Classic WSM


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Bill Kazmaier og Jon Pall Sigmarsson er jo styrkeatleter der stadigt ofte nævnes den dag i dag. Geoff Capes er desvære en stærkmand der ofte glemmes, selvom han har haft en lige så stor karriere. Og iøvrigt har en hel anden baggrund end de fleste andre stærkmand, da han ikke kommer fra styrke- eller vægtløftning, men derimod atletiken.

Lidt info om Geoff Capes

Athlete and Strongman

GEOFF CAPES is the most capped British male athlete of all time. Even though he retired from UK athletics in 1980, with 67 international caps – and returning 35 wins.

Amazingly, he held the British and Commonwealth shot-putt record of 71ft 31/2in, set at Cwmbran in 1980, which stood for 23 years.

During his athletic career, which began in 1967, he won 17 National titles, was twice Commonwealth Champion, won two Gold, two Silver and one Bronze medals at European Championships, was three times European Champion, competed in three Olympic Games and was awarded The Queen’s Jubilee medal in 1977, for services to the community.

Geoff turned professional in 1980 to take part in strong man competitions and Highland games. He was twice the World's Strongest man and took the titles of Europe's Strongest man and Britain's Strongest Man three times each. He was World Highland Games Champion on six occasions. His autobiography is entitled 'Big Shot'.

Geoff lists among his hobbies fishing and gardening, but his real love is exhibition Budgerigars.

It surprises some people that a man of Geoff Capes' physical stature should be gentle enough to keep and breed birds. However, he is a true son of the Lincolnshire fens and cared for injured birds and animals from when he was a young boy. Hardly a day passed without the Capes' household serving as a refuge for a recovering Pheasant, Owl or Jackdaw.

As a champion Budgerigar exhibitor he has enjoyed many show successes. He is an elected member of the Budgerigar Society's General Council and serves on its disciplinary committee – which fits in well with his appointment to the Bench as a Justice of the Peace and his previous service in the Police Force.

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Sigmarsson bio

1978 - started powerlifting

1979 - first PL competition. Won the 110 kg. class ( SQ: 185 kg, BP: 125 kg, DL: 220 Kg. )

Competes in Olympic lifting ( Snatch: 95 kg, C&J: 130 kg. )

Competes and places second at the Nordic Championships. ( SQ: 250 kg, BP: 175 kg, DL: 282.5 kg. )

1980 - wins the Icelandic Olympic lifting title ( Snatch: 120 kg, C&J: 150 kg. )

Competes at the European Powerlifting Championships in Switzerland where he places second in the 125 kg. class ( 787.5 kg. Total ) Also sets an Icelandic BP record with 192.5 kg.

Places second at the Icelandic PL championships. Another BP record with 195 kg.

Wins the Nordic PL championships in Norway ( 845 kg. Total ) Establishes another Icelandic BP record with 210 kg.

Sets an Icelandic record in the squat in the 125 kg. class with 320.5 kg. His total reaches 855 kg.

Sets European DL record with 350 kg.

Sets Icelandic squat record with 330 kg. and total record with 892.5 kg.

Improves his European record DL to 352.5 kg.

Wins the Icelandic PL championships in the 125 kg. class ( Record total: 912.5 kg. ) First Icelander to break the 900 kg. barrier.

Sets European squat record: 342.5 kg. and an Icelandic BP record: 222.5 kg.

Places second at the European PL championships in Italy in the 125 kg. class ( Total of 852.5 kg. )

Sets another European DL record: 360 kg.

Wins the Nordic PL championships in Sweden in the 125 kg. class ( Total of 890 kg. )

1982 - increases his European DL record to 362.5 kg, and sets an Icelandic record with a total of 940 kg.

First strongman competition, Viking '82 in Sweden; places second. Does a one-arm DL of 230.5 kg. which is reputed to be a WR.

Sets a Nordic DL record with 367.5 kg.

1983 - wins the European PL championship in the 125 kg. class ( Total of 925 kg. ) Sets an Icelandic record in the squat: 357.5 kg.

Sets an Icelandic record with a total of 950 kg.

Injures his foot badly while playing soccer.

In August places 3rd in the Europe's Strongest Man contest.

In November competes in his first WSM where he places second and gets an award for the most popular competitor.

At this point he stops focusing on powerlifting and starts strongman training.

1984 - wins the Icelandic bodybuilding title in the +90 kg. class.

In June he competes in his first Highland games in Scotland and stays in Scotland for long periods to train.

Sets another European DL record with 370 kg.

Wins the +125 kg. class in competition between Scotland and Iceland in Glasgow. ( SQ: 365 kg, BP: 235 kg, DL: 370 kg. )

In December of the same year he decides to become a professional strongman.

wins the WSM for the first time in Mora, Sweden.The contest is held in January 1985 but the title is awarded for the year 1984.

