Henning Friis

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Xax> ideen med en hardcore styrkeløfterklub i Odense lyder kanon. Når I skal til at søge penge så husk endelig at kigge på nedenstående link. Hvis I skriver en god ansøgning, så kan der ligge mange penge der! Har selv været med til at få penge ud af dem. Samtidig så er der også gode muligheder ved Odense kommune, som arbejder tæt sammen med SIKO. Det er noget med, at de har en 50/50 ordning, men kan ikke huske detaljerne, men prøv at læse her:


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Dato: 20/2-2003

Program: WSB, DE-Bænkpres

Starttid: kl. 14.05

Sluttid: kl. 15.35


1x4x50 kg

2x2x75 kg

10x2x77,5 kg Følte mig eksplosiv i dag, så jeg satte 2,5 kg mere på

2x1x87,5 kg

Alle sæt udover opvarmning var naturligvis med pause på bryst...

BB Bent over rows:

1x5x65 kg

1x5x90 kg

1x5x92,5 kg Var ikke tilfreds med min form <_<

2x5x100 kg På med straps, var dog stadig ikke tilfreds med min form, så kg af næste gang.

Military Press:

1x5x30 kg

1x5x40 kg

2x5x45 kg

1x5x47,5 kg



Jeg havde sådan glædet mig til denne dag, hvor jeg kunne slappe lidt af og koncentrere mig om overkroppen. Bænkpres kørte da også så eksplosivt at jeg måtte sætte flere kg på end planlagt i dag. Jeg kan dog tydelig mærke at så snart jeg har passeret min sticking point, så har jeg næsten alt for meget fart på, så jeg har overvejet at eksperimentere lidt med de tonvis af aerobic elastikker vi har liggende i mit center. Det er trods alt bedre end ingenting.

Jeg kan også godt mærke at jeg har mistet noget styrke i Bent over rows og Military Press, hvad angår 5-reps sæt, men det skulle gerne komme tilbage meget hurtigt. Iøvrigt blev der brugt en masse tid på kæbetræning i dag med jsc, så det tog nok ½ time længere end beregnet :rolleyes: men det er der trods alt plads til i WSB med så relativ korte træningspas. B)

En hyggelig træningsdag i dag :bigsmile:

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Hej Xax,

The work YOU did will determine the outcome. Fear cannot be in the cards on this day. This is the day you spit in the face of fear and drive on. Fuck it!  - Dave Tate

Det er rigtig fee signatur du har fået dig. Jeg blev lige lidt nysgerrig om hvor du har fundet den henne? ;)


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Hej Topper

Jeg fandt den i denne artikel: Could This Be It?

Faktisk ville jeg brugt følgende:

Today is my day! The strain on my handler’s face shows the wraps are being put on just right. After standing up I see that look again in my helper’s eyes. It is the same look from the gym. The look of encouragement mixed with high octane aggression. “Dave Tate, the bar is loaded” Theses are the words some train six months to hear. I approach the bar and my mind is clear. I walk to the chalk box, get a slap on the back and I find myself where I want to be. Where I long to be! What I train for! In this place it is only you. Nobody can lift the weight for you. Your partners can help you get to this place but the moment you set foot on the platform it comes down to you. The work YOU did will determine the outcome. Fear cannot be in the cards on this day. This is the day you spit in the face of fear and drive on. Fuck it!

Men den var desværre for lang som signatur, så jeg kortede den lidt ned... :rolleyes:

Der er andre fede passager i den artikel, so feel free to use them... B)

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Dato: 20/2-2003

Program: WSB, ME-Squat/dødløft

Starttid: kl. 16.20

Sluttid: kl. 17.55

Dødløft fra knæ:

1x3x120 kg

1x3x150 kg

1x1x180 kg

1x1x210 kg Sidste sæt uden straps, og så med en gammel OL-stang, så grebet virker vist solidt nok...

1x1x230 kg

1x1x240 kg Miss!

1x1x237,5 kg Fik den...


