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Nu er jeg efterhånden træt af at være i tvivl.

1 -Jeg ved at lactoseallergigere af naturlige årsager ikke må drikke det.

2 -Jeg ved at fosfor hæmmer optagelsen af kalcium.

Har hørt noget om, at for meget mælk skulle øge risikoen for knogleskørhed. Skyldes det grund 2 ( Se længere oppe ) Passer det overhovedet??

3 -Jeg ved også at nogle er trætte af dette emne. :rolleyes: Men lad os nu få et endeligt svar, en gang for alle... Skal man være "bange" for det!?

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Jeg har også læst nogle artikler i avisen om at mere end 1 liter mælkeprodukt dagligt er skadeligt, så vidt jeg husker var det også argumentet med knogleskørhed.

Jeg drikker dog selv ca. 2 liter dagligt, så jeg håber ikke det samme er gældende for styrketrænende folk, men kunne der ikke også være noget om at folk der styrketræner godt kan tåle mere mælk, eller er det bare ønske tænkning? B)

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sakset fra www.arla.dk (ok lidt kildekritik er måske på sin plads :) )

Spørgsmål: Er det usundt at drikke meget mælk?

Svar:Nej det er ikke usundt at drikke meget mælk, hvis du holder dig til de magre/fedtfattige typer (skummetmælk, kærnemælk eller letmælk), men problemet ved at drikke flere liter mælk om dagen - kan dog være, at mælken tager appetitten fra andre vigtige fødevarer. Fx fødevarer, der indeholder de næringsstoffer, som mælken ikke giver dig nemlig jern, vitamin C og fibre. Du skriver ikke, hvor meget mælk du drikker, men ifølge de officielle anbefalinger , skal du drikke ½ liter mælk og spise 25 g ost. Herved får du dækket 85-100 % af dit kalcium-behov. Du skal ikke være bekymret for at få for meget kalcium. Din krop optager den mængde fra kosten, som den har brug for - resten ryger ud med afføringen. Det er vigtigt at spise varieret, og ved at følge de 7 kostråd, når du sammensætter din kost, skulle du ikke få problemer.

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"The strongest man of the century", Paul Anderson, drak 2-3 gallons (1 gallon = 3,8liter) mælk dagligt. Så kom bare i gang med at bælle noget mælk i skidesækken. 

...og døde i en alder af 62 år! Men Det var vist noget med nyreproblemer :confused2:

Men mælk er en god protein-kilde (3,5g protein pr. 100g) og så smager det jo godt :)

Der er dog nogle som konstaterer at meget mælk godt kan give akne, men det er igen individuelt!

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Jeg har skåret kraftigt ned på mit mælkeforbrug, som dog også tidligere var temmeligt stort. I dag drikker jeg sjældent over en liter om dagen.

Hvad angår Calcium, så er det ikke sikkert at de store mængder er med til at holde knoglerne stærke. Så forleden en opgørelse over antallet af hoftebrud i forskellige lande. Det er påfaldende at lande med et meget lavt forbrug af mejeriprodukter faktisk har en lav forekomst af hoftebrud. Fysisk aktivitet menes at have væsentligt større betydning.

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Kalk hæmmer optagelsen af jern - eller det står der i hvert fald på glasset til jerntabletterne. Men hvis det tages med 1 times mellemrum skulle det ikke have indflydelse.

Personligt lever jeg af mælk i tiden (og mælkeprodukter) så jeg satset meget kraftigt på at det er godt og sundt :)

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Jeg læste et sted at det land i verden hvor der bliver drukket mest mælk er Norge og det er samtidig det land hvor der er relativt flest indbyggere der lider af knogleskørhed.

Desuden kan man sagtenst udvikle allergi overfor laktose hvis man får for maeget af det eksempelvis igennem overdrevent mælkeindtag....

ko-mælk er ko-mad. :tongue:

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Desuden kan man sagtenst udvikle allergi overfor laktose hvis man får for maeget af det eksempelvis igennem overdrevent mælkeindtag
Jeg forestillede mig ellers man kunne "træne" sig til at kunne klare et større mælkeindtag?
ko-mælk er ko-mad

Og salat er kanin-føde? :lol:

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Does Milk Really Do The Body Good? Calcium and Protein: A Mixture for Disaster.

