Cardio - giver ny energi hvordan?


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Jeg soeger lige en forklaring paa hvad det er der sker med kroppen naar man udfoerer fysisk aktivitet - cardio etc.

Jeg mener, jeg er enormt stresset og traet og kan slet ikke tanke mere. Saa tager jeg lige en spinning time og herefter har jeg faaet ny energi og et klart hoved til at gaa i krig med strabadserne igen - OG lysten! :cooldance:

- Hvad er det der sker med kroppen, der faar mig tilbage med 100% energi ???

Jeg pràver paa at forklare min soester at det ville hjaelpe hende i hendes stressede hverdag samt dovenskab, at komme igang med noget sport! Hun forstaar slet ikke hvordan man kan SKABE energi ved at bruge den... Nogen der kan hjaelpe???

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har det på samme måde! prøv at cykle udendørs i en time istedet for at spinne..... gir megt mere :cooldance:  :4thumbup:


Mon ikke at det er et temperamentsspørgsmål? Jeg tror sgu ikke du får mange styrkeløftere ud på en jernhest.

Måske er forklaringen ikke fysiologisk, men psykologisk?????? :blink::blink:

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good question but unfortunately I don't think there's a simple answer as the term "energy" is very vague.

Physiologically, the lack of energy you experience after a stressful day is different from the lack of energy you experience after hard physical work.

Exercise has acute and simultaneous effects upon fuel metabolism, hormone responses and the central nervous system. I would guess that the effects you experience at the end of a 1 hour spinning class are probably at the level of the nervous system, but partly associated with changes in circulating hormones/fuels. For example you might also get your energy back if you were suddenly required to fly a jet, even if you were sitting still, so mental stimulation might be a part of it.

Over the long term, exercise improves your ability to deal with both physical and mental stress (by reducing cardio responses and responses mediated via nervous /endocrine system which can make you feel "tired")

I think rather than "giving energy", exercise, esp. aerobic exercise, preventa the loss of energy associated with stressful, sedentary lifestyles.

that's my understanding at least :raisebrow:

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Exercise has acute and simultaneous effects upon fuel metabolism, hormone responses and the central nervous system. I would guess that the effects you experience at the end of a 1 hour spinning class are probably at the level of the nervous system, but partly associated with changes in circulating hormones/fuels. For example you might also get your energy back if you were suddenly required to fly a jet, even if you were sitting still, so mental stimulation might be a part of it.

Over the long term, exercise improves your ability to deal with both physical and mental stress (by reducing cardio responses and responses mediated via nervous /endocrine system which can make you feel "tired")


Jeg ved slet ikke om jeg skal skrive på engelsk eller dansk... men går jo udfra at du forstår dansk siden du har læst mit indlæg!

Jeg tror du har ret i den sidste del - at træning forbedrer ens stress niveau - det tror jeg alle vil give dig ret i. Men hvordan det centrale nerve system kan spille ind på den følelse af 'ny energi og klart hoved' det forstår jeg ikke. Måske man bare skal acceptere at det er sådan!

Er vi ikke ude i effekten af frigivet adrenalin og endorphin under træning?



Frigivet adrenalin - det har jeg hørt før. Men hvad er firgivelse af endorphin???

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"Endorfin er transmitterstoffer, som kan frigives i henholdsvis hjernen og rygmarven. Stofferne er kemisk beslægtede med morfin og er primært smertedæmpende. De kan muligvis også give et vist velvære.

Endorfin kan udløses af meget intensiv eller meget langvarig belastning - eller under akutte skader og ulykker. De, der har prøvet at brække en knogle, vil vide, at det ikke gør ondt i starten, men først efter nogen tid, hvilket blandt andet skyldes frigivelse af endorfin.

Endorfin kan f.eks. udløses i forbindelse med et maratonløb, men ikke i nævneværdig grad ved almindelig træning.

Man skal altså tæt på sine grænser, før der sker en endorfinfrigivelse af betydning. Endorfinfrigivelsen sker f.eks. exponentielt stigende - jo længere man udsættes for belastning.

Den forbedring af velvære, humør, kropsoplevelse og meget andet, som de fleste f.eks. løbere kender til, er nok ikke en følge af en enkelt faktor, f.eks. en biokemisk ændring.