1985 - In September he places third at the Defi Mark Ten in Canada.

Wins Iceland's Strongest Man.

In November places second at the WSM in Portugal.

Wins World Musclepower Championship in Scotland.

1986 - wins the Highland Games in Meadowbank,Scotland.

In Novemebr he wins his second WSM title in France.

Wins the World Muscle Power Championship in Scotland.

It's also said that he became the first man in the world to lift a 150 kg. McGlashen stone up on a barrel.

Places second at the Defi Mark Ten in Canada.Sets a WR in the wheelbarrow push with 3,000 lbs. pushed for 3.06 m.

Wins Europe's Strongest Man.

1987 - gets in the Guinness Book of records by lifting the biggest whiskey bottle in the world.

Places second in a strongman competition in Japan, Geoff Cape's the winner.

Wins the Pure Strength/Ultimate Challenge Competition contest, held at Huntley Castle in Scotland,against Bill Kazmaier and Geoff Capes.

Wins Europe's Strongest Man, held in Holland.

1988 - wins the Icelandic Bodybuilding championship in the +90 kg. class. It's his last BB win.

Wins his third WSM title in Hungary.

Places 2nd at Europe's Strongest Man, held in Holland.

1989 - competes in the WSM in Spain where he breaks a finger and places third.

Wins the World Musclepower Championship in Canada.

Wins the Iceland Kraftur '89 tournament, the other notables are: 2nd - Jamie Reeves, 3rd - Magnus Ver Magnusson, 4th - Hjalti Arnasson, 5th - O.D. Wilson, 6th - Tom Magee.

Wins the Strongest Man of Finland in Turku.

Wins the Scottish Power Challenge in Glasgow.

Places 3rd at Europe's Strongest Man, held in Iceland.

1990 - first man in the world to win the WSM title 4 times.

Wins Nissan Power Cup in Finland,the Scottish Power Challenge, World Musclepower Championship and European Musclepower Championship held in England.

Places 4th at Europe's Strongest Man, held in Denmark.

Wins Iceland's Strongest Man.

1991 - wins World Musclepower Championship in Canada.

In August injures his left arm badly in the Nordic Strongest Man in Denmark. His arm is operated on at a hospital in Scotland but will never be able to regain full use of his arm.

Wins Iceland's Strongest Man.

1992 - during the course of the year he wins 13 strongman competitions, his last competition being Strongest Man of Finland,which he won.

In October was forced to withdraw from WSM due to injuries.

Places 4th at Europe's Strongest Man, held in Denmark.

Wins Iceland's Strongest Man.

1993 - 16 January Jon Pall Sigmarsson dies.

While doing heavy dead lifts in his gym in Iceland on 16 January 1993, the much admired Viking died tragically of a massive heart attack. Three of his close relatives had died from similar heart conditions.

His aorta was torn -- an injury attributable to a family related heart debility. Magnus Ver Magnusson has said that Jon-Pall was aware of this weakness, as his sister suffered from same thing.

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Som jeg har luftet i OT så er det link Squatfather har linket til "Þetta er ekkert mál" en trailor for en 2 timer film om Jon Palls liv og levned. På DVD´en er også flere interviews og udklip fra hans trænignsdagbog.

Har lige genset filmen med min svömmere. Lidt for dem at opdage at den vægttræningskælder som de tuder over er så ringe er der hvor Jon Pall startede med at træne :superman:

Filmen viser flere sider af Jon Páll end man eller ser. Bestemt værd at se. Jeg kan ikke undgå at få en klump i halsen flere gange i filmen...

Hvis i kan lide klippene i tråden her vil i elske filmen.

Jon Pall fortalt sin farfar da han var 12 at han havde tænkt sig at blive stærkeste mand i verden :4thumbup:

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Som jeg har luftet i OT så er det link Squatfather har linket til "Þetta er ekkert mál" en trailor for en 2 timer film om Jon Palls liv og levned. På DVD´en er også flere interviews og udklip fra hans trænignsdagbog.

Har lige genset filmen med min svömmere. Lidt for dem at opdage at den vægttræningskælder som de tuder over er så ringe er der hvor Jon Pall startede med at træne :superman:

Filmen viser flere sider af Jon Páll end man eller ser. Bestemt værd at se. Jeg kan ikke undgå at få en klump i halsen flere gange i filmen...

Hvis i kan lide klippene i tråden her vil i elske filmen.

Jon Pall fortalt sin farfar da han var 12 at han havde tænkt sig at blive stærkeste mand i verden :4thumbup:

Hvor kan man få fat i den DVD..........?

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bliver der vist noget en del om mandens træning osv i filmen eller er det mest om hans bedrifter og liv? :smile:

Der er ikke meget træning i filmen. Men noget er der med.