By: Mark J. Occhipinti, M.S.

Exercise Physiologist/Nutritional Consultant

It is a documented fact that consumption of dairy products can lead to the development of atherosclerosis, heart attack and strokes, and that high fat dairy products contain unsafe levels of environmental contaminants, including pesticide residues, antibiotics and estrogen steroids. 1,2 In addition, research has demonstrated a "calcium wash" along with other critical minerals (potassium, magnesium, and iron ) from the blood stream, causing a negative calcium balance which will result with an intake of only 24 ounces of dairy products daily. 3

Low animal protein diets create a positive calcium balance, meaning bones are not losing calcium; and high animal protein diets create a negative calcium balance, meaning osteoporosis is developing. As a result of this research data, low fat dairy products are now in vogue with many people assuming this to be a health advantage. However, as a result of their higher protein concentrations, low, especially nonfat dairy products, have been shown to make a greater contribution to osteoporosis, kidney problems and certain forms of cancers. 4

Dairy products are the leading culprit in food allergies. Low fat varieties are actually more allergenic due higher protein concentration. 5 In addition, it has been stated that dairy products cause a miraid of problems within the small intestines by interfering with intestinal permeability, thereby allowing large fragments of proteins to enter into the blood stream. This is also known as "leaky gut syndrome". This can lead to a host of physical problems, including irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption of nutrients, and obesity, mineral and amino acid deficiencies. 6



A mother produces breastmilk containing antibodies to infectious agents that a newborn might be exposed to. If a mother breast feeds her newborn, a process known as diathelic immunity takes place, in which the baby receives the necessary antibodies to fight infection. 7 During the first 72-96 hours after childbirth, breastmilk contains colostrum, which carries immunoglobulins that greatly enhance the newborn's immunity against disease. Babies deprived of colostrum have considerably higher rates of viral and bacterial infections. 8

During the first 6 months of life, a babies small intestines are highly permeable, to allow the maximum absorption of breastmilk, and antibodies. During this "leaky gut" period, the baby is most vulnerable to developing allergies. 9 An abundance of articles have pinpointed that allergies to dairy products begin in a new born's small intestines as a result of bottle feeding (either cow's milk directly or formula. Bottle fed babies suffer more of the following: pneumonia, middle-ear infections, respiratory infections, bacterial meningitis, neo-natal septicemia, thrush, and viral illnesses, including polio and herpes simplex. 10,19,20

In fact, the risk of influenza and spinal meningitis for bottle fed babies is as much as sixteen times greater than the risk for breastfed babies. 11 Recent, comprehensive studies involving thousands of babies bottle feed found a direct correlation with the development of immune system disorders, including diabetes, chronic liver disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, spastic bowel disease, food allergies, obesity, coronary heart disease, and multiple sclerosis. 12



The medical profession and the media encourage the public to drink milk and eat dairy products because "it does the body good". Nothing could be further from the truth! Higher calcium and protein intake is proported to lower the incidence of osteoporosis according to the Dairy Council and the dietitians that refuse to study the medical literature that is not in accordance with the Dairy Industry Commandments. Dr. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., professor of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, is the Director of the China-Oxford Cornell Study, the largest study of diet and disease in medical history. His findings: higher animal calcium and animal protein intake is the primary cause of degenerative disease. 13

In February, 1995, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) lodged a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, stating that ads for milk and milk products are deceptive in that they imply that calcium in milk is the answer to the bone loss caused by osteoporosis.

PCRM holds that while calcium intake is important during early childhood and does influence bone mass, there are alternative sources, besides animal products, such as fruits, vegetables and grains to achieve our necessary calcium requirements of usable organic calcium. According to the research conducted by PCRM, milk consumption later in life actually contributes to calcium loss.

Research has demonstrated in countries with a lower animal calcium intake (<500 mgs/day) to have a significantly lower bone fracture rate when compared to countries with the highest intake of animal products , i.e. USA > 1,200 mgs/day.14 PCRM urges women to control calcium loss in adulthood by exercise, reducing meat intake, reducing sodium intake and limiting caffeine and tobacco use. 15 Dr. Neal Barnard, M.D., president of PCRM, states that dairy ads give women a dangerously false sense of security".