1x3x115 kg

3x3x145 kg

DB Shrugs:

1x5x46 kg

1x5x60 kg

1x5x66/68 kg

1x5x68/70 kg

1x5x70/72 kg


1x4x(2x23 kg)

2x5x(2x15 kg)

DB Sidebends:

1x6x50 kg

1x6x54 kg

Statisk hold med DB:(En side af gangen)

1x50 kg x 10 sek.

1x52 kg x 10 sek.

1x56 kg x 10 sek.

Decline situps:

1x6xmig + 5 kg

2x6xmig + 10 kg

ME-øvelsen gik en smule over forventning. Normalt hader jeg at trække lige fra knæet af, ligesom min sticking point i alm. dødløft ligger i toppen, så det må alligevel siges at være godt. Af rent medlidenhed med et par squatlystne guttere valgte jeg at lave almindelig shrugs i stedet for powershrugs, så jeg ikke på den måde optog squattativet. Jeg har også valgt fremover at lave lunges i stedet for calf raises, da jeg lidt føler at benene bliver lidt forsømt på ME-dagen, udover squatten, og at lunges virker som en ok allround benøvelse. Resten gik fint, havde lyst til at råtæve mine mave i dag, så jeg tog lige 2 sæt ekstra i dag :rolleyes:

En god træningsdag i dag :bigsmile:

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Dato: 20/2-2003

Program: Jensens Bøfhus, Maxtest :lol:

Starttid: kl. 19.00

Sluttid: kl. 22.50


4xportioner + div. pomfritrester fra de andre.


2xportioner med massere af chokoladesovs og krymmel.

Og så en enkel sodavand ind imellem...

Hyggelig aften i byen med Baardibilder, Sil, AF og jsc. :bigsmile: Jeg tror vi drev alle til vanvid, specielt de stakkels tjenere, hvis stemmer efterhånden som aften skred frem, lød mere og mere anstrengt når vi bestilte en ekstra portion. :deal: :rolleyes:

Jeg var så godt mæt og fyldt bagefter at jeg næsten var i stand til at trille hjem... :D

Så deet må vi bestemt gøre igen.... :thumbwink:

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Ja, der spyttede vi virkeligt i frygtens ansigt og blev ved :devil:

Hold kæft hvor var jeg mæt. Godt jeg slap for 9/10 af mine pomsefritter. Fedt med to så effektive "affaldskværne" :headbanger:

PS: jeg HAVDE tømmermænd da jeg stod op, omend ikke så mange.

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Dato: 22/2-2003

Program: Militærprep.

Starttid: kl. 14.50

Sluttid: kl. 15.25


2x1 km's løb i blandet terræn




Løb gik meget godt. For første gang blev jeg i stand til løbe 1 km i træk uden pauser :bigsmile: Til gengæld var 2. runde særdeles sløv, og det endte med at jeg gik størstedelen af vejen, da benene simpelhen blev til bly. :retard:

Jeg gad ikke rigtig armstræk i dag, og var lidt af en kylling, så da det bare begyndte at kunne mærkes, så stoppede jeg. :chicken::chicken::chicken:

-> ptpoul

Jo tak, altid rart med lidt feedback :)

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Hey Proppy.

Hvis du vil træne dine armstrækkere til mili (uden at det går alt for meget ud over dine bænkpres) og dine armhævninger, så tjek lige denne artikel, som du sikkert har læst, men måske, ligesom mig, har glemt igen:


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Dato: 23/2-2003

Program: WSB, ME-Bænkpres

Starttid: kl. 15.55

Sluttid: kl. 17.25

Bænkpres:(Med pause på bryst)

1x3x55 kg

1x3x80 kg

1x1x90 kg

1x1x100 kg

1x1x110 kg Miss

1x1x110 kg Miss


3x3x85 kg Med pause på bryst

DB Press:

1x9x32,5 kg

1x7x34 kg

1x5x36 kg

2x5x38 kg

Alle sæt til failure...



Gad ikke mere, så jeg sluttede af med et hurtigt sæt cable rows af ca. 10 reps...

