Nu har jeg lukket COC #2


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Jeg har lukket 2eren tre gange med højre, og mangler lige 1-2 mm på venstre.
Altså 3 gange siden du har fået den ?? Ellers 3 reps ud i en køre ??
Jeg kan ikke køre singler endnu, da mine små hænder gør lidt for ondt efter god enthusiastisk træning.

Jeg har idag lavet 4 singles på 2´eren med højre hånd, og 4 forsøg med venstre, hvor den tætteste var ganske få mm fra. Jeg håber på at kunne komme op på at lave 5 singles i et pas. Planen er så at have en load dag, hvor jeg har 3 træningspas, hvor jeg lukker 2´eren x 5 singles (ialt 15 singles), og så den efterfølgende dag har en restitutionsdag/høj-rep dag med traineren. Men nu må vi se om jeg kan holde det. En ting er planer på papir, en anden ting er hvad man får lavet ;) Derudover vil jeg iøvrigt lave lidt statiske hold og negativer med 3´eren. Og så satser jeg ellers på at lukke svinet med højre hånd inden jul :D

Foodman lukkede 2eren, efter kun at have trænet med traineren 3 gange
Det er temmeligt imponerende. Men nu har jeg også set hans 6 reps med 210 kg i dødløft, og han ser jo ud til at være en stærk fætter :)
Han havde store ambitioner, angående 3eren, under dagens træning

Jeg tror nu der er lang vej fra at kunne lukke 2´eren og så til at kunne lukke 3´eren. Man skal tænke på at der kun er en eneste af de stærkeste mænd i verden, som har lukket 3´eren i første forsøg (hvilket er Ken Brown, stærkmand fra USA). Manfred Hoeberl kom tæt på i første forsøg. Ellers har de fleste været langt fra i første forsøg. Og vi snakker om stærke mænd som er vant til at gå farmer walk med langt over 100 kg i hver hånd.


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Det er temmeligt imponerende. Men nu har jeg også set hans 6 reps med 210 kg i dødløft, og han ser jo ud til at være en stærk fætter
Jeps. Og der er meget mere i ham. :)
Jeg tror nu der er lang vej fra at kunne lukke 2´eren og så til at kunne lukke 3´eren. Man skal tænke på at der kun er en eneste af de stærkeste mænd i verden, som har lukket 3´eren i første forsøg (hvilket er Ken Brown, stærkmand fra USA). Manfred Hoeberl kom tæt på i første forsøg. Ellers har de fleste været langt fra i første forsøg. Og vi snakker om stærke mænd som er vant til at gå farmer walk med langt over 100 kg i hver hånd.

Men det er jo 2'eren uden træning. Med eksepelvis et års hård grebstræning, burde det kunne lade sig gøre med 3'eren?

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Med eksepelvis et års hård grebstræning, burde det kunne lade sig gøre med 3'eren?

Alt kan jo teoretisk set lade sig gøre. Men når man tænker på hvor få personer der er på listen over dem som har lukket 3´eren, sammenlignet med hvor mennesker der anvender CoC gripper i deres træning verden over, så tror jeg næppe det er noget som bare sker med hård træning. Men jeg satser da selv på at lukke 3´eren, så hvorfor ikke :)


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Mine ambitioner er røget lidt ned da jeg fandt ud af at jeg ikke kunne lave singles med 2'eren 3x i ugen efter 2 timers HST <_< (hvilket nok også var lidt godtroende :))

Desuden er der også kun omkring 25 i verden der har lukket 3'eren, og tvivler da på at jeg er en af dem der har generne til det (men det skal da prøves :4whip:)

Men nogen der ved hvor man kan købe 1'eren? jeg har nemlig også kun trainer & 2, og man kommer jo nok ikke langt med kun at køre warm-ups og forced reps/negativer.

Men TJ/JSC, et lidt underlig spørgsmål, har i lange fingre? Jeg har nemlig rigtigt lange fingre, og jeg tror sku at det er en fordel mht. til at lukke COC. Mine underarme er kun 31-32cm, så det er næppe dem der gør udslaget :lol: :)

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Næ, det har jeg ikke, og man må jo godt placere gripperen i hånden med den anden hånd, ikke? Også ifølge de officielle regler for lukning af gripper # 3 & 4. I mine øjne handler det om at få den placeret så godt i hånden, at distansen der skal tilbagelægges før lukning bliver minimal. Lidt ligesom et SLbænkpres med maks opspænd.

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Sådan forstår jeg punkt 4:

Captains of Crush® Grippers: Rules for Closing and Verification

1) The gripper must be an authentic IronMind Enterprises Inc. Captains of Crush® Gripper.

2) The gripper cannot have been modified or tampered with in any way.