The PCRM further asseses that cow's milk may cause diabetes, ovarian cancer, cataracts, iron deficiency, and allergies in both children & adults. Medical research also has made the association between cancer of the lymph system and the consumption of whole milk dairy products. 16,17

Whole milk and dairy products including milk, ice creasm, cheese contain fat soluble pesticides residues, sulfa drugs and antibiotics (the dairy industry labels this practice: BIO SECURITY) that have been linked to cancer in laboratory animals. 4,17,25


Milk Does Not Protect Women From Osteoporosis

Milk consumption does not protect against fractures, according to new data from the Harvard Nurses Study. The study recruited a group of 77,761 women who were between 34 and 59 years of age when the study began in 1980, and followed them for the next 12 years. 28

Those who drank three or more glasses of milk per day that is promoted by the Dairy industry had no reduction at all in the risk of hip or arm fractures compared to those women who did not consume any dairy products. Even after adjustments were made for weight, menopausal status, smoking and alcohol consumption and exercise levels.

In fact, but not surprisingly, the fracture rates were higher for those who consumed three plus servings (8 ounces per serving), compared to those who did not drink milk. 28

The findings resonate with international comparisons that show that fracture rates in Scandinavia, England, Canada, Denmark and other area where dairy consumption takes place is significantly higher than those countries were dairy consumption does not take place (Pacific Rim Nations, Africia, China).

The differences are the result of two other factors.

First, in international studies, genetics play a role, with white women at higher risk than other groups.

Second, other animal protein greatly increase calcium loss via the kidney.


Recognizing a dramatic rise in the number of Americans with osteoporosis (loss of bone mass, causing bone to become honeycombed, shrunken, brittle, and easily broken), the National Academy of Science, National Institutes of Health, and the USDA collaborated to raise the recommended daily calcium intake from 1000 mg. to 1500 mg. for kids over 10, women, and everyone past 50. And in 1993, the USDA allowed a bone-health claim for milk, reports Dr. Robert Heaney of Creighton University, Omaha.

Dairy products are rich in calcium, to be sure; but they are also rich in protein. Dr. Vijaya Venkat of the Health Awareness Centre, Prabhadevi, Mumbai, India points out

that nutritionists the world over believe that the Western diet provides too much protein. "There is too much protein in bovine milk, protein we do not need at all." The particular proteins in milk (and other animal sources) "produce acidic ash in the blood. Since our blood has to be slightly alkaline all the time, the body withdraws calcium from the bones to neutralize this acid. Excess protein will weaken the bones," Dr. Venkat writes.

There are plenty of plant sources for calcium, researchers note. Citrus fruits, legumes, nuts, soy, and anything green. "Fruits and vegetables yield an alkaline ash, and don't deplete calcium stores," Alan Lamm reports. Citing research, he explains: "Meat, eggs, milk products, and fish are the most acid-forming foods. High protein diets lead to a gradual decrease in bone density."

Lamm, summarizing a study embraced by all the anti-milk journalists, reports that osteoporosis and its resulting bone fractures are most common in countries where dairy

consumption is highest: Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Scandinavian countries.

In an article in the August 28, 1997 News-Observer, Dr. Neal D. Barnard, president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, writes: "The real causes of

osteoporosis are the five factors that leach calcium from the bones: Animal protein, caffeine, sodium, tobacco, and sedentary lifestyle."

Dr. Venkat, states "(Osteoporosis) is a degenerative disease resulting from improper care of your body during younger and middle years."

The Harvard Nurses Study In recent writings, the research cited most often (by American writers, at least) is the Harvard Nurses Study, which investigated osteoporosis and bone loss in women.

Dr. Robert M. Kradjian of Seton Medical Center at Daly City, Calif., explains, from 1980 to 1992 the Harvard Nurses Study followed 77,761 women between ages 34 and 59 to

determine the relationship between milk consumption and osteoporosis.

Dr. Kradjian and Dr. Bernard both report the bottom-line results of the study: "Those who drank three or more glasses of milk per day had no reduction in the risk of hip or arm fractures over the 12-year period, compared to women who drank little or no milk, even after adjustment for weight, menopausal status, smoking, and alcohol use."

