You know you are Hardcore when...


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Description of tipical gym members

starting as nobody ... finishing as nobody,

most common scenario, using all sorts of supplements, then drugs but nothing ever happens, ok blame it on your

genetics and just forget the whole thing.

good genetics but lazzy ass

gets in good shape with only few walks & talks in the gym from 8-9 pm when gym is packed with aerobic chicks.

it is nice life, gets laid a lot but never develops any noticable size. Real bodybuilders hate them,

but why ? wasnt their primar motivation to lift to attrack babes, if someone has done it with much

less sweat we can just respect it.

frustrated ughly duck thinking steroids will bring him fame and glory.

guy trains realy hard, talking to him self, all right blonds, did not wanna go out with me, you will see who i will

be ! come on...  one more rep, one more rep, and there goes your life, without a girlfriend...

competative bodybuilder dreaming of becoming a pro one day

realy cool body, lots of ripped muscles, everyone wants to be like him, but there is something missing

he just never makes it ... his wife dumped him, sick and tired of those next year will be mine stories..

Regular Joe

not very common  type. comes to gym 3-4 times weekly with 2 weeks off periods for

summer and winter vacations, Uses steroids a few times per year to give him

self ego boost and his old lady some extra fun. Has good sence of humour and is nice to new commers,

respets all above types of gym members and doenst fight with anyone for some stupid reasons.

best way to go INHO.



* You spend all your X-mas money that was supposed to be used to buy  gifts for other people on juice for yourself.

* You schedule your college courses around your eating and lifting schedules.

* Also when you are sweeping and start to feel a little burn, so you  switch arms to make sure you work both sides evenly

* Instead of leaving Santa milk and cookies, you leave him some winny and T3 and tell him to get his fat ass in shape!

* I curled a chair a bunch of times before a girl came to my dorm room

* When you find small portions of blood in your testosterone stream

* When you cut holes in the back of your pants for the deca

* You "think" your to sick to work out but you go in anyway and set new personal best on the sqat or some other

 movement.happend more  than once

* When someone says to you "do you go to the taning bed during the  winter"

 You laugh it off and say no its "natural" "JAUNDICE"

* When you're proud to have thrown up on the gym floor, but then get  pissed because you probably wasted a bunch of


* When you get pissed at a hot chick for talking to you during a set

* Or how about you puke after a set, and get pissed off because you are  on a timed routine, and you just went over the

 allowed time between sets.

* Instead of having a cup of pen and pencils on your desk you just have a cup on pen caps

* You want to kill your substitute spotter cuz he touched the bar.....

* This is not that funny, but.... All of my boxers have blood at both  spots of my glute injections...

* When you bring, premixed protein shakes, glutamine, and multi vits, and

four tuna sandwiches to work because you have to work for 8 hrs.

* When you name your dog Primo

* When you put amps and needles into your kids stockings for christmas

* When you upset you didn't puke after leg day

* Use old amps as Christmas decorations for the tree.

* or string them together for a neckless for your girl. (JUST DO NOT GIVE IT TO HER! They do not understand male


* Hey It can be done, You can make a real nice glass orniment out of  sus250 amps

* When buying a house the main factor is how close it is to the gym.

* When you pick the dog up from the vet and ask if the have something to help with his growth .... didn't work

* When you try and get your dad to have the vet give some EQ to his horses... didn't work

* Can't sleep at night and start doing crunches in your bed till you're tired!

* When you are sitting at dinner at your sister inlaws and she is  discussing

how the Dr. put her on "a drug called clomid" and you spit water out of your mouth in disbelief. (happened to me)

* When you have a blender sitting next to the filing cabinet thats full  /of protien drinks and bars at your office.

* When your taking your daily injections and it takes 4 full 3cc syringes

* When you are afraid to walk to class cuase it might be over training

* When you wont have sex with girlfriend for same reason as above

* When you max out all your credit card because you bough juice and used western union then you grew so much you had

to buy all new clothes

* You chew off the calluses on your palms....

* When you can either pay bills and eat or buy juice and run up the  credit card even more on groceries and you always

seem to do the latter.

* When you have been scammed 3 times in a row but you just keep buying

* I would add you know your hardcore, when you've hidden so much gear in

 your place that you can't remember where you put some of it. . .

* When it's time for a winter flu shot and you beg the doc to let you

shoot it yourself in the quad.

* When you can't seem to ever get the smell

of rev-b off you fingers

* When you tell the dentist to aspirate for the Novocane.

* You tried to snort Fina and Creatine To get a better pump.

* When you spend hours in front of the mirror popping zits.

* When sitting at a red light makes you want to kill someone.

* You loose a pawn on you chess bourd and substitute it with a sus amp.

* When the size of your arms becomes more important than the size of your


* ...when you piss on a tree and the next day its 3 times bigger

* When you piss in a cup and drink it thinking.."well it should not be so

bad on my liver the second time through!!"




* When sticking a pin full of juice in your ass is as much of a daily

routine as taking a shower and brushing your teeth


* "When you take shots with the bros, it's vodka for them and winny for


* When you start putting the kid to bed real early because your dying to

get stuck and you don't want him to see all the bottles on the kitchen  table

* When you grunt while taking a shit and your liver falls out...

* You have to wear makeup to cover the yellowness under the eyes from jaundice

* George Spellwin is the best man at your wedding

* You have a bench press competition at the reception

* Get thrown out cause you had a bench press shirt on under your tux

* Your 5 year old son has a bigger set of balls than you do...

