jarvig 13 - 2006


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LOL - så er jeg igang med 2. gennemgang af videoerne - denne gang i detaljer. :laugh:

Det er sygt det her. :laugh:


Hehe - jeg har skilt lyden ud som særskilte mp3 filer som jeg så går rundt og hører mens jeg træner :bigsmile: - giver naturligvis ikke helt samme udbytte som videoerne, men dem skal man gerne have set inden.

Når man så går rundt og træner, mens DeAngelo kører i ørerne, giver det god inspiration når der kommer en sød pige forbi :devil:

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LOL - så er jeg igang med 2. gennemgang af videoerne - denne gang i detaljer. :laugh:

Det er sygt det her. :laugh:


Hehe - jeg har skilt lyden ud som særskilte mp3 filer som jeg så går rundt og hører mens jeg træner :bigsmile: - giver naturligvis ikke helt samme udbytte som videoerne, men dem skal man gerne have set inden.

Når man så går rundt og træner, mens DeAngelo kører i ørerne, giver det god inspiration når der kommer en sød pige forbi :devil:


Genialt tænkt. :cooldance:

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Okay børnlille. :tongue:

Jeg er sød.

DeAngelos ideer hviler på rimelig tung videnskab og filosifi.

Han integrere en masse virkeligt tunge værker i sin "forskning". Rent faktisk kender jeg en del af bøgerne og kan stå inde for deres kvalitet. Der er dog også en hel del, som jeg ikke kender, men efter lidt research på internettet så ser det ud til at det er vægtige bidrag indenfor deres respektive interessefelter.

Dette er en service til alle som er interesseret - en bogliste + (korte) kommentarer til de mennesker der har modet på fuldkommen at turde ændre sit liv - ikke kun i dating/mating sammenhæng men også i det generel syn/forståelse af menneskets liv og udfoldelse på planenten jorden.

Trust me - læs disse bøger - forstå dem - og du vil vågne op dagen efter og ikke kunne genkende din livshistorie mere.

Det kan godt være at bøgerne står lidt rodet og at nogen af dem virker fuldkommen malplacerede - men jeg har fulgt DeAngelos fremlæggelse af dem. Mange af dem er "tør" videnskab - men der er også mange mere "filosifiske" og/eller "praktiske" imellem. Stort set alle bøgerne er dog "læselige" for enhver med bare gennemsnitligt mellem ørene og som måske ikke engang har nogen forhåndsviden indenfor de enkelte områder.

Der er meget tekst i det følgende. Men disse bøger (og dermed tanker) er så dybt, dybt fasinerende og/eller dybt, dybt anvendelige for det enkelte menneske i deres liv, at de virkelig burde læse alt i dette indlæg - og så selvfølgelig endnu bedre, bagefter at finde bøgerne og læse dem.

Her er listen med mindblowing bøger: :bigsmile: Beskrivelserne er hentet fra nettet - da jeg ikke selv ville blande mine egne meninger med i billedet.

Richard Dawkins: The Selfish Gene

Richard Dawkins' brilliant reformulation of the theory of natural selection has the rare distinction of having provoked as much excitement and interest outside the scientific community as within it. His theories have helped change the whole nature of the study of social biology, and have forced thousands of readers to rethink their beliefs about life.

In his internationally bestselling, now classic volume, The Selfish Gene, Dawkins explains how the selfish gene can also be a subtle gene. The world of the selfish gene revolves around savage competition, ruthless exploitation, and deceit, and yet, Dawkins argues, acts of apparent altruism do exist in nature. Bees, for example, will commit suicide when they sting to protect the hive, and birds will risk their lives to warn the flock of an approaching hawk.

This revised edition of Dawkins' fascinating book contains two new chapters. One, entitled "Nice Guys Finish First," demonstrates how cooperation can evolve even in a basically selfish world. The other new chapter, entitled "The Long Reach of the Gene," which reflects the arguments presented in Dawkins' The Extended Phenotype, clarifies the startling view that genes may reach outside the bodies in which they dwell and manipulate other individuals and even the world at large. Containing a wealth of remarkable new insights into the biological world, the second edition once again drives home the fact that truth is stranger than fiction.