Dr. Kradjian, adds "Fracture rates were higher for those who consumed three or more servings, compared to those who did not drink milk."


Milk: The Long White Trail

Research, some of it done 30 years back and some reported only weeks ago, documents a long list of milk negatives. The thesis: Milk does a body harm. And milk's adversaries, whose numbers are growing, have a boxcar load of studies to support them.

Cow's milk lacks essential fatty acids human infants need for neurological development.

Babies drinking whole milk in their first two yearsdevelop allergies, colic, diabetes; milk causes internal bleeding in children, which contributes to anemia.

Milk protein attacks the immune system.

Cow's milk contains "antibiotics (up to 84 different at last count), pesticides, chemicals, hormones(rBGH), blood, white cells (pus)(1/30 of every ounce), and bacteria from mastitis (udder infection)" which the USDA and FDA either do not test for (they do test for 4 of the up to 84 anti-biotics used), or which they allow to be present in unacceptably high levels.

Various studies found "significant positive correlations" between milk intake and lung and ovarian cancers, leukemia, and Crohn's disease. And, possibly, lung and prostrate cancers, Dr. Kradjian notes, but with reservations: "the weight of evidence" suggests it's the animal fat in milk which triggers the growth of cancer cells. This implies that meat is equally damaging. "At least half of human adults" are lactose intolerant, which offers proof, according to Dr. Kradjian, that "cow's milk was never intended for human consumption."

Milk consumption does not protect women fromosteoporosis; in fact, it may cause it. The body withdraws calcium from the bones to neutralize the proteins and lactic acids in milk.



1. Koop, E. The Surgeon's General's Report. Wash.Pub. No. 88-50210. 1988.

2. Werbach, R. Nutritional Influences on Illness.Tarz,Ca.1988.

3. Report of the Task Force on the Assessment of the Scientific Evidence Relating to Infant-Feeding Practices and Infant Health. Pediatrics, 74:579; 1984.

4. McDougall, J.M.D. Diet for A New America, 1992

5. .Welch,J. "Anti-Infective Properties of Breast Milk," J. Of Pediatrics, 94:1, 1979.

6. "Allergy and Cot Death: With Special Focus on Allergic Sensitivity to Cow's Milk Anaphylaxis," Clin & Exp. Allergy, 20:359, 1990.

7. Goldman,A. "Host Resistance Factors in Human Milk," J. Of Ped.82:1082; 1973.

8. Liebman, B. "Baby Formulas: Missing Key Fats?" Nutr. Action, October, 1990.

9. Ironside,A. "A Survey of Infantile Gastroenteritis," British Med J, 3:20, 1907.

10. Robbins,J. May they All Be Fed. Chapter 6, 1992.

11. Erasmus Udo, Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill, 2nd Ed. 1993.

12. Kaplan, S,M.D. Diet for A New America, Chapter 4, 1991.

13. McDougall, J. Ibid.

14. Erasmus,U. Ibid.

15. Barnard,N. M.D., Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Conference, 1995.

16. Ursin, G. et. al. Milk Consumption & Cancer Incidence: A Norwegion Prospective Study. British J. of Cancer G1 no. 3, Mar. 1990, pp 456-459

17. Goldberg, Burton, The Group, Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide, Future Medicine Pub. 1996

18. Duggan, R. Dietary Intake of Pesticide chemicals in the United States, Pesticides Monitoring Journal, 2:140; 1969

19. Bahna, S. Common Manifestations of Cow's Milk Allergy in Children, Lancet, 1:304; 1978

20. Bahna, S. Cow's Milk Allergy: Pathogenesis, Manifestations, Diagnosis, and Management, Advances In Pediatrics, 25:1; 1978

21. Eastham, E. Adverse Effects of Milk Formula Ingestion on the Gastrointestinal Tract-An Update, Gastroenterology, 76:365; 1979

22. Gerrard, J. Milk Allergy: Clinical Picture and Familial Incidence. Journal of the Canadian Medical Association, 97:780; 1967