Som jævnlig løber oplever man en udvidelse af sine handlemuligheder, man sprænger af og til grænser, man oplever natur og løbekammerater mere intenst, man oplever følelsen af at kunne gennemføre noget. Og der sker da også en række fysiologiske ændringer, som har betydning. Fx falder koncentrationen af katekolaminer - stresshormoner - i blodet. Det betyder i sig selv en afslapning og et velvære."

Kan lige tilføje at jeg får det på samme måde, og det er ikke længerevarig cardio, men kun ved at løfte vægte.

Edited by EverLast
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Alle former for træning, men især konditionstræning har en effekt på humøret. Konditionstræning har vist sig at være lige så effektivt som antidepressive midler!

Heri kunne noget af forklaringen ligge?

Den energi træningen giver er ikke energi i den egentlige forstand (næringsstoffer), men nærmere en effekt der er psykisk/hormonel.

Sænker stressniveau, fjerner smerte (endorphiner), tænder nervesystem og fjerner træthed (adrenalin, noradrenalin), modvirker depression.

Den kroniske effekt er forbedret selvbillede, øget selvtillid, forbedret iltoptagelse og arbejdskapacitet.

Så det er ikke så underligt man får det bedre af at træne :wink:

Kan desværre ikke være mere specifik ifht hormonfluktuationer under/efter træning da jeg ikke har læst arbejdsfysiologi, -endnu :smile:

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Harvard Business review, januar 2005, beskæftiger sig i en artikel bl.a. med det ønskelige i, at stressede executives træner. Jeg citerer fra side 60:

"Physical exercise induces the body to produce an array of chemicals that the brain loves, including endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine, as well as two recently discovered compounds, brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF). Both BDNF and NGF promote cell health and development in the brain, stave off the ravages of aging and stress and keep the brain in tip-top condition."

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Ja, i har ret - men kun til en hvis grænse.

Hvor har jeg hørt den mange gange :4smartass: : "Du må da være dejligt frisk når du har været ude og træne" Men efter 5 timer på cyklen i kulde og blæst er jeg sku næsten for smadret til at huske mit eget personnummer :blink:

Ja, jeg har en god følelse i kroppen - men jeg er f.... træt, og jeg har I HVERT FALD ikke mere energi end da jeg startede - jeg er nærmere klar på en hurtig "morfar" :sleeping:

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Ja, i har ret - men kun til en hvis grænse.

Hvor har jeg hørt den mange gange :4smartass: : "Du må da være dejligt frisk når du har været ude og træne" Men efter 5 timer på cyklen i kulde og blæst er jeg sku næsten for smadret til at huske mit eget personnummer  :blink:

Ja, jeg har en god følelse i kroppen - men jeg er f.... træt, og jeg har I HVERT FALD ikke mere energi end da jeg startede - jeg er nærmere klar på en hurtig "morfar"  :sleeping:


He he.... det' grineren, Fast! Og jeg er meget enig. Søndag eftermiddag i januar, februar og marts skal jeg INGENTING OVERHOVEDET de første 2 timer efter træningen, ikke udover :4mewantfood: og :sleeping: på sofaen.

Ziggymund :bike:

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Mon ikke også noget af forklaringen skal hentes i at man generelt kommer i bedre form og derved generelt har en bedre udholdenhed - også til de små dagligdagsførnødenheder. Man er måske mindre smadret efter en indkøbstur med en tung pose i hver hånd på en 2 km vandretur fra Brugsen, hvis man er bedre rustet til hhv. at bære vægten og bevæge sig uden at blive alt for træt i benene. Så når man kommer hjem er man måske mindre tilbøjelig til at smide sig på sofaen fordi man faktisk er mindre kvæstet. Så er det man mærker overskuddet til alle de ting man normalt ikke fr gjort (og til endnu mere motion måske).

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  • 4 weeks later...
Jeg soeger lige en forklaring paa hvad det er der sker med kroppen naar man udfoerer fysisk aktivitet - cardio etc.


Hej Carmen - og andre

her er en forklaring på hvad der sker med en række hormoner i kroppen under træning:

"There are many physical, mental, and physiological benefits to regular exercise. One category of benefits is the impact that exercise has on many of your body's hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers within your body that affect almost all aspects of human function:

1. Growth Hormone

- Stimulates protein synthesis (muscle tone/development), and strength of bones, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage.