Geoffrey Miller: The Mating Mind : How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature

The booming but controversial field of evolutionary psychology attempts to explain human feelings and behaviors as consequences of natural selection, using plausible analogies from the animal kingdom to show (for example) why we have the capacity to enjoy music, or why men commit violent crimes. Miller, an evolutionary psychologist at University College-London, argues that much of human character and culture arose for the same reason peacocks have beautiful tails: mating purposes. A peacock that can find enough to eat and avoid being eaten despite such an enormous appendage must have very good genes; by displaying its tail, then, a peacock displays its potential to be a good mate. Miller looks at several kinds of sexual selection. "Romantic" behavior like the making of complex art wouldn't have helped our ancestors find more food or avoid predators. It might, however, have helped display the fitness of proto-men for the proto-women with whom they wanted to mate--and vice versa. If we like to show off our large vocabularies, it's at least in part because our ancestors sought smart partners. Miller's enjoyable book also surveys animal kingdom parallels and recent theoretical arguments about sexual selection. Like most popular evolutionary psychologists, however, Miller doesn't always distinguish between a plausible story and a scientifically testable hypothesis. And some of his arguments seem covertly circular, or self-serving: Do we really need Darwin to explain why men publish more books than women? Still, picturing "the human brain as an entertainment system that evolved to stimulate other brains," Miller provides an articulate and memorable case for the role of sexual selection in determining human behaviors.

Matt Ridley: The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature

This is a fascinating book filled with lucid prose and seductive reasoning. Freelance science writer Ridley reaches into the literature of genetics; molecular, theoretical and evolutionary biology; ecology; sociology; and anthropology to weave an extraordinary tale of the evolution of human nature, beginning with the evolution of sex. Using Lewis Carroll's Red Queen (who runs as fast as she can to stay in the same place) as a metaphor for evolution, Ridley shows how sex was the result of an evolutionary arms race between hosts and their disease-causing parasites. Ridley covers so much ground that transitions may be abrupt or unclear, particularly in the last two chapters; also, his review of human homosexuality is thin. His occasionally pompous style (including his immediate dismissal of those who do not believe in evolution) may offend some readers. However, Ridley clearly explains many complex and remarkable concepts for a wide audience. Highly recommended.

Robin Baker: Sperm Wars: The Science of Sex

The major force in the shaping of human sexuality, claims British biologist Baker in this highly unorthodox study, is "sperm warfare," the competition among sperm from two or more men competing inside a woman to fertilize the egg. In this theory, biological imperatives shaped by evolution dictate sexual behavior. Male sexual behavior is driven by each man's need to prevent his female sexual partner from exposing his sperm to competition; or, failing that, to give his sperm the best chance of winning. A woman's sexual behavior, meanwhile, reflects her urge to maneuver her partner or to influence which male's sperm will have the best chance of succeeding. Baker views infidelity, group sex, partner-swapping, even rape and prostitution as risky strategies that nevertheless may enhance an individual's reproductive success compared with long-term monogamy. Men, he says, pursue four reproductive strategies: bisexuality, pursuit or avoidance of sperm warfare and a balancing of this pursuit/avoidance. Just which strategy a male is programmed to adopt will depend largely on his rate of sperm production. Baker's treatise unfolds as a series of graphic, fictional sex scenes, each followed by interpretive commentary. Its reliance on evolutionary biology to explain human behavior is reductionist, much in the manner of the writings of "selfish gene" proponent Richard Dawkins, but it is also challenging, intellectually provocative and likely to raise considerable and deserved debate.

Matt Ridley: The Origins of Virtue : Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation

Relying heavily on game theory, zoologist and science writer Ridley focuses on how cooperation evolved in the generally selfish world of humankind. The result is a fascinating tale incorporating studies in theoretical and evolutionary biology, ecology, economics, ethology, sociology, and anthropology. Ridley details many complex behaviors, such as altruism in animals and humans, and reviews many anthropological investigations to show how these behaviors manifest themselves in differing groups. He also develops some absorbing ideas regarding extinct civilizations. Unfortunately, his conclusions are sometimes at odds with his claim that individual property rights are the key to conservation and that environmentalists are misguided. His criticisms of conservation efforts and of the concept of the "noble savage" can be one-sided, and his sources are limited. Still, the material will captivate a wide audience, including scholars who appreciate the original literature cited. Highly recommended.

