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Jeg tænkte at der i denne tråd må være nogen der kan svare på hvorfor Yates havde tilnavnet "The Shadow". Jeg kan forestille mig at det har noget at gøre med hans afsindige lats, men er der nogen som kan den rigtige historie?

Har et lille gæt uden at vide det.

Det var noget med at Dorian Yates trænede nede i sin bette kælder og blev kæmpe stor. Og pludselig uden nogen rigtigt kendte til ham stillede han op. (og vandt?)

Nok ikke helt præcist, men er også kun et gæt :dry:

Niklas :superman:

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Jeg tænkte at der i denne tråd må være nogen der kan svare på hvorfor Yates havde tilnavnet "The Shadow". Jeg kan forestille mig at det har noget at gøre med hans afsindige lats, men er der nogen som kan den rigtige historie?

Tidligt i karrieren konkurrerede Yates meget sjældent. Han kom og vandt en konkurrence, hvorefter ingen så noget til ham i 1-2 år. Derefter kom han tilbage og gentog bedriften, hvilket gentog sig gang på gang. :smile:

Faldt over nogle pics af massemonsteret fra de tidlige 80ere, Bertil "Brutal" Fox. :cooldance:









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I en af videoerne fra dette års olympiafinale, tror det er Colemans fri rutine, snakker Shawn Ray og den anden kommentator en frygtelig masse :blahblah::blahblah: Bl.a. kommer de ind på at Coleman har "that mature muscle-density" eller noget i den retning, dvs. de mener at hans muskler har et andet look end yngre folks. Jeg har aldrig hørt om dette før, og det lyder umiddelbart ret mærkeligt, er der nogen som kan uddybe?

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I en af videoerne fra dette års olympiafinale, tror det er Colemans fri rutine, snakker Shawn Ray og den anden kommentator en frygtelig masse :blahblah::blahblah: Bl.a. kommer de ind på at Coleman har "that mature muscle-density" eller noget i den retning, dvs. de mener at hans muskler har et andet look end yngre folks. Jeg har aldrig hørt om dette før, og det lyder umiddelbart ret mærkeligt, er der nogen som kan uddybe?

Det har nu ikke så meget med alderen at gører. Men mere med det faktum, at han har trænet mere end 25 år. Folk der har trænet tungt i mange år får ofte et andet look end folk med færre års træning på bagen. :smile:

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A Letter From Bertil


Written by: By Greg Merritt

On May 22, 1998, bodybuilder Bertil Fox 3was convicted of murdering his former fiancée and her mother on the tiny Caribbean isle of St. Kitts. Now, in a 24-page handwritten letter to FLEX chief photographer Chris Lund, Fox details his version of what happened on that tragic day when two lives ended and his life changed forever. Here, in this FLEX exclusive, is the story of the murders, their reportage and the events surrounding them in Fox’s own words.

THE FACTS | This much we know for certain. On September 30, 1997, in the island nation of St. Kitts and Nevis (population: 39,000), 20-year-old beauty queen Leyoca Browne and her mother, 36-year-old Violet Browne, were fatally shot with a gun owned by Bertil Fox, then 46. Fox, who previously had been engaged to Leyoca and was at the scene of the crime when the shootings occurred, was arrested and charged with the murders.

His first trial ended in a hung jury, split five to four for acquittal. After much public outrage about the lack of a guilty verdict, he was retried, convicted and sentenced to hang. British human rights lawyers appealed, and Fox’s automatic death sentence was ruled unconstitutional; he was resentenced to life in prison. He remains in a St. Kitts prison today.

THE PRESS | Fox is very critical of what he perceives as the unfair reportage he and his trial received. Stories frequently referenced “’roid rage” and the presumed aggression and insecurity of bodybuilders. One of the people Fox singles out is Rick Wayne. Formerly a champion bodybuilder, an accomplished bodybuilding writer and the associate publisher of FLEX, Wayne is now a newspaper publisher and a political commentator in his native St. Lucia (a Caribbean island neighboring St. Kitts).

In a British TV documentary, Wayne claimed Fox dislikes white people. Fox writes to Lund: “I have never told him that. I am no bloody racist, you know that. Please, if you write anything from these letters, please put that straight for me. Most of my friends are white, including girlfriends.”

To find out more about THE CORRUPTION, THE PROSECUTION, THE WITNESSES and the THE CONTROVERSY in the Bertil Fox case, pick up a copy of December FLEX.

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