- Decreases use of glucose and increases use of fat as a fuel during exercise. This helps to reduce body fat and to keep blood glucose at a normal level which helps you to exercise for a longer period of time.

Release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland in the brain is increased with increasing aerobic exercise time, especially more intense exercise such as interval training. To receive an article on interval training, send email to:


2. Endorphins

- An endogenous opioid from the pituitary gland that blocks pain, decreases appetite, creates a feeling of euphoria (the exercise high), and reduces tension and anxiety.

Blood levels of endorphins increase up to five times resting levels during longer duration (greater than 30 minutes) aerobic exercise at moderate to intense levels and also during interval training.

Also, after several months of regular exercise, you develop an increased sensitivity to endorphins (a higher high from the same level of endorphins), and endorphins that are produced tend to stay in your blood for a longer period of time. This makes longer duration exercise easier (you're feeling no pain) and it causes your exercise high to last for a longer period of time after exercise.

3. Testosterone

- An important hormone in both males and females for maintaining muscle tone/volume/strength, increasing basal metabolic rate (metabolism), decreasing body fat, and feeling self-confident. It's produced by the ovaries in females and by the testes in males. - Females have only about one tenth the amount of testosterone that males do, but even at that level in females it also plays a role in libido and intensity of org*sms. Production of testosterone in females begins to decline as a woman begins to approach menopause and in males it begins to decline in his forties.

Blood levels of testosterone increase with exercise in both males and females beginning about 20 minutes into an exercise session, and blood levels may remain elevated for one to three hours after exercise.

4. Estrogen

- The most biologically active estrogen, 17 beta estradiol, increases fat breakdown from body fat stores so that it can be used and fuel, increases basal metabolic rate (metabolism), elevates your mood, and increases libido. This hormone is at much higher blood levels in females, but the ovaries begin to produce less of it as a woman begins to approach menopause.

The amount of 17 beta estradiol secreted by the ovaries increases with exercise, and blood levels may remain elevated for one to four hours after exercise.

5. Thyroxine (T4)

- A hormone produced by the thyroid gland, Thyroxine riases the metabolic rate ("metabolism") of almost all cells in the body. This increase in "metabolism" helps you to feel more energetic and also causes you to expend more calories, and thus is important in weight loss.

Blood levels of thyroxine increase by about 30% during exercise and remain elevated for several hours afterward - this period of time is increased by an increase in intensity and/or duration of exercise. Regular exercise also increase thyroxine levels at rest.

6. Epinephrine

- A hormone produced primarily by the adrenal medulla that increases the amount of blood the heart pumps and directs blood flow to where it's needed. - Stimulates breakdown of glycogen (stored carbohydrate) in the active muscles and liver to use as fuel. It also stimulates the breakdown of fat (in stored fat and in active muscles) to use as fuel.

The amount of epinephrine released from the adrenal medulla is proportional to the intensity and duration of exercise.

7. Insulin (adrenaline)

- An important hormone in regulating (decreasing) blood levels of glucose ("blood sugar") and in directing glucose, fatty acids (fat), and amino acids (protein) into the cells. Insulin secretion by the pancreas is increased in response to a rise in blood sugar and/or amino acids (protein) as is often the case after a meal. Typically, the larger the meal, or the greater the quantity of simple sugars consumed, the larger the insulin response.

An excessive insulin response causes fat production within the cells - thus, insulin is sometimes called the "fat hormone". Many overweight people's cells develop a resistance to insulin so that it takes more insulin to have the same effect. This creates a situation where blood levels of insulin are higher than normal. This condition is often improved by losing weight and daily aerobic exercise.

Blood levels of insulin begin to decrease about 10 minutes into an aerobic exercise session and continue to decrease through about 70 minutes of exercise. Regular exercise also increases a cell's sensitivity to insulin at rest.

8. Glucagon

- A hormone that is also secreted by the pancreas, but it's job is to raise blood levels of glucose ("blood sugar"). When blood sugar levels get too low, glucagon is secreted and causes stored carbohydrate (glycogen) in the liver to be released into the blood stream to raise blood sugar to a normal level. It also causes the breakdown of fat so that it can be used as fuel.

Glucagon typically begins to be secreted beyond 30 minutes of exercise when blood glucose levels may begin to decrease.

So, next time you're exercising, think about all the wonderful things that are happening to your hormones. It might even make you want to do more exercise!"

Håber i kunne bruge det!

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