Jeg havde nu godt regnet med at få de 110 kg i dag, så jeg skulle nok have taget mine 0,25 kg og 0,5 kg skiver med, så jeg i det mindste kunne have sat en ny PR :unsure: Jeg eksperimentede også lidt med nogle aerobic elastikker med henblik på eksplosiv træning, men det virkede ikke. De var simpelhen for slappe. <_< Jeg er også begyndt at lave DB Press igen, holdt dog lidt igen i dag, da jeg havde svært ved at kontrollere vægten, da jeg ikke er vant til denne øvelse. Mine højre håndled synes hellere ikke at være begejstret for DB Press, så jeg ser lige om problemet dukker op næste gang.

Nå ja, havde selskab af AF i dag, WSB-powerwoman. :bigsmile:

En ok træningsdag i dag :unsure:

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Efter en længere samtale med Thomas J over MSN har jeg seriøst overvejet at gå væk fra WSB igen. Dette skyldes en henvisning til artikel omhandlende en træningsform, som faktisk minder meget om mvp's. Grunden til at jeg overvejer at gå væk fra WSB er:

1. Frekvensen. Jeg er ret overbevidst om at jeg responderer bedst på en høj frekvens, om ikke andet har Sheiko konditioneret mig til dette. I WSB hedder det kroppen igennem 2x om ugen, hvilket næsten må siges at være for lidt til mig, i betragtning af jeg fik bedre resultater på et Bill Starr program baseret på 5x5 end på min egen xax/TJ hybrid hvor frekvensen var lavere, men intensitet og øvelsesudvalget var mere specifik.

2. Brug og test af de store løft. Jeg er simpelhen typen, som ikke kan nøjes med at teste min styrke til stævne kun. ME-øvelser kan dog tage det værste af trykket, meen... og så tror jeg at folk har forstået hvad jeg mener... :D

3. Dovenskab :hehe: De lette uger tiltaler mig meget. Det var derfor at jeg skiftede fra Sheiko til WSB, for at jeg kunne hygge mig på DE-dagene, og fordi det forekom mig for mentalt hårdt at grinde løs på 5x3 i squat konstant, samtidig med at ens træning tog mindst 2 timer. <_< Der vil dog forekomme hårde uger i det program jeg har haft kig pånu, men også en del lette uger, hvor man højst går op til 70%.

Jeg ved godt at jeg er lidt hurtig på aftrækkeren, men sådan er jeg altså nu en gang. B)

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Den er her:

Subj: from glenn pendlay

Date: 11/01/2001 2:16:10 AM Pacific Standard Time

From: [email protected]

To: Olylfts1

mike, i thought i would write you a description of the training we are doing in wichita falls for you website... im not really sure if this was what you had in mind when you asked for material on goheavy, and it ended up pretty long winded, but you can read it and if you think it merits posting then great.

Here in Wichita Falls we have adopted a training style that is based on a number of things, the most important being what i have learned from other coaches such as Burgener, Gough, Coffee, Kilgore, and Thrush, as well as the results of some of the research we have done here at Midwestern State University.

The most basic premise of our plan is that there should be a very great variation of stress from week to week, this belief comes from research conducted by Dr. Lon Kilgore and myself. We have found that a greater variation between difficult and "taper" weeks than is normal for other teams and athletes seems to have a favorable impact on the athlete. For this reason, our heavy weeks are usually much harder than normal, and our light weeks are very light in comparison. Depending on where we are relative to an important meet, we may program one heavy week followed by one light week, or two heavy weeks followed by one or two light weeks, or longer cycle consisting of several "build-up" weeks, then two high stress weeks, then a long taper of 3 or 4 weeks. During these longer cycles we moniter our athletes with weekly blood work, paying extra attention to hormone levels to alert us to over or undertraining, so that we can adjust training volume appropriately.

My basic goal during heavy weeks is to go as heavy and as often as possible. This means trying to lift the heaviest weights possible everyday, sometimes two sessions per day. However, maximum weight may mean different things to different athletes. For example, with some athletes, there is a need for great emotional arousal to lift maximum weights, and this takes a great toll on that particular athlete. For such an athlete, going to 90-95% may be all that is possible in a normal workout. Other athletes have the ability to lift all out maximums with little "psych-up", and can try for all-out maximums and new records almost every workout. Over the the last year, this is something that i have learned to really pay attention to... some people just cant attempt their contest maximums in training on a routine basis without burning out, others can. With this in mind, a coach should, in my opinion, know what each athlete is capable of doing on a routine basis, and try to get this level of performance out of the athlete, no more, and certainly no less. The maximim possible in a "workmanlike" effort, just clear your mind, go to the bar, and lift... this is what i want out of the guys on a day-to day basis. For some athlete this is indistinguishable from a contest maximum, for some it is quite a bit less.

