cluster training


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Jeg læste denne artikel inde på t-mag;jsessioni...titan?id=539885

Jeg har læst lidt om cluster training, og tænkte om nogle har erfaring med dette?

Hvordan ser det ud mht. hypertrofi?


Sunday: Bench Press, High Stress

Mini-Session #1

Pre-workout strategy 1: About 30 minutes before the session, take one serving of Power Drive along with 200mg of caffeine. This will activate your nervous system and maximize your strength potential.

Pre-workout strategy 2: Before the first work set on the bench (after your 2-3 warm-up sets) place an icepack on your abdomen for 2-3 minutes. This will restrict blood flow to the heart (due to vasoconstriction) which will stimulate a panic response, releasing adrenalin and noradrenalin, potentiating your strength and power for the upcoming workout. (Yes, yes, it sounds weird, but it works!)


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Pre-workout strategy 2: Before the first work set on the bench (after your 2-3 warm-up sets) place an icepack on your abdomen for 2-3 minutes. This will restrict blood flow to the heart (due to vasoconstriction) which will stimulate a panic response, releasing adrenalin and noradrenalin

Det kan vist ikke være sundt i den lange løb :blink:

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MASSkinen og Granhof kører clustersets i nogle øvelser - prøv at chekke deres logbøger  :wink: Det brænder vist temmeligt grusomt  :4thumbup:


Ye, spurgte MASS hvad dælen clustersæt var for noed':


tak tak...

Cluster sæt er 3 sæt i et, med samme vægt og ca. 20-25 sek. pause mellem hvert sæt. første sæt er 1-2 reps fra failure, næste 2 sær til failure..

Vist ikke helt det samme... :poking:

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