23. Boat, T. Hyperactivity to cow's Milk in Young Children: Journal of Pediatrics, 87:23; 1975

24. Jakobsson, I. Cow's Milk Allergy as a Cause Of Infantile Colic, Australian Pediatric Journal, 13:276; 1977

25. Should Humans Drink Milk? Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Guide to Healthy Eating, Nov.-Dec., 1990, pp 10

26. Moll, L. FDA Milk Testing Is Not Enough, Vegetarian Times, April, 1991, pp16

27. Human Food Safety and the Regulation of Animal Drugs Report, 99th Congress, 1st Session (HR):99-461, 1985; testimony of Michael Jacobson

28. Feskanich, D., et al. Milk, dietary calcium, and bone fractures in women: a 12 year prospective study, Am J. Publ Health, 1997; 87:992-7

Robert M. Kradjian, M.D., a division chief at Seton Medical Centre, Daly City, Calif., http://www.afpafitness.com/MILKDOC.HTM

Dr. Vijaya Venkat of Health Awareness Centre, Prabhadevi, Mumbai, India, http://www.internetindia.com/health/health.htm

Alan Lamm, author and Kinesiologist/Homoeopath, http://www.alanlam.demon.co.uk/dyk3.htm

Neal D. Barnard, M.D., president, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Washington, D.C., http://www.sai.com/pcrm

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There is too much protein in bovine milk, protein we do not need at all."

Heeeey!!! <_< <_< <_< <_< :lol:

Måske skal man bare følge min gamle læges råd...alt er skadeligt hvis man æder eller drikker for meget af det!

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Min lille copy-paste var ment både seriøst men også lidt som en provokation.

Blackmoore gennemskuede min pointe.....det er alt for meget protein der muligvis kan give osteoporose og ikke fosfor eller kalcium.

Måske skal man bare følge min gamle læges råd...alt er skadeligt hvis man æder eller drikker for meget af det!

Langt hen af vejen er det er fantasitisk råd. Spis varieret....

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Lucy.. nu har jeg så tænkt lidt over det.

Og jeg er ikke HELT sikker på jeg helt køber dem med acidosen...

Et af de vigtigste reguleringsmekanismer for kroppens syre base status er åndedrættet. Normalt vil en let metabolsk acidose kunne fjernes via en let hyperventilering, da man så sænker PCO2 i blodet og dermed fjerner syreekvivalenter via CO2-Bicarbonat systemet.

jeg skal lige have læst op på det igen her i weekenden, men så tror jeg godt jeg vil banke hovedt lidt imod denne acidose mur...

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Lucy.. nu har jeg så tænkt lidt over det.

Og jeg er ikke HELT sikker på jeg helt køber dem med acidosen...

Et af de vigtigste reguleringsmekanismer for kroppens syre base status er åndedrættet. Normalt vil en let metabolsk acidose kunne fjernes via en let hyperventilering, da man så sænker PCO2 i blodet og dermed fjerner syreekvivalenter via CO2-Bicarbonat systemet.

jeg skal lige have læst op på det igen her i weekenden, men så tror jeg godt jeg vil banke hovedt lidt imod denne acidose mur...

Kom med et indlæg og jeg skal forsøge at komme med et svar :)
En anden god årsag til MAX at indtage 1,8 til gram protein pr. kg. kropsvægt!

Hvor kommer 1,8 fra....himlen?

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læste et sjovt indlæg på Madogsundhed.dk nu ved jeg så ikke vhor seriøst man skal tage det men øøøh det gav da lidt eftertanke:

Te mod knogleskørhed

Almindelig te kan måske forebygge knogleskørhed. Ældre kvinder, der drikker te, har stærkere knogler end ikke-tedrikkere. Forklaringen kan være det høje indhold af flavonoider i te.

1256 kvinder i alderen 65-76 år deltog i en undersøgelse af sammenhænge mellem tevaner og knoglestyrke. De kvinder, der drak te regelmæssigt, havde betydeligt højere knoglestyrke end de kvinder, der ikke drak te. Knoglerne i den nederste del af rygsøjlen indeholdt 5 % flere mineraler hos tedrikkerne. Mineraltætheden i knoglerne har stor betydning for knoglernes styrke og dermed for risikoen for knogleskørhed og invaliderende knoglebrud, der ofte rammer ældre mennesker.

