Protein-kreatin-ON ALA pakke: Noget værd?


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Jeg faldt over denne her pakke, men tænkte på om det er noget som er noget værd?

Jeg står nemlig og skal have mig noget nyt proteinpulver, men kunne også godt tænke mig at prøve kreatin om et stykke tid når jeg er kommet ordentlig igang med min træning igen.

I produktets beskrivelse står der:

1 x 4,5 kilo Danlan Ultra Whey Protein

2 x ON ALA

1 x 1200 g Danlab Micronizied Creatine

men hvad er ON ALA?

På forhånd tak.

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Lipoic Acid: Same anabolic effects as a weak AAS like Primo

OK, I see some people still don't fully understand how ALA

works. Yes, its the best liver protector out there, BUT

it also has some pretty incredible nutrient partitioning

qualities similiar to those of a weak AAS liek Primo.

Lets examine the physiological response to a meal

taken with ALA and w/o ALA.


ARE ALREADY FULL!!! Remember this......(This is the

scenario when bulking)

1. Meal taken w/o ALA.

i) Food(Macro-nutrients) are ingested.

ii) Body converts these nutrients to glucose,

its main source of fuel.(Protein and triglycerides

also convert to glucose btw)

Protein: 58% glucogenic

Fat: 10% glucogenic

iii) The body detects the glucose entering the Blood-stream

and releases insulin to shuttle the glucose/amino-acids/fats

into the cells. This is done by the Pancreas.

These cells are the miocytes(muscle cells) and

adipocytes(fat cells)

Now, the muscle-cells are COMPLETELY full, so all

the nutrients are either shuttled INTO the

adipocytes(fat cells) or oxidized for energy.


Now, Meal taken w/ ALA

i) Food(Macro-nutrients) are ingested.

ii) Body converts these nutrients to glucose,

its main source of fuel.(Protein and triglycerides

also convert to glucose btw)

Protein: 58% glucogenic

Fat: 10% glucogenic

iii) The body detects the glucose entering the Blood-stream

and releases insulin to shuttle the glucose/amino-acids/fats

into the cells.

These cells are the miocytes(muscle cells) and

adipocytes(fat cells)

However,(And this is the IMPORTANT PART), ALA

has increased the amount of glut-4 transporters

on the out-side of the miocytes(muscle-cells)

considerably.(By roughly 50% from the studies that

have been posted)

This effect gives the msucle-cells the ability to soak up MORE

glucose from the blood-stream. In essence, you have

increased the amount of glycogen your muscles can store.

So, we now have a glucose wave incoming into the

the micoytes and adipopcytes which is being pushed

by a certain amount of insulin.(Depending on the amount

of food(type) consumed).

Now, in a normal scenario(like w/o ALA being added to the

meal) the net result would be fat gain, BUT the glucose is

now PARTIALLY being diverted to the miocytes(muscle-cells),

due to the increased cellular glut-4 content being generated

by the exogeneously orally administered ALA.

This now means that the glucose+nutrients are being

diverted to BOTH the MUSCLE-cells and fat-cells w/o

ANY CHANGE in insulogenic levels. While in the w/o

ALA scenario the glucose was being diverted STRAIGHT

to the fat-cells.

What does this all mean?

That by just adding ALA to a meal you have

diverted MORE NUTRIENTS into your muscle

cells than into your fat cells.

This is what a nutrient-partitioning agent does.

The net result is an increased muscle-gain over the

long-run with a smaller fat-gain.

To give you a quantitative idea, if a person

gains 10lbs muscle and 10lbs fat in a bulking

cycle w/o ALA. He/she is likely to gain around

14lbs muscle and 6 lbs fat if he/she would have

taken ALA.

Thats what makes ALA a kick-ass supplement.

This whole thread is of course in reference to

HIGH-DOSES of ALA. Roughly 3000mg/day or more.

And, before anybody starts saying that I'm going to

die, the toxic dose for a 165-lb individual is

30,000mg, so doomsayers begone.

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Jeg ville ikke bruge penge på det - har lige kigget igennem om der var linket til ALA'en et andet sted... men nada dukkede op. Danlabs Ultra Whey er en anelse lav i proteinindholdet IMO. Deres UltraWhey2 derimod er glimrende - og smager tilmed fantastisk (en af de få jordbær jeg faktisk har kunne lide).

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Danlabs kreatin er glimrende (faktisk rigtig godt)

Danlabs UltraWhey2 er også et solidt stykke produkt til en fornuftig pris.

Jeg synes ikke lige jeg kan finde Danlabs kreatin på Sublimsport eller Getbig. På Sublimsport har jeg fundet Danlabs Ultra Whey men du skriver Ultra Whey 2?! Er der nogen forskel?

Hvad med Viking Kreatin?

Takker ;)

Edited by Insaniac
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Ud fra hvad jeg ellers har læst om ALA, så lyder det som et yderst interessant kosttilskud, bare synd det er så F**KIN' dyrt! Ellers var det nok en af de få ting jeg kunne tænke mig at efterprøve. Men SU'en rækker ikke til mange af den slags tests :(

Her er et link til lidt diskussion ang. ALA og lidt litteratur: Bodyhouse diskussion

Et andet link med lidt info om ALA:

Supplement Watch

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