3) Chalk (magnesium oxide) may be used on the gripping hand, but rosin, tacky, etc. are specifically disallowed.

4) The free hand may be used to position the gripper in the gripping hand, but must then be removed, and must stay at least a foot from the gripping hand at all times during the squeeze. Similarly, nothing may be in contact with the gripping hand or the gripping arm from the elbow down (for example, the free hand is not allowed to steady the wrist of the gripping hand or hold the spring, etc.). At least the last inch of the squeeze must be clearly visible: the gripper cannot be closed while blocked from view and then turned and presented as already closed.

5) The gripper must be held with the spring facing up.

6) The handles must touch completely.

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The rules (

Captains of Crush® Grippers:

Rules for Closing

1. The gripper must be an authentic IronMind Enterprises Inc., Captains of Crush® Gripper.

2. The gripper cannot have been modified or tampered with in any way.

3. Chalk (magnesium oxide) may be used on the gripping hand, but rosin, tacky, etc. are specifically disallowed.

4. The free hand may be used to position the gripper in the gripping hand, but must then be removed, and must stay at least a foot from the gripping hand at all times during the squeeze. Similarly, nothing may be in contact with the gripping hand or the gripping arm from the elbow down (for example, the free hand is not allowed to steady the wrist of the gripping hand or hold the spring, etc.). At least the last inch of the squeeze must be clearly visible: the gripper cannot be closed while blocked from view and then turned and presented as already closed.

5. The gripper must be held with the spring facing up.

6. The handles must touch completely.

Det mest interessante er fremhævet med fed

Som jeg forstår disse regler er svaret på dit spørgsmål KJ, ja.

...Too slow... :blink:

Edited by MaxPower
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Vil det sige man må presse den et stykke sammen med venstre - og så placere den den i spænd i højre hånd for at lukke den?

Rigtigt godt spørgsmål, det gør jeg nemlig, og den bliver da presset lidt sammen for at kunne placere den fordelagtigt.... det gør faktisk en betydelig forskel at man lige lukker den den første ½-1cm så den kan ligge perfekt i hånden.

Men det lyder jo somom at man godt må... (heldigvis :bigsmile: )

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Hmmm...sådan kan jeg ikke læse reglen...

For mig lyder det bare som om man ikke behøver løfte gripperen op fra bordet eller gulvet med den hånd der skal klemme - men at man godt med hjælpe med at placere den i hånden - men kan ikke lige se at man må squeze den indtil man kan holde om den - for det må da give noget hjælp ikke at skulle starte fra start positionen :unsure: .

Men hvis I har ret er det jo reglen - synes bare det lyder weird.

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Hmmm...sådan kan jeg ikke læse reglen...

For mig lyder det bare som om man ikke behøver løfte gripperen op fra bordet eller gulvet med den hånd der skal klemme - men at man godt med hjælpe med at placere den i hånden - men kan ikke lige se at man må squeze den indtil man kan holde om den - for det må da give noget hjælp ikke at skulle starte fra start positionen :unsure: .

Men hvis I har ret er det jo reglen - synes bare det lyder weird.

Hmmm... jeg læser reglen ligesom Lawman. :unsure:

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Setting the gripper

Dog legs

Strap holds

Timed holds

Over closes


Identifying weaknesses

The mind

Sets and reps

Sources of info

Care and maintenance

Setting the Gripper

So-called ‘setting’ is where the hand not gripping your gripper is used to push the handles close enough together as to allow the pinkie, or little finger, to just wrap around enough to get the working hand ‘set’ and ready for a big squeeze. (pics to follow) .

It should not, as per the CoC certification rules, be used as an excuse to nigh on push and set the handles with both hands so that the working hand has only done 50% of the work in getting the handles to touch. The working hand should do as much of the work as possible and all the work once the little finger has been set in the right position.

Another important tip identified by grip men is the ‘setting’ of your thumb. One should aim to shorten the range needed to get the handles close by deliberately having the thumb pad ‘high’. This is done by aiming the thumb towards the pinkie. In doing so you will notice the thumb pad becomes bunched up and raised. Keeping it in that position you now set one handle of the gripper onto the mound and wrap your fingers around the other.

Dog legs

Take a close look at the spring on your gripper. Now turn it over and compare the spring again. You’ll notice one side where it goes into the handle seems a little straighter than the other where it comes off the top of the bend, so to speak, and begins to straighten out. This straight side is the side that should be against the thumb pad. Try it both ways using an easy to shut gripper and compare the difference.

Strap holds and similar.

Using a weightlifters lifting strap (typically a canvas affair) you can fold the strap so that you can use the end of the handles to squeeze on it. This is of some benefit to those who can get the handles so far but then stop. Perhaps it’s five mill or more. Then fold the strap or size the material sufficiently so that it’s nigh on the same size then squeeze iso-metrically against the material.