Forskerne bag undersøgelsen foreslår, at flavonoiderne i te påvirker knoglerne på en fordelagtig måde. De mener samtidig, at det højere indhold af flavonoider gør te sundere end kaffe. Tidligere undersøgelser har vist, at højt indtag af koffein (fra kaffe og/eller te) er forbundet med lav knoglestyrke (knoglemineraltæthed) hos kvinder. Den største kilde til koffein i disse undersøgelser har været kaffe – det vil sige koffein uden flavonoider. Den nye undersøgelse peger derfor på, at hvis man får sin koffein sammen med flavonoider i form af te i stedet for kaffe, så kan det have den modsatte effekt – en knoglestyrkende effekt.

Redaktørens kommentarer

Studiet er en observerende undersøgelse. Den siger kun noget om sammenhænge (mellem tedrikning og knoglemineraltæthed) og ikke, hvorvidt te er en reel, medvirkende årsag til den større knoglestyrke hos de tedrikkende kvinder. Det kan lige så godt være andre forskelle mellem tedrikkende kvinder og ikke-tedrikkende kvinder, der er de reelle årsager. Undersøgelsen viste, at der ikke var forskel på rygning, hormonbehandling, kaffedrikning eller tilsætning af mælk til teen mellem de to grupper kvinder. Men det er muligt, at der er andre, ikke-undersøgte forskelle, der kan have betydning: måske er tedrikkere mere fysisk aktive, får mere D-vitamin (sollys, fede fisk) eller kalk (mælk).

Hvad skal du gøre?

Te er en velsmagende drik, der frisker op på grund af indholdet af koffein. Flavonoiderne i te er antioxidanter, der er gode for helbredet. Det giver te en ekstra sundhedsmæssig fordel frem for kaffe. Den aktuelle undersøgelse viser, at te er foreneligt med en livsstil, der forebygger knogleskørhed. Men der er ingen holdepunkter for, at du opnår en ekstra beskyttelse eller styrkelse af dine knogler ved at drikke mere te eller ved at skifte fra kaffe til te. Så bliv ved med at drikke te, hvis du gør det nu, og hvis du synes, det smager godt.

Hegarty VM, May HM, Khaw KT. "Tea drinking and bone mineral density in older women". Am J Clin Nutr 2000 Apr;71(4):1003-7. (Clinical Gerontology Unit, University of Cambridge School of Medicine, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom.)

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Tjaah, det lyder nu såmænd ikke så tåbeligt endda. Det er påvist at Grøn The øger stofskiftet, hjælper mod kræft og formindsker kolesterol-niveauet samt antallet af triglycerider.

Hvorfor ikke også en effekt på knogleskørhed.

Den Diddleyske morgenkaffe er for lang tid siden skiftet ud med 2 krus grøn the. Derudover yderligere et om aftenen. I den rette blanding smager det faktisk rigtig godt.

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Bortset fra knogleskørhed handlede det oprindelige indlæg vist også om noget, der blev kaldet "laktoseallergi". Nu er det så, at jeg må sige, at der er en verden til forskel på allergi og intolerance - og normalt er det altså intolerance, der er tale om. Lad mig forklare: Laktosen - mælkesukkeret - nedbrydes af et enzym, laktase. Dette enzym har stort set alle børn, men den hvide race fortsætter med at producere det også i voksenalderen, mens andre racer oplever, at produktionen på det nærmeste ophører i puberteten, hvis man ikke drikker mælk til daglig. Hvis produktionen er ophørt - som det også af og til ses hos hvide - vil indtag af laktoseholdige næringsmidler - typisk mælk - føre til dårlig mave og generelt ubehag. Slemt nok - men det har ikke en s.... at gøre med allergi! Allergi er sygelig overfølsomhed over for andre stoffer i mælken, typisk, men ikke altid, visse proteiner. Det er en alvorlig sag at drikke mælk, hvis man er ægte allergiker, men det er heldigvis en ganske sjælden tilstand. Mange, der selv har diagnosticeret sig som mælkeallergikere, er i realiteten blot laktoseintolerante eller ganske enkelt psykosomatiske!

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