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Mine umiddelbare reaktioner:

Wolf skuffer i forhold til de vilde pics han har postet på det sidste - dog stadig en fed form.

Cutler har til en vis grad fået styr på sin conditioning - han vinder desværre igen.

Heath og Dex er i vild form - jeg er specielt begejstret for arme er alt for vilde.

Toney Freeman gør det hamrende godt - han er i suveræn form og burde helt klart være i top 6.

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Mine umiddelbare reaktioner:

Wolf skuffer i forhold til de vilde pics han har postet på det sidste - dog stadig en fed form.

Cutler har til en vis grad fået styr på sin conditioning - han vinder desværre igen.

Heath og Dex er i vild form - jeg er specielt begejstret for arme er alt for vilde.

Toney Freeman gør det hamrende godt - han er i suveræn form og burde helt klart være i top 6.

Er stort set enig med dig. Af andre atleter synes jeg at DJ har en led form i år, og så vidt jeg fangede på webcasten lander han nok lige uden for top 5/6.

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Som det er nu ser jeg det som et tæt løb mellem Dexter, Heath og Freeman. Cutler vinder alligevel, selvom han ikke burde være i top 5.

Wolf ser ikke ud til at have fået nok carbs endnu. Med lidt held stiller han op til finalen med en mørkere farve og mere fyldt ud. Det kan betyde at han tørrer endnu mere ud, men der er også risikoen for at han spilder over.

Rock'n Roll :strat:


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Er stort set enig med dig. Af andre atleter synes jeg at DJ har en led form i år, og så vidt jeg fangede på webcasten lander han nok lige uden for top 5/6.

Ja, DJ har jeg lidt glemt, hans form er heller ikke at kimse ad!

Kevin Levrone,Chad Nichols & Charles Glass Critique the 2008 Mr Olympia Prejudging:

kevin levrone

Chad Nichols

Charles Glass

Edited by essensen
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Written by Muscletime Staff

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Legitimacy of IFBB Judging at Stake - At Least Three Competitors *Should* Place Ahead of Jay Cutler

Several questions have been answered with the conclusion of the prejudging portion of the 2008 Mr. Olympia. The most pressing question was whether or not one of the Olympia challengers would be able to end Jay Cutler's continued reign as Mr. Olympia. Just like last year at the 2007 Mr. Olympia, no less than three competitors should place ahead of Jay Cutler!

Jay Cutler is in better condition than last year but failed to bring a physique of the requisite caliber to overtake the much improved Phil Heath, Dexter Jackson and Dennis Wolf. Any one of these competitors deserves to end Jay Cutler's Olympia streak at two. All of them should place ahead of Cutler. If one of these challengers does NOT win the 2008 Mr. Olympia, the credibility and legitimacy of IFBB judging will be irreparably damaged.

Phil Heath is the clear winner of the 2008 Mr. Olympia after prejudging on Friday night. You would not believe how many people told Phil Heath as much backstage; this is particularly telling since backstage access was highly restricted to contest officials and bodybuilding insiders. There could be some reasonable justifications for declaring Dexter Jackson or Dennis Wolf as the new Mr. Olympia ahead of Phil Heath; we would be forgiving of such judging discretion due to the fact that they were 50 feet from the stage. But under no circumstances does Jay Cutler deserve to win the 2008 Mr. Olympia if judging in the sport of bodybuilding is anything but farcical.


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Spændende om kritikken virker i år. Det gjorde den ikke sidste år. Levrones klip er i hvert fald lige på og hårdt. Cutler er ikke tør nok. Men jeg spørger lige igen. Kan han nå at forbedre sig "nok"? JB, du må vide den slags. Du har jo lige selv været igennem noget lignende. Kan man nå at hente noget mærkbart på 24 timer?

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Men jeg spørger lige igen. Kan han nå at forbedre sig "nok"? JB, du må vide den slags. Du har jo lige selv været igennem noget lignende. Kan man nå at hente noget mærkbart på 24 timer?

Nu er der selvfølgelig langt fra pro BB til et bette stævne som DM, men kroppen kan sagtens nå at ændre sig meget på 24 timer, især når man har adgang (er villig til) at bruge nogle af de medikamenter som pro'erne bruger.

Når det så er sagt så tvivler jeg på at Cutler kan nå at indhente det hele på finalen (hvis det skal gå retfærdigt til), da der er så mange som er i ekstrem god form i top 6, bortsert fra Cutler selv.

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Cutler, Jackson and Heath battle it out in Las Vegas

by Shawn Perine

September 26, 2008


In the first Olympia to not feature Ronnie Coleman in 15 years, 19 men took the Orleans Arena stage at the 2008 Mr. Olympia prejudging, and while some of the expected story lines played out, others emerged from seemingly out of the blue.

Jay Cutler, going for his third consecutive title, took the stage surrounded by a whirlwind of talk that he was in the shape of his life, which meant better than the 2001 O form he showed in nearly defeating eight-time winner Coleman. However, the Las Vegas resident didn't quite meet the high standard he set for himself seven years ago, leaving the door open just enough for guys named Dexter and Phil to possibly slip through.

Unquestionably, Jay's legs were "on." His quads looked as if they'd been run over with a cheese grater, so shredded were they. Iron Jay even sported glute striations, something which in the past had been elusive. Jay's upper body, on the other hand, wasn't quite as detailed, and while from the front he was preternaturally wide, something didn't quite translate in the rear shots, particularly in the rear double biceps, in which extra folds of skin not visible in prior years made an appearance. On the whole, Jay was better than last year, but not up to his 2006 form.

In his all-time best form though was Phil Heath who, while not quite as conditioned as he was when winning the Ironman Pro back in February, was noticeably larger. The combination should prove very hard to beat. A star was born tonight and if justice is served, the O rookie will not place lower than third, behind Jay and, possibly, Dexter Jackson.

Dex was Dex, which is to say, very, very good. Excellent, in fact, and maybe even a bit bigger than we've seen him before. His conditioning was great, if not outstanding, which could be the thing that keeps him from winning, or taking second. A couple of other guys had no conditioning issues, however.

Toney Freeman was in the shape of his life. Along with the former three he made the first callout and was bouncing throughout its mandatories with excitement. If he never achieves this shape again, Toney Freeman in the contest established himself as an all-time great Olympia competitor on this evening. Between his size, X-frame and conditioning, he was an Olympian personified.

Yet even Freeman wasn't the best-conditioned guy in the show. That title belonged to the incredible Silvio Samuel, who may have been the best conditioned pro to take a stage since the late Andreas Munzer. Silvio improved upon nearly everything it seems, most noticeably his back and quads. Whereas once (just two years ago) he was criticized for a lack of detail in his quads, on this occasion they were some of the deepest in the show.

Melvin Anthony should make the top six. Although he came out a bit watery, he tightened up considerably as the show progressed. By the time of the callouts, Mel was rockin' and rollin', showing his trademark shape with nice, deep separations. It was good to see Mel at or near his best.

Dennis Wolf may have been the biggest disappointment of the show. Whereas this writer was fully expecting the German Giant to vie with Jay for top honors, he seemed to have lost size from last year's model, and conditioning as well. His formerly vaunted thighs were down in sweep and cuts and his back lost in detail - an area he needed to improve upon.

So, the question remains - will Jay Cutler take Sandow #3 tomorrow night, or will Dexter or Phil upset his applecart? We'll all have to wait and see...

For the record, according to the callouts, it's looking like we could see Jay retaining the title, Dexter as runner-up and Phil in third, but again, tomorrow awaits.

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