportshøjskole since we were studying at the trainer academy. Now Karsten is training home in Kolding, and I train with the powerlifter club o fSPH in Aalborg.

We started properly training for GS in January, and of course the program is specific to GS. I was in Latvia for a week in December to learn about training methodology, and was on the strength line at the school with Kim Lynge.

I used max effort on basic barbell lifts like front squats, push press, deadlift and so on. Twice a week in January.

Kettlebell 2 sessions on jerk + assistance, 1 session on snatch + assistance.

Now I am up to 5 kettlebell sessions a week, with a couple of max effort ( concentric) before training witj the bells, but am about to drop it to concentrate on competition lifts. 3x jerk, 2x snatch with assistance lifts.

Jerks and snatches are trained mainly with 16, 20 and 24kg bells ( but also 28 and 32kg)- mainly repeated method ( something like 10%+ 25%+ 80%+60%+40%+25%) and max method ( 15%+ 95-105%+50%) Meaning long sets to develop special endurance.

Lots of static work with rack holds, overhead hold, farmers walk, heavy 1 arm jerks, BB jump squats and static core.

Sessions last 45 to 90 minutes.

Like I said, if anyone is interested for next year, let me know.

It doesn't have to be a full on competition but can also be something like we did with the Finns in December.

We'll find a way to train!

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  • 1 month later...

Here are the results from Ventspils Atlants:


I set a new PR in 2x24kg jerk. 44 reps. (under 68 kg)

Snatch went a bit wrong for me! I lost concentration for a micro second and the bell flew out of my hand. So I only got 51 reps with my right hand... Disappointing given in my weight class only 1 guy did over 120 reps.

Karsten (under 95 kg) got a few no count in the jerk, due to bad lockout, ending with 20 reps and 83 snatches.

Overall pretty pleased with the results for our short preparation time, and all the small set back along the way.

Everybody like my juggling performance. Some things, they had not seen before. I was like jelly because I was told 2 days beforehand that I was expected to juggle and hadn't practiced in months. I made the choreography up in my mind on the day. Hopefully some of my friends will post it on youtube soon.

It was a great event, and I hope a few more Danes will join next year. It sounds like I have 3 girls willing to compete!

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