Susan C. Vaughan: Half Empty, Half Full: Understanding the Psychological Roots of Optimism

In this account of the development and treatment of pessimism, Vaughan (The Talking Cure; Viagra) contends that a pessimistic personality results from an individual's earliest experiences of frustration. These lead to the formation of cortical loops in the brain that encode the physiological basis for the expectation of disappointment and an overall negative outlook. Although temperamental traits are often viewed as intractable, Vaughan argues that psychotherapy aimed at promoting a sense of self-control over negative emotional states "can gradually chip away at long ingrained cortical patterns and gradually replace pessimism with optimism." But what is pessimism? Is it a truly unique form of psychopathology? By linking pessimism to original parent-child interactions, Vaughan implicitly ties it to "basic mistrust" or an "insecure attachment." However, Vaughan does not explain how "pessimism" differs from the depression and anger that have traditionally been associated with early experiences of frustration. This lack of rigor is accentuated by prose in which such stock phrases as "the ties that bind" or "pushing the envelope" stand for concrete descriptions of the problem of affective disorder and its treatment. Written for a general audience, this book lacks the conceptual clarity necessary for understanding psychological despair.

Wilson Bryan Key: The Age of Manipulation : The Con in Confidence, The Sin in Sincere

Exposes the strategies used by advertisers to manipulate our thoughts and senses.

Many of you may think that the practice of making subliminal suggestions has been proven to have no effect on consumers. WRONG! This book, written by the world's leading authority on these techniques, dissects them in detail. After reading this book, you may realize that the stuff dribbling down your chin is not Diet Coke, but Pavlovian saliva.

Richard Brodie: Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme

If you've ever wondered how and why people become robotically enslaved by advertising, religion, sexual fantasy, and cults, wonder no more. It's all because of "mind viruses," or "memes," and those who understand how to plant them into other's minds. This is the first truly accessible book about memes and how they make the world go 'round.

Of course, like all good memes, the ideas in Brodie's book are double-edged swords. They can vaccinate against the effects of cognitive viruses, but could also be used by those seeking power to gain it even more effectively. If you don't want to be left behind in the coevolutionary arms race between infection and protection, read about memes.

Ken Wilber: A Theory of Everything : An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality

Ken Wilber, a spirituality and psychology writer of the highest caliber, is one of the few people who could even attempt a book like this--a book that reflects a Renaissance-like optimism that all disciplines can be known, and all knowledge acquired, by a single person.

Wilber adapts the idea behind string theory (the notion that all of physics can be united under a single theory explaining the behavior of matter) to suggest that disciplines as diverse as medicine, economics, and spirituality work in the same way. Wilber sees the Western split between rational and spiritual knowledge as a dangerous mistake; he rejects, for example, Stephen Jay Gould's dualistic insistence that religion and science are "nonoverlapping realms." For Wilber, overlap is the key to the universe. He seeks to integrate all aspects of an individual, and from there a society. The book's diagrams show circular flows of knowledge: spiraling levels of selfhood, types of knowledge, variations of society.

Such an ambitious project necessarily elides what people have come to regard as important differences among cultures; Wilber's chart showing Sub-Saharan Africa as an example of "horizontal" civilization over and against Euro-American "vertical meme structure" risks gross stereotyping, at best.

While some of Wilber's ideas are interesting--and readers should tip their hats to him for even trying such a project in our hyper-specialized society--it suffers from its own elephantine proportions, and misses the trees for the forest.

L. Michael Hall, Bobby G Bodenhamer: Mind-lines: Lines For Changing Minds

This book will teach you how to recognize and use the magic of language. Mind-Lines reworks "Sleight-of-Mouth" patterns using the ‘logical’ level system of Meta-States. In doing so the authors bring order, understanding, and magic to the use of language in influencing, persuading, selling, negotiating, and many other human interactions.

Napoleon Hill: Think and Grow Rich

Jeg kunne ikke finde en passende anmeldelse af bogen - den er simpelthen så "monumental" at den ikke rigtigt bliver forklaret nogen steder.

Dette er formentlig den mest indflydelsesrige og betydningsfulde bog nogensinde skrevet om personlig udvikling. Bogens primære fokus er godt nok et sandt Eldorado i indføring i de tankegange som gør folk monsterrige (altså pengemæssigt). Men gennem at forklare hvordan succesfulde mennesker tænker, når de rykker der hvor andre falder fra, da er bogen en klassiker i en detaljeret beskrivelse af, hvordan mennesker kan opnå ubeskrivelig personlig udvikling ved at "forstå" alle de ting anbefaler. Bogen er tudsegammel - fra midt i 30'erne mener jeg - men den er stadig så aktuel som nogensinde.

Meget mærkeligt at så mennesker kender denne bog. Ja, jeg selv stødte først på den hos DeAngelo.

