TRS - Pullup FANatic!


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Col --> Pander er skabt til at blive krøllet. Mad skal laves på bålet :bigsmile: .



70 x 6 x 9

70 x 4 x 7


120 x 10 x 10

1 liter kakaoskumme undervejs!

Nu skal jeg ud og køre MC i det goe vejr :w00t::cool::tongue: ..

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Rekorden er 47 kort so far.. Men der er ikke længe til jeg napper et helt spil på 52 + jokere... Har lige købt Jedds "Card Tearing ebook", så nu skal der rives enmass :w00t: ..

Der er dog langt op til John Brookfield som har rykket 3 pakker på en gang :devil: ..


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Chins (bred OH):

Bw x 4 x 10

Bw x 4 x 9

Bw x 2 x 8

3 min rest mellem sæt. Sidste 5 sæt i eagle loops.

Farmer walk:

2x37kg x 1 runde om bloggen, ca. 250m.

Tid: 2:38 min.

Card tearing:

25 cards x 1

45 cards x 1

Farmers er alt for fed en øvelse!

Have you ever thought that walking can actually strengthen your body? That walking can build up and energize the muscles in your core? Well, it's true. Of course I'm not referring to your casual everyday walking or even fast-paced aerobic walks-both of which are great exercises for burning calories. What I'm talking about in this article is an incredible core building exercise that will definitely give you an intense workout with amazing results. I'm talking about the farmer's walk and it is not your run-of-the-mill exercise.

What is the Farmer's Walk?

Anyone who has worked, lived or spent any considerable time in a farming environment knows that it is very physical work. Even with innovative technologies, manual labor has been and is still very much a part of the job. Carrying heavy bucket-loads of water and feed for the animals can actually provide for a good workout. And the great thing is that you don't have to live on a farm to get the benefits of this fantastic exercise. When it gets down to it, the farmer's walk is really just walking around carrying very heavy weights in each hand.

Basics of the Farmer's Walk

The basic technique of the farmer's walk is actually quite simple but the benefits are many. You will need to find an area clear of obstructions and obstacles, it is recommended to use a level flat surface rather than an uneven floor. You will also need two dumbbells or kettle balls or other weights with handles for gripping. If you're a novice and unaccustomed to weight lifting choose light weights, but to progress in this exercise you will need to gradually increase the weights you will be using. If you're an intermediate or advanced weight lifter then select heavier weights for this exercise.

Take a weight in each hand. While keeping your arms at your sides, shoulders back and chest out, begin walking forward several feet then return to your starting point. Then repeat this again. After three repetitions, kneel slowly to the floor setting the weights down. Remember to keep your arms at your sides and your back straight as you place the weights down on the floor. Avoid stooping because stooping places undue and harmful stress on your back. Then stand up and shake out your arms. That is one set. The sets are determined by the number of times you are able to walk forward and then return to your starting place without setting the weights down. For example, walking forward 10 feet then returning to your starting place and setting the weights down on the floor would be one set. If you were able to perform two repetitions of this before setting the weights down, it would still be one set. After resting 2 minutes, kneel to the floor, take the weights in your hands and stand up-remember to keep your back straight at all times. Once upright, walk forward several feet then return to your starting place. Do as many sets as you are able but not to fatigue. I recommend performing 1-3 repetitions per set.

Don't hold your breath while performing this or any other exercise. If you hold your breath you deprive your cells of oxygen, increasing your chances of hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) which could lead to dizziness or fainting. Instead, breathe normally and if you feel tired, set the weights down and rest. The farmer's walk is a very good exercise and if performed properly it will not be long before you notice results. When I first worked out using the farmer's walk, I began with 27 kilogram dumbbells in each hand and walked a distance of 10 feet and back. In a matter of a few months, I had more than doubled my walking distance and increased the weights I was carrying to one 45 kilogram dumbbell in each hand. One of the fun things about the farmer's walk is constant change, increasing the walking distance and number of sets you are able to perform. I personally perform at least 5 farmer walk sets using very heavy dumbbells.