During "light" weeks, i still believe in lifting maximum weights, just not as often, and certainly with much less volume. During a light week, we may go to "max" on two days, but take bigger jumps (to cut the volume), and stop after the first miss, instead of going after a max weight time and time again and lowering the weight back down and going back up again like on heavy weeks. Our other days on light weeks consist of non-taxing things working up to a double at 70% on the competitive lifts, or light work on compound sets like a power snatch followed by an overhead squat followed by a snatch push press. On our light weeks, the light days are little more than warmups, a lifter with a 100kg maximum might stretch out with the bar, then do 40 for a double, 50 for a double, 60 for a double, 70 for a double, and be done with that exercise.

Our weekly plan usually consists of snatches, clean and jerks, and squats on monday, wednesday, and fridays, and some variations of the lifts on tuesday, thursday, and saturdays. When doing the competitive lifts, we do mostly singles, sometimes doubles, and rarely triples. As an example, over the last 3 months, we have done singles roughly 75% of the time, doubles roughly 25% of the time, and we have done triples on the snatch only two times, and triples on the clean and jerks only once. On tuesdays, thursdays, and saturdays we will normally do some variation of the lifts, and often do compound sets, such as one powersnatch followed by 2 overhead squats, a favorite of mine is a powerclean followed by two front squats, followed by a jerk or powerjerk. On heavy weeks we work up to the maximal weight possible on these compound sets, just as if they were competitive movements, but on the light weeks we stop at around 70% intensity. Also, these compound sets are a great wey to zero in on a lifters weak points, i may have several different lifter all doing different things in the same workout. For instance, one lifter who pulls the bar good but has a hard time holding the snatches overhead may do one powersnatch followed by two overhead squats followed by a snatch push press, while another who has trouble pulling the bar high enough may do 2 high pulls followed by a powersnatch followed by one overhead squat. A lifter with a weak recovery in the clean may do a powerclean followed by 3 front squats, while a lifter with a weak jerk may do a powerclean followed by one front squat followed by a push jerk followed by a split jerk. There are lots of possibilities to tailor things to different lifters with these kinds of sets.

For squats, we do a lot of workouts with 5 sets of 5 when we are far away from an important meet, and lower rep work closer to big meets, such as heavy doubles or singles. We work the squats with quite a bit of volume in the "off-season" and try to push the sets of 5 as hard as possible. Closer to a meet we try not to do really limit sets, we do go heavy, but i like to end sets with a rep or two left, or stop squatting even though i feel another 5 or 10 kilos might have been possible. The last few weeks prior to a meet i think heavy squats are neccessary, but i dont want the guys spending their emotional energy on them, id rather save that for the competitive lifts and the meet.

As far as pressing is concerned, we do some push presses as part of our compoud sets, and i do program some medium intensity pressing when no important meets are coming up. But i have generally found that pressing is highly individualistic... i have some athletes who are expowerlifters who can still bench press well in excess of their max jerks, these guys just dont need any more arm and shoulder strength. i have some other skinney, long armed guys who i feel really need more upper body strength, and they do some sort of pressing after the normal workout 2 or 3 times a week.

And here are just some other random thoughts. I have some lifters who are sort of head-cases or have confidence problems... for lifters like this i think its better to really push the "variations" of the lifts or the compound sets, and stop them just a bit before max on the competitive lifts during the heavy and high stress weeks. some lifters with a 100kg snatch will only get 90 or 95kg in a workout, and it wont bother them at all becasue they accept that they were tired from the day before or just had a bad day, another lifter will let it ruin his confidence and instantly feel week and worry about the up-coming meet. For a lifter like this, i feel its best to not allow working till you miss multiple times in the competitive lifts... make him do a bit extra on the other days and stop a bit early on the days with the competitive lifts. this keeps the confidence high. For a lifter like this, save the all out attempts on the competitive lifts for the workouts when you are fresh, like monday after having sunday off, and really watch closely to be sure misses are kept to a minumum on days like a friday immedietly after 4 days of heavy training.