Stuart Wilde: Silent Power

This is an excellent book. Wilde discusses the tendency of people to get energy from sources other than themselves, causing them to "lean" psychologically. He gives advice for learning not to "lean" on others and protecting yourself against energy drainers. Ever been around a person and then, after only a few minutes of conversation, felt exhausted? Wilde's wit is wonderful. He is concise, making his books nice reads. Oftentimes, writers in this type of subject area have a tendency to confuse with grandiose yet vague ideas. Not so with Stuart Wilde.

Brian Tracy: The Psychology of Achievement

The world's foremost producer of personal development and motivational audio programs offers an inside look at the thinking that leads to great achievement. Drawing on the work of leading psychologists and behavioral researchers, Brian Tracy -- America's "success mentor" -- demonstrates the attitude, deep self-knowledge and pin-pointed goals that are important factors in achieving great success. He'll help you identify your own "area of excellence" and master the tools that make each achiever tick, including:

How to sharpen your natural intuition

How to increase your brain power

How to change thoughts from negative to positive

How to break bad habits quickly and painlessly

Packed with practical advice that lead to extraordinary results, The Psychology of Achievement will help you use every ounce of your potential

Maxwell Maltz: Psycho Cybernetics

Happiness and success are habits. So are failure and misery. But negative habits can be changed--and Psycho-Cybernetics shows you how!

A classic of self-help literature is presented in an abbreviated version. Maltz was a plastic surgeon who ultimately recommended changing our attitudes towards ourselves, rather than our appearances. Presenting positive attitude as a means for change, Maltz's teaching has the ring of common sense. Testimonials and stories are interspersed with advice from Maltz. Techniques for relaxation and visualization are also covered. Archival recordings of Maltz's talks are interspersed with moderators' instructions. Maltz's speeches are particularly enjoyable.

Shad Helmstetter: What to Say When You Talk to Your Self

Generally, people are the sum total of their thoughts. "As a man THINKE in his heart, so IS he." G.I.G.O. - cause and effect - still holds true. Most of our worries, anxieties, hatreds and hang-ups are the result of making "mental lists" of offences, injustices, and inadequacies of the past and brooding over them for years. "What To Say..." is a course on how to "burn those lists, "rip out" the old wiring and thought-patterns we have been conditioned to accept, and to replace them with NOW, up-to-date programming that we WANT and HAVE CONTROL over.

Dean H. Hamer, Peter Copeland: Living with Our Genes: Why They Matter More Than You Think

In a light, breezy style, Hamer, a biologist at the National Cancer Institute, and Copeland attempt to explain the extent to which our genes control our lives. In their second collaboration (following The Science of Desire), the authors devote chapters to the most compelling of human behaviors and conditions: sex, worry, anger, thrill-seeking, addiction, intelligence, eating and aging. They explore the biochemistry underlying the characteristics in question, and ask how much of that biochemistry is under genetic control. Along the way, a great number of fascinating pieces of information are related?e.g., that some researchers have proposed "that the brain has a set point for happiness just as the body has a set point for weight," and that "men with the high-anxiety form of the serotonin transporter gene had sex more often than those with the low-anxiety form." While the authors go to great lengths to remind readers that "predisposition is not predestination"?that genes may well play a role regarding complex behaviors but not necessarily a determinative one?in some instances, they seem to make claims not fully warranted by available data (e.g., "men are programmed to seek more partners and sexual novelty.... women want emotional attachment and financial security"), and they provide scant citations to the original literature. Nevertheless, from "Looking for Gay Genes" to "Making Brighter Babies," this thought-provoking book's explanations of how our genes "express" themselves is sure to capture the imaginations of readers.

Paul Messaris: Visual Persuasion : The Role of Images in Advertising

The role of images in advertising is explored in a fine survey of the visual aspects of marketing programs. Pictures can evoke emotion and desire and easily become associated with products: Messaris delves into how this happens, exploring underlying viewer assumptions, image relationships, and connections between photography and reality.

Det var første del: :laugh:

Edited by jarvig13
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Guest Slettet bruger
Jo, når knæet virker igen. :smile:


Dårlig undskyldning, du kunne sagtens træne på trods af et dårligt knæ :smile:

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Del II af boglisten:

George Leonard: Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fullfillment

An easy read that you will share with your friends, family, and business associates. You will learn that todays business focus of "bottom-line" thinking and activity is really destructive and is non-value added in the long-term. In order to get to mastery, whether it's your golf game or family relationships--you must be continuously practicing (learning). When using "bottom-line" thinking--you learn only enough to solve your current problem--and you believe your successful. However, how many times do we have to go back and re-fix or address the problem. If we master the problem (thoroughly understanding it)--we can fix the problem right the first time, completely understanding all the connections.