Benefits of the Farmer's Walk

I'm a firm believer in establishing core strength. Core strength is important for a number of reasons. A short list of these include:

Strong back

Strong abdominals

Strong glutes

Increased muscle growth

Increased metabolism

Increased muscular coordination

When you perform core building exercises such as farmer's walk, squats or dead lifts you will be training various muscle groups to work together i.e. coordinate. It takes skill and practice to maintain your balance when going from a knelt position to an upright one. It also takes balance and stamina to move about while carrying around extra weight. You'll work many muscles in your body when performing the farmer's walk: legs, arms, shoulders, back, glutes and abdominals. Women can workout to the farmer's walk using lighter weights and lower repetitions/shorter distances and still reap benefits from the exercise. Men wanting to increase their muscle mass/size may choose heavier weights and perform more sets and at greater distances. As with any exercise knowledge, proper nutrition, rest, planning, patience and dedication will bring about results. And remember to consult with a physician before starting any exercise program.

Joseph Martin, B.Sc. is the administrator of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy. Living Fit, Healthy and Happy is your first stop for reliable advice on physical fitness, exercise, anti-aging and nutrition. You can visit us at

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BW+10kg x 10 x 8


2x36kg x 5 x 3/3

Hang clean:

60 x 1 x 3

70 x 1 x 3

80 x 1 x 1


20 x 1 x 3

30 x 1 x 3

40 x 1 x 3

50 x 1 x 1

60 x 1 x 1

Sledgehammer levering:

5kg x 3/3, 4/4, 5/5

COC 1:

1 x 15/15


BW x 4 x 10

U aint´ nothing until u overhead squattin´..! :4thumbup: ..

Målet må være at reppe med BW :devil: ..


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Colaze ---> Ja OH sq og Hang clean er konge øvelser.. Er sindsyg hooked på VL når min ryg blir ordenlig klar igen.. Nope brydning er sat på standby, ellers genial kampsport :devil: .. Motivationen for tiden er langt mere til at løfte, strongman all the way :w00t: ..

Junker ---> Målet!?? Hmm, at få et greb som nogle af de stærke drenge.. John Brookfield, Adam Glass og ikke mindst Kenneth Jay... Delmålet so far er at rykket et helt kortspil med overskud..

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Fedt mål. Var bare nysgerrig, da jeg finder det som en sej (gal) ide. Ikke noget jeg før har set så meget til, hvorfor det også kun er Kenneth Jay, jeg ved hvem er. Købte kettlebells hos ham for noget tid siden.

Jeg vil følge med i loggen og ser frem til noget opdatering omkring jerngrebet..


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Junker -->

De to andre krigere jeg nævnte er begge insane. John Brookfield er helt sikkert blandt de stærkeste i verden når det kommer til grebsstyrke. Han har knust en rå kartoffel med sit crush grip :devil: ..

Du må forbi din lokale isenkrammer og invistere i et par kort spil.. Giv det et forsøg og la mig høre hvordan det gik..

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doktorjones ---> Jo tak .. Aint nothing to it but to do it :tongue: ..



12 min jog

5 x 1min løb + 1min rest

8 min afjog


Dumbell BOR:

34kg x 10 x 7/7


20kg x 2 x 3

30kg x 1 x 3

50kg x 2 x 2

:4thumbup: Dødløft :4thumbup: :

60kg x 3 x 3

- Har ikke kunnet dødløfte pga. ryggen i 4mdr.. Så det går bestemt den rigtige vej!!!!! 0,2 TON here i come :w00t: ..

Hang clean:

60kg x 2 x 5


Dumbell patpres:

2x28kg x 3 x 8

2x28kg x 3 x 7

2x28kg x 4 x 6

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2000 km hjemmefra, sae traeningen denne uge er primitiv og bliver brugt som dekonditionering!



