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En smule zigzag har ikke den store betydning, men jeg ville nok planlægge det sådan at du starter på stort set samme vægt i næste reprange som du sluttede den foregående på.

Det betyder så formentlig at du må tage samme vægt 2-3 gange for at have ligeså stort øgning, men det er også helt ok, og bedre end at øge hver gang med mindre vægt.

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Der kan man bare se.

Vil det sige at det er bedre at øge i større spring hver 3. gang

end løbende at øge fra gang til gang ?

Med andre ord skal der indtastes større spring i regnearket,

og det er derfor ikke nødvendigvis en fordel at have små vægtskiver at justere med.

Hvor store spring er at anbefale i f.eks bænkpres, ?

eller sagt på en anden måde, hvor små spring er acceptable ?

Henning (HST begynder)

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Her er et par gode citater jeg har sakset lidt forskellige steder fra HST FAQ'en

"If your 15RM and your 10RM aren't that far apart, you will be repeating some weight loads as you go from block to block. Others often refer to this as "zigzagging". I have yet to see a difference in gains from those allowing zigzagging of their weights, and those who don't."

"Do not sacrifice the size of the increments to reduce the overlap/zig-zag - it is better (to some extent) to repeat two (or even three) workouts at the same loads. Some people's RMs are so close together that this is needed."

"Larger increments will tend to cause greater microtrauma, and by extension hypertrophy. Lower increments will be more conducive towards strength increases (and not so much hypertrophy). The reason is that you want the workout to be traumatic to the muscle tissue each and every workout. Therefore, the weight load has to exceed the muscles ability to structurally adapt from workout to workout. If the increments are too small, the workout won’t really be that much different from the previous workout, and as a result, will not cause much trauma to the tissue. "

"Zig-zagging is fine as long as the general trend over time is upwards. If not, the conditioning of the muscle (which is to say, the resistance of the tissue to the mechanical strain of a given weight load) will catch up with you, and your growth will plateau. Growth with a given load will probably only produce gains for about 4-6 weeks. The lighter the load, the shorter the amount of time it will be able to induce muscle growth."

Det er svært at sige præcis hvor små springene må være før det påvirker resultaterne, men det anbefales på HST-siden at man har spring på 5-10% af 5RM - bemærk ikke nødvendigvis 5-10% progression, da man ofte gentager vægtene 2-3 gange. I øvelser med håndvægte 1-2,5kg spring være fint - eller hvad der nu er til rådighed. For bænkpres, squat og andre store øvelser med meget vægt bør springene være mindst 5kg.

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