Richard Bandler, John Grinder: Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming

For what it is this book is a 10, and it's a hoot to read as well! Even though it's now over 20 years old this is the first (and best-IMHO) book introducing the still cutting edge technology of human communication and cognition - Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP™). As far fetched a claim as it may seem, this is surely a seminal book in the field of human communication, linguistics, perception, cognition and psychology. The impact of NLP™ is present in all of these fields, often with more than a little kicking and yelling. After reading the book you're sure to understand why - Bandler and Grinder hold very little about traditional approaches and academic thinking as sacred. Although it's actually about a shift in the paradigm of how change can and does occur, it sometimes reads more like an exploration into the world of Svengali like magic and illusion. The material is presented in the form of a transcript of a live training superbly edited by Steve Andreas. The book is an example of 'doing' NLP™ as opposed to 'describing' it. It puts you in the training as Richard and John present it. As the editor of the book states in the forward, keep your mind open as you read because the authors are more often then not doing what they're describing. You'll want to read it with your eyes open - sometimes more easily said then done, since what the authors are doing is often presented in hypnotically engaging language. I've talked to more than one person who kept finding themselves waking up a few hours after having read through a few pages in this book. It is best to read this book as you would a novel, continuing through to the end, rather than trying to figure out or understand an individual section before moving on. The material is written is such a way as to resolve itself as you read. This is an example of "nested loops" a teaching technique Bandler and Grinder use extensively. However you get through it, in the end you'll find your thinking about thinking changed, and the journey as well worthwhile as the destination. As they say themselves, this book has nothing to do with theory or even the truth about things - instead it's "all about what works."

Tad James, Richard Roop: Secret of Creating Your Future

This is really great book. I have read some other similar books about getting what you want and chainging the future and also tried several methods from those books, sometimes it worked sometimes it didnt. This book explains why it didnt work and most important of all how to make it work every time. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to take charge of their future. If you still thinking about buying this book while you are reading this review, stop thinking and act now. This few bucks may be the best investment you ever made in life.

Carol Dr. Fleming (Audio Cassette): The Sound of Your Voice

You create that all-important first impression with the sound of your voice. Your "voice image" transmits powerful messages about your personality, your age, your home town - even your health. In this bestselling program, speech consultant Dr. Carol Fleming helps you develop a more authoritative style, increase your vocal ability, speak more clearly, and eliminate accents and mannerisms. These effective methods used in her seminars and private consulting will enable you to develop the voice image that fits your life today. 1 cassette.

Susan Jeffers: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Based on a course taught at the New School for Social Research, this book offers readers a clear-cut plan for action that, when followed, should help them unlearn their misconceptions about of fear and replace them with attitudes of strength and conviction. By mixing positive thinking with situational exercises that examine basic fear responses, psychologist Jeffers shows that fear is what you make of it and that in most cases it is unfounded. She also illustrates key points through examining case studies, which show that when we are fearful, faulty thinking is most often the real culprit; when such thinking is corrected, the fear is gone. This book by no means offers a quick, fix-it course, as the author encourages return visits to the text when situations call for it.

Julius Fast: Body Language

The book, Body Language by Julius Fast, is a book I would recommend to anyone over the age of fifteen. To really understand the book and grasp its concepts, you have to have already experienced, or have been in the situations explained in the book. For example, the book talks about relationships and the actions men take toward women and vis versa. To really understand what Fast is trying to say, you have to have experieneced that type of relationship.

The book analyses motions such as a simple smile or the crossing of your arms. It really makes you think about your everday actions and helps you to better read the people around you.

Theresa L. Crenshaw: The Alchemy of Love and Lust

It's dangerous to blame too many of our behaviors and tendencies on raging hormones. We are, after all, creatures of free will. But after reading Theresa Crenshaw's book, you'll never again see your free will as being all that free. The book functions as both an encyclopedia of our attachment-related hormones, telling us exactly what they are and exactly what modern science thinks they do, and a guide to what we can do to get them to keep functioning the way we want them to.

Steven Reiss: Who Am I?: The 16 Basic Desires That Motivate Our Actions and Define Our Personality

Who Am I is a great introduction into the core motivators of the human psyche. While this book may not be the end all on human motivation is does provide detailed insight to what motivates us based on scientific study. The most interesting and enlightening thing about the book is coming to the realization that we are all motivated and driven by different desires and that what motivates us in not by itself right or wrong. This not only helps you understand yourself and make effective changes in your life, it also allows you to understand others without judging them.

