Faktorer som påvirker din træning!

The Tiger

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Conditioning yourself to respond in an optimal manner to every test of fitness and strength you can apply can be

extremely rewarding...for awhile. And then, as you continue to live up to your own expectations, you hit a stale period,

a state of poor performance, and skid into a slump. If three or four workouts in a row seem to be sub-par you may be in

a state of overtraining. You may have let other factors, along with your leveling out of limit strength, influence the way

you feel, react and train. While the main culprit causing overtraining is overuse ­ called "cumulative micro-trauma" ­ it

can sometimes be attributed to several factors that converge at the same time. You must be able to respond well to

stress, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. Therefore, there are other, non-training related, elements

that affect your conditioning, some in ways that you don't even perceive.

Problems in the following areas can have an effect on your training:


Financial status.



Personality conflicts.

Schedule conflicts.

Poor training facilities.

Monotony in training or lifestyle.

Poor diet or sleep habits.

Inadequate coaching.

Lack of encouragement.

Time-consuming or strenuous job that interferes with your workouts.


Poor coaching or personality conflicts with coach.

Inflicting too severe exercise stress upon your body.


This is by far the MOST significant cause of overtraining.

Ja, faldt lige over lidt spændede læsning af Fred Hatfield.. Og hvad kan man så lære af det? Jo, det er ikke kun vigtigt, at træningen kører. Husk også dine studier(jeg har nemlig overset mine den sidste tid pga.træningslæsning - kender I det?,hehe), økonomiskeforhold(så brug ikke alle dine penge på kreatin,protein mv), familie- og personligeforhold.. osv.osv.osv.

Og hvad skal jeg så nu? Jo, ind af læse lektier fremfor at surfe rundt på samtlige amerikanske boards og læse om træning! Har ikke lavet andet end læse om træning de sidste par måneder :D :lol: :D :D ;)

Nå, men det siger selvfølgelig sig selv meget af det, men synes nu alligevel det var meget interssant og valgte derfor at tilføje artiklen til min samling - og så lave et indlæg her på MOL, da andre måske kan bruge det til lidt! :bblush:

Too much of anything is no good for you.


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helt sikkert. Omgivelserne gør meget for ens træning. Efter jeg er kommet til Ak-Frem er min 2 RM i Squat gået fra 125 - 160 Kg og det var efter ca 6 uger. Det er motivation, lyst og ny viden der langt hen ad vejen gør en stærkere.

Fint nok at hive det frem nu hvor vi går mod den mørke tid. :wave:

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