BW x 3 x 10

Ring dips:

BW x 3 x 10

Ring rows:

BW x 3 x 10

Ring pushups:

BW x 3 x 10


1 x 10



5x 1min

HS wall runs:

3 x 20sek


3 x 10sek


Ring MU:

BW x 3 x 3

BW x 3 x 2

BW x 3 x 1

20 mins bakkeloeb!


HS wall runs:

2 x 30sek


6 x 10 sek

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Hjemme igen efter en uge under sydens sol med alt for meget mad og billige sjusser :tongue: ...



70kg x 3 x 1

- Starter stille og roligt op med dødløft igen og forsøger mig med singles alla Steve Justas "The power of daily singles"!


70kg x 4 x 10

70kg x 1 x 9

70kg x 3 x 7

70kg x 1 x 5

- Psyko pump i pecs og voldsomt ømme skuldre :devil: ..

Poundstone shrugs:

2x62kg x 3 x 10

Farmer walk:

2x42kg x 1 runde om bloggen, ca. 250m.

Tid: 3:27 min

- Jævnt presset på grebet og trapz fik gode tæsk :4thumbup: ..

Barbell disko curl:

50kg x 2 x 8

WSM klip fra 2000-2005

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Sled pulling:

6 ture + sprint tilbage til udgangsposition, hvor jeg smed flere skiver og sten i for hver gang! Vil skyde op tovet er 30m langt!

Super fed træning hvor jeg fik brugt hele kroppen. Skal helt sikkert implementeres i den fremtidige træning :devil: ..

PULL HARD AND HEAVY :superman: ..

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Hey Kriger, fed træning.

Det er da ikke det lokale center du har de muligheder med sled pulling vel? Fed alternativ træning.

Kan det passe, at du på "jobbet" står på listen med pullups? Har fået ind i mit lille hoved, at det er dit navn, der står i toppen med flere reps end DBM, hvis jeg husker rigtig.

Prøvede forresten lidt på dit kort trick. Jeg kan tydeligvis langt fra rive et helt spil over.



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Junker --->

Nope, træner ikke i center, men hjemme i grotten :devil: ..

Jo, der var vidst noget med jeg kom på listen på skolen. Ved ikke hvad der gik a mig den dag, mine arme blev ved med at trække og følte egentlig jeg kunne ha blevet ved :w00t: ..

Hvornår er du startet derude!?

Go stil med card tearing ...!

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Dødløftede og power cleanede lidt let igår for at teste lænden, og den brokkede sig igen. Så nu er alle løft der involvere ryggen sat på pause :sneaky2: ..

Z-healthede og joggede til aften..



10 x 1 x 5

20 x 1 x 3

30 x 1 x 2

40 x 1 x 2

50 x 1 x 1

Yates rows:

70 x 5 x 10

- Kørte fint og mærkede intet til lænden :4thumbup: ..

Barbell MP:

50 x 4 x 8

50 x 1 x 6

Poundstone shrugs:

2x62 x 2 x 10

Sled pull:

32 x 1 tur + sprint tilbage

42 x 1 tur + sprint tilbage

Friktionen mellem dækket og asfalten er evil, vil tro det svare til at trække 2 - 2,5 x den faktiske vægt.

Til sidst gik jeg en tur med 52kg i slæden..

SLED TRAINING ROCKS :cool::superman::cool::superman: ..

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Let sumo dødløft igår og det virker som om sumo ikke genere min lænd som almindelig konventionel dødløft :4thumbup: ..



10 x 2 x 5

30 x 2 x 5

Sumo dødløft:

50 x 2 x 3

70 x 1 x 2

80 x 1 x 2

90 x 1 x 2

100 x 2 x 1

-Intet knas med lænden overhovedet :superman: ..


Bw+32kg x 5 x 6

Yates rows:

80 x 5 x 10

Disko curls til dessert!

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