Det er primært om hans bedrifet og liv. Der er meget fra islandsk tv hvor der tilbage dengang blev vist meget styrkeløft.

I ekstra materialet er det uddrag fra hans træningsdagbøger, interveiws som kun har været vist i islandsk tv og reklamer med JP iført ægte grimt 80´er tøj som har kørt på island

Filmen starter med at vise hvordan han så helt ung hjalp med at hente vand i brønden ude på landet hvor familien tilbragte somrene. "Værsgo min dreng - her er to 12 liter spande, vi mangler vand..." :superman:

Senere er fortalt om hvordan har var blandt bognørderne som var faste gæster når bogbussen kom ud i hans ende af byen to gange om ugen.

Siden hvordan karate var hans første sport. En af hans tidligere klubkammarater fortalt hvordan han med de samme så det blik JP havde i øjnene. Vinderblik. Han ville være bedst.

En anden fortæller om hvordan han første dag han satte sin for i vægtløfter klubben erklærede at han ville blive den største og stærkeste i klubben. :tongue:

Hans søn fortæller om hvordan de andre drenge i skolen prøvede at lokke ham til at sige ved andre "min far er stærkere end din far" :4thumbup:

En stor del af filmen er omkring stærk mand konkurrencerne hvor man ser den målrettede indsats han lagde for dagen. Der er interview med en masse mennesker som var med i gamet og masser af optagelser fra konkurrencerne.

Bl.a. slutter filmen af med at Kazmeier fortæller om hvordan den Islandske nation kan være stolt af at have haft sådan en stor atlet som JP.

Der bliver også fortalt hvordan Capes, Kaz og JP får lov til at være med til at vælge discipliner da de tre skal konkurrere. JP siger at han er ligeglad, han skal nok vinde alligevel.

JP´s bodybuilding karriere bliver der også vist fra. De år han vandt WSM skar han 25-30 kb ned og vandt det islandske mesterskab i bodybuilding. :blink: en helt anden mand at se...!

Manden foretræk også at holde juleaften alene hjemme med kæresten/konen så han kunne spise i bar overkrop som han foretrækker.

Det som fascinerer mig mest ved filmen er at se JP som idrætsmand og hvordan hans dedikation i alt hvad han laver har fået han til at nå langt

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Der er ikke meget træning i filmen. Men noget er der med.

Det er primært om hans bedrifet og liv. Der er meget fra islandsk tv hvor der tilbage dengang blev vist meget styrkeløft.

I ekstra materialet er det uddrag fra hans træningsdagbøger, interveiws som kun har været vist i islandsk tv og reklamer med JP iført ægte grimt 80´er tøj som har kørt på island

Filmen starter med at vise hvordan han så helt ung hjalp med at hente vand i brønden ude på landet hvor familien tilbragte somrene. "Værsgo min dreng - her er to 12 liter spande, vi mangler vand..." :superman:

Senere er fortalt om hvordan har var blandt bognørderne som var faste gæster når bogbussen kom ud i hans ende af byen to gange om ugen.

Siden hvordan karate var hans første sport. En af hans tidligere klubkammarater fortalt hvordan han med de samme så det blik JP havde i øjnene. Vinderblik. Han ville være bedst.

En anden fortæller om hvordan han første dag han satte sin for i vægtløfter klubben erklærede at han ville blive den største og stærkeste i klubben. :tongue:

Hans søn fortæller om hvordan de andre drenge i skolen prøvede at lokke ham til at sige ved andre "min far er stærkere end din far" :4thumbup:

En stor del af filmen er omkring stærk mand konkurrencerne hvor man ser den målrettede indsats han lagde for dagen. Der er interview med en masse mennesker som var med i gamet og masser af optagelser fra konkurrencerne.

Bl.a. slutter filmen af med at Kazmeier fortæller om hvordan den Islandske nation kan være stolt af at have haft sådan en stor atlet som JP.

Der bliver også fortalt hvordan Capes, Kaz og JP får lov til at være med til at vælge discipliner da de tre skal konkurrere. JP siger at han er ligeglad, han skal nok vinde alligevel.

JP´s bodybuilding karriere bliver der også vist fra. De år han vandt WSM skar han 25-30 kb ned og vandt det islandske mesterskab i bodybuilding. :blink: en helt anden mand at se...!

Manden foretræk også at holde juleaften alene hjemme med kæresten/konen så han kunne spise i bar overkrop som han foretrækker.

Det som fascinerer mig mest ved filmen er at se JP som idrætsmand og hvordan hans dedikation i alt hvad han laver har fået han til at nå langt

Tak for anmeldelsen. Hvad står skiven i i danske kroner? :smile:

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