* Tax money goes to that last spring bulk cycle(and you fuckers know this one is true...heh heh heh)

* You nickname your son " E2 "

* You keep Ranger's poetry taped on the walls(I know this one is true to

ya fuckers)

* You send Christmas cards to your sources, but not your in-laws

* You only answer if someone calls you by your eltiefitness board profile


* You give your entire family profile names

* Your children get pop quizes on the effects of deca vs test...extra

repsif they fail!!!

* You actually think your dick has gotten bigger when on test, but it's

because your nuts have gotten to small to see....heh heh heh....small

potatoes make the steak look!!!

* I know I'm hardcore, because I look forward to a couple of hours in the

gym like I used to look forward to a piece of ass. Same kind of

delicious physical anticipation.


* ...when you go to the doctor and get pissed when he tells you they

found blood in your blood test.

* You know your hardcore when you get pissed and your cloths start to rip

(except for your pants) and you turn green and call yourself the hulk.

* When your mom sends out to get juice you comeback with sust250, deca,

and d-bol and slaps you because you forgot clomids and novas hahahahah

* "U know ur hardcore" when u tell ur mom, The Ranger is one of the

funniest guys on the steriod Discussion board!!!!!hahahaha I love this place!!

* How about this one you know your hardcore when you wake up a night

cuddling with a needle and your girlfriend is sleeping on the floor.

Or when your friends start calling you pinn cushion

* Or when you go to tj and your friends go check out the women and yous

stand in front of the pharmcies and vet checking out gear.

* Or when you make dinner you sprink d-bol on your food for a better


* Or when you give your baby son an amp of sut to suck on instead of a

bottle heheheheeh

* Ok last one you know your hardcore when your at a restaurant and get

pissed beacause the only juice that they served was apple, grape and


* When you take your protein with you on dates!

* When you take a bag of groceries, a gallon of milk and 2 ziploc bags


of protein to work with you every morning. (people make fun of me!)

* 6 out of the 7 days in the week, u walk with a limp because of all the

damn injections.

* ...the empty tuna can on top of your MuscleMag is filled with syringe   wrappers, used needles, alcohol swabs, and empty

vials of deca.

* When you actually give up partying/drinking because  you don't want to be   weaker on chest day.

* Or when you go to buy all your shirts at Kids R Us.

* When the day after squatting you feel intitled to skip the University garage  and half-mile walk to class, parking instead in a

handicapped spot.

* When walking past parked cars, you tend to look in  the windows to see a   reflection of yourself.

* You have a dog named "Met-Rx."

* When you schedule leg day the day after your softball league so you will be  able to run by the next game.

* You skip your last class of the day so you have enough time to work out   before going to work.

* When you visit chat board with all kind of messed up people, just to get  some advice on how to drink winny

* When you skip the 2 morning classes just to get the 10 hours of sleep...

* When you're about to let go a huge protein fart and you ask those around

you  for their preference...."Egg or Tuna? Call the ball!"

* When you are in the bathroom at work flexing in the

mirror and a coworker  walks in and you try to play it off like you are just checking to see if

your shirt is tucked in ok.

* When someone buys you a shirt that's too big you take it as a compliment.

*  When you can't afford to pay bills or rent, but somehow manage to fork  over

񘈨/month on food, supplements, and gear.

* When you dont want to cut the grass cuz its too much

cardio or..when your are having problems wiping your ass cuz your lats are too  fuckin' big

* When you constantly write down cycles for your dog, cause you want him to   look more like you. (I've done this so many


* When you dont want to cut the grass cuz its too much cardio

* You where t-shirts in the winter and sweaters or  long sleeves in the summer (to keep your tan even)

*  You buy your grandma wrist straps for Christmas.

*You reach down to tie your shoes but can't because your humongous Quads are in the way

* When you'll make your girlfriend wait 3 months to see you because you're  not   in the shape you want to be in.  how

about....u know ur a BB when you go to see the doc and he wants to give

u a shot and u tell him to shoot in the right delt  cuz thats next in  rotation

* When you take it up the ass to buy gear...

* When you date fat bitches cause they will feed you


* When someone asks what day is it and you answer with

a bodypart

* When your daughter is named Arnold.

*You have little yelow post its around your screen in work, with this written  on them:

400 6 500

400 6 500

400 6 500

400 6 500

400 8 500

400 8 500

300 6 500

300 6 500

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Hmm underlige gutter på den side Gyver.

Det holder 100% at de er mod AS.

se feks her:



er der er skræmmende billede af Bitch Tits.

Men ud over det så synes jeg de træner UTROLIG lidt ben. jeg har set på mange af deres programmer. mange af dem  træner kun overkrop.

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Ja deres mentalitet holder 100%!!!

Men man bliver desværre ikke stor ved bare at tro på det...!!

Så jeg kunne da godt forestille mig at de er nogle af de der typer der render rundt med vildt pumpede overkroppe og små tynde kyllingeben!! :biggrin:

Men ellers er de vel ret hardcore! :angry:

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Ja det er jeg enig med dig i. Borset fra at det nok er nogen af dem som går med håndklæder som bluser og er kronragede og kun træner overkrop, og har guld kæder som svarer til de flestes års indkomst.

Men jo de er nok hardcore. Det tror jeg også. Men dem af dem som træner ben kan vidst tælles på en hånd.

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