In the same line of thought, the last 3 or 4 times we go all-out on the competitive lifts before a big meet, we will try to do so in a fresh condition. I really try to program the last couple of weeks before a meet so that every time we do the snatch and clean and jerk, we will make good numbers. This leads to confidence. If the weekly schedule means that your going to have to come in and train tired on a certain day during the last couple of weeks prior to competing, i think its smart to try to do lifts other than the actual competitive lifts... something where the athlete wont come in and miss snatches or even just "feel weak" with the competitive lifts.

I like to use a lot of variations on weight jumps when working up to maximum weights. i think this is good mentally for the athlete in that it prepares him or her for any situation in competition, it also provides changes in the daily routine, and it minimizes "sticking points" or mental barriers since you arent taking the same jumps to the same weights every day. For a guy with a 150 max clean and jerk, one day we may go 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, then try 152 or 155, another day we may go 125, 135, 145, 155, another day we may take 10kg jumps to 140, then go 142, 145, 147, 150... even on the same day if we work up two or three times we often do it different each time. Sometimes i think even taking 20 kilo jumps right up to maximum is good to do, it just gets the guys mentally prepared to do a heavy lift under any circumstance.

We dont do a lot of pulls. I know they are an important part of the training plan for many people, but when we have incorporated them into training, we have not had as much success. But one thing i do with pulls is something i learned from John Thrush... he advised me a while back that if i was suddenly having technique problems with a particular lift, one solution could be to simply not do that lift for a week or so, he said that many times this would cure the problem. He also programs on week of just pulls and squats into his training cycles, i suppose to give the athletes a mental break from the lifts. i have found this to be valuable if an athlete is having problems of some sort, whether is is just mental burnout, suddenly having technique breakdown, or something like that. In this situation sometimes i have them just stop the competitive lifts for about a week and do only pulls, RDL's, and squats and presses. This seems to work in many cases.

As you can see, our basic plan is to do a lot of heavy snatches and clean and jerks, work hard and heavy on compound sets which usually involve the power versions of lifts, squat hard, and not be afraid of taking light weeks to recover. The concept of making heavy singles on the competitive lifts the cornerstone of a training program i got from coaches Burgener and Gough. I learned the importance of varying the load and allowing weeks for recovery from Dr. Kilgore, and John Coffee really helped show me the importance of individualizing training to different athletes, and changing the training to allow for their different work capacities and mentalities. I am indepted to Jim Mallory for giving me several documents outlineing the training of several great athletes from the 70's including Alexeev, which is where i got the idea to include more compound sets which have worked very good for our lifters. Mark Rippetoe has influenced my coaching style quite a bit... his attitude of not being afraid to push yourself hard in consecutive workouts and practice the competitive lifts often was the beginnings of our teams present training plan. Everyone here in wichita falls owes a lot to Bill Starr, who started olympic lifting here way back when, without him "Rip" probably wouldnt be coaching the lifts, i probably would have never started in the sport, and chances are the Wichita Falls team would not be in existence. He has also been helpfull to me on several occasions with problems i have come across in my lifting or coaching. And last i would like to mention Tommy Suggs, who was kind enough to come here and coach for a few days and has helped me become a better technique coach.

Det er selve strukturen som er interessant, og som sagtens kan overføres til styrkeløft...

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Dato: 23/2-2003

Program: Militærprep.

Starttid: kl. 09.20

Sluttid: kl. 09.50


1 km i blandet terræn


4 km på kondicyklen

Det blev en rigtig sløv dag i dag, var slet ikke motiveret overhovedet, så jeg holdt op til flere pauser mens jeg løb, selvom jeg egentlig ikke var træt. Jeg gad bare ikke, hellere ikke en gang armstræk idag :retard:

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