A variation is timed strap holds (an Iron Grip competition event) where a small weight (2.5 kilos for example) is hung from a looped end of a lifting strap and then with just the single cloth thickness it is held within the squeezed end of the handles for as long as possible.

Timed holds

As above but no strap. Using this technique grip men and women will iso-metrically teach their muscles to develop power in the closed position. Best used with a weaker gripper than the one you are trying to close it will also show you have control and plenty of brute strength with a gripper that you have finally beaten.

Over closes

Several Gripboard members, using old, worn and or cheaper grippers have ground down the ends (on the inside naturally) of the handles where they touch and using holds, closes etc, will squeeze the handle to a new and for the hand closer position than would normally be possible. This, again, is a way of working to over come that last few fractions of an inch that seems to be stopping you from getting the handles together.


Quite simply squeeze the handles together of a tough to shut gripper and when you get as far as your grip will allow standing or seated push the nearly closed hand against your thigh, other hand, solid object, and use that to get hose last few mill. Then hold it in that position for a few seconds – perhaps a three count. You can try for more time next time – combining both negatives and timed holds.

The mind

In the tips I have given you I say some things as though they are easy. Some are for me and will, I would hope, become easy for you (some are not ). However, very little here is really easy to begin with and unless you have an unnaturally great skill and hand strength you will, at times, sweat and struggle to become good.

One thing I have noticed in many people within the grip world and indeed strength training is this idea that ‘if I can’t do it soon I wanna do something else’. While there are some grip men who have trained very little to become strong the majority have sweated blood, rubbed the skin raw, had the forehead bulging with veins and so on all to shut that damned gripper!!

You have to have a strong mental focus, almost as though you were going to do a massive bench or squat with a near maximal weight. Don’t think ‘oh, it’s just a spring gripper. I’ll pick it up now and see what happens’. Have a game plan, get stronger and weaker grippers. Work hard and set aside a little time maybe twice a week, maybe more (see sets and reps) of at least 20 minutes when you can give it some real ‘welly’. Put some effort into it and show me the results.

Identifying weaknesses

One of the key points I see as a difference between success and failure between two otherwise evenly matched individuals (when applied to shutting a gripper) is the means to identify where your weakness lays. Maybe you are real strong at the beginning and weak at the finish. Perhaps it’s the other way round. It might be that you have small hands or big ones. Perhaps the skin on your hand is easily torn or you sweat a lot? The, with sweat, a little chalk will help. With the others look down the tip list and work using the techniques to bring up that weakness until it becomes a strength and use that new found ability to shut the gripper.

Sets and reps

There are so many variations I will not even attempt to cover them all. I will, however, identify a two.

KTA: One program which seems to work for a great many of the members over at the Grip board is the KTA (Kinney Training Adapted) programme. There is a lot to it but the main part consists of negatives, some training techniques and more importantly very high volume work done back to back over several days. The KTA programme has, I believe, you going for as much as 7 or more days on the trot and the resting for 2-3 days to allow so-called super-compensation and then testing yourself on that still challenging gripper. When done correctly, according to the creator, you should see results. With many grip men seeing results one cannot discount the programme and so it’s well worth the $20.00 or so it costs. It includes advice, video and audio clips and free membership to the KTA section. It’s only available via the net as a download from the Grip Board.

However, like the recent closer of the CoC 4 gripper, Nathan Holle, I personally favour lower reps, mostly singles and I never train more than 2 or at most three times a week hard (note near maximal effort) on the grippers. With other training and some non-gripper type grip work as well as a full workload it seems to suit me and perhaps my muscle fibre type well. While the grippers are very much something tactile, almost making you wanna pick them up and have a go (put them down in a gym to see what I mean) I favour a work on them hard, put them down and come back to them when your grip has recovered scheme as opposed to the KTA programme variation which will have you trying for 50 reps, trying them several times a day and over several times a week – thus being a much higher volume of work.

Each to their own. Try both schemes and others and find out what suits you best. No one scheme works for everyone and nor does one ‘expert’ have all the answers.

Useful websites and sources of info.

Care and maintenance

The care and maintenance needs to be 2 fold. Your hands and your gripper. When working both they both need looking after.


Hands: pick off skin that has been lightly torn on the knurling by use of the gripper. I’m talking here of a few flakes of the top layer or two not off of open wounds. Make sure that your skin has fully recovered. Some recommend the use of vinegar as a means of toughening and thickening of the skin and others a little hand cream to soften it. Try out both and find out what’s works for you.

One suggestion, given by Joe Kinney, is to wrap electrical tape or similar around the handle that is being gripped by the fingers so as to not damage the skin too much. You can also use the heavy white sports tape on your fingers but only if you are want hands fairy soft or if they are damaged.

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