Helen Hazen: Endless Rapture: Rape, Romance, and the Female Imagination

Kunne ikke finde nogen anmeldelser på denne bog.

Så er det bare at komme i gang. :wink:

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Jeg har dummet mig på Party Poker.

Jeg var blevet forvirret af måden det stod på, så indtil i går, så havde jeg spillet med play money og ikke real money. :blush::laugh:

Så kan jeg bedre forstå at folk spillede fuldkommen sygeligt og gik all in på hvad som helst.

Så jeg har slet ikke tabt mine penge alligevel - og nu da jeg spiller med real money, så går det noget bedre. :laugh:

Edited by jarvig13
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Jeg har dummet mig på Party Poker.

Jeg var blevet forvirret af måden det stod på, så indtil i går, så havde jeg spillet med play money og ikke real money.    :blush:  :laugh:

Så kan jeg bedre forstå at folk spillede fuldkommen sygeligt og gik all in på hvad som helst.

Så jeg har slet ikke tabt mine penge alligevel - og nu da jeg spiller med real money, så går det noget bedre.  :laugh:

:laugh::laugh::laugh: og du er økonom :w00t:

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Jeg har dummet mig på Party Poker.

Jeg var blevet forvirret af måden det stod på, så indtil i går, så havde jeg spillet med play money og ikke real money. :blush:  :laugh:

Så kan jeg bedre forstå at folk spillede fuldkommen sygeligt og gik all in på hvad som helst.

Så jeg har slet ikke tabt mine penge alligevel - og nu da jeg spiller med real money, så går det noget bedre. :laugh:


Taber du penge selv i playmoney ? :innocent:

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Jan - hvad har du egentlig på når du går i byen for at møde damer?  :smile:


Hmmmmm, hvad skal vi kalde det - klassisk og afslappet.

Det er f.eks. ret sjældent at jeg har skjorte på i byen. Pæne T-shirts osv. langt mere afslappet. Men bukser enten "pæne" bukser eller lærredsbukser. Og så går jeg meget ofte med en sports-jakke på. Jeg ved ikke om andre kender udtrykket sports-jakke - det kalder vennerne og jeg det i hvert fald for. En sports-jakke er ala overdelen i et jakkesæt, men designet til at stå "alene". Og så tager jeg ofte "porno-sko" på. :wink:

Jeg er altså "nydelig" men dog ret afslappet i pålædningen. :smile:

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Guest Slettet bruger

Tja...under alle omstændigheder synes jeg du burde gøre alt for at se så godt ud som muligt !

Sports jakke hedder vel bare jakke? :tongue: (Ok, mange vil givetvis ikke forstå hvad man snakker om.)

Tog mit udseende under stor revidering for lidt tid siden-

- kulør

- ny frisure

- fedt tøj der passer sammen (Dyrt tøj!)

- muskuløs/atletisk bygning

- rankhed, ret ryg, udstråling osv (siger sig selv).

så tænker du/man måske "nej det har jeg styr på" - måske! Men jeg er konstant overrasket over alle de småting der kan optimeres hen ad vejen - og småtingene kan nogen gange være afgørende :smile:

Bare et tip, slet ikke sikkert du har brug for det, men det BURDE være muligt at ændre alle de variabler der gør ens udseende til at man rent faktisk ikke kan sætte en finger på noget af ens udseende (altså det man KAN ændre)... og når man dette punkt tror jeg man er godt afsted...

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Jamen du har da ret.

Personlig udvikling drejer sig om, at man hele tiden sætte sig nye mål - detaljer der kan rettes osv.

Man skal bare passe meget på. Sætter man sig disse mål og finjusterer disse detaljer for sin egen skyld eller basalt for at tilfredsstille andre? Der er som sådan ikke noget galt med at ændre sig for at tilfredsstille andre. Men det skal være med måde. Grundllæggende indrettet man sit liv, så passer til en selv og ens ønsker. Man sætter sine egne mål - for sig selv og ikke for andre. Hvis man har dette fuldkommen indprintet i hjernen, så kan man eksperimenterer en anelse overfor, hvordan man kan tilpasse ditten og datten ting overfor andres ønsker.

Pænt tøj! Ja, det er vigtigt, hvis man selv har det godt med at klæde sig pænt. I så fald er det jo bare med at finpusse så meget man vil.

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