Armoured female

Armoured female

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Don Frys?? :lol: Der er vist ikke meget Don over mig.

Jeg er sikker på at Jørgen L har en masse gode ideer og din egen fys har nogle. Det er da vist osse blevet debatteret tidligere i din log ;)

Det kan jo både være en slimsæk og et ledbånd på siden det kan være galt med. Måske skulle du prøve med et vippebrædt.

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Coqrouge: Jeg tænkte, at hvis skoen ikke sad godt nok fast om hælen (min hæl er lidt for smal til skoen), så var den mere instabil?

Det er også rigtigt - et rimeligt fit på skoen er en forudsætning for, at det for alvor giver mening at tale om effekten af specielle sko til korrektion af f.eks. overpronation. Hvis du har smalle hæle, kunne det være en idé at prøve et par Saucony - de har typisk en form med relativt bred forfod og relativt smal hæl.

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Jeg har faktisk et par næsten ubrugte Saucony liggende (hvad jeg efterhånden ikke har liggende af mere eller mindre udtjente løbesko). De har en ret hård inderside på sålen (det grå materiale), så jeg ved ikke om det bliver for meget med mine indlægssåler med ekstra svangstøtte. Men jeg prøver at løbe lidt med dem, og mine gamle NB 1000 for at se, hvad anklen siger til det :)


Idag: UV-rugby kamp 2x30 minutter. Vi var underbemandet, og havde kun en målmand med. Der skal være mindst 2, så valget stod mellem mig (som ikke vil gr. nakken) og en gut, hvis målmandsspil overhovedet ikke harmonerer med forsvaret. Jeg bøjede min sølle nakke, og jeg gør det aldrig igen <_<

Det er overhovedet ikke sjovt at spille målmandsafløser mere, Nakkeholdet fra Helvede lurer hele tiden i baghovedet (i mere end een forstand)... Følingen med målet og afløseren var også langt væk.

Vi tabte begge kampe (det var dog ikke min skyld helt alene, tror jeg :unsure: ).

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Skåne-DFHT Deloaduge 2/session C:

Opvarmning: Hang snatch 4x5 x 25 kg

Dødløft: (1x10 x 60 kg); 3x5 x 85 kg

Powercleans: 3x5 x 50 kg

Goodmornings: 3x5 x 50 kg

Skrå hyperextensions: 2x10

Bulgarsk squat: 2x8 x 10 kg

Incline reverse bench crunches: 2x8

Twist crunch: 1x10/side.

Lægtræning 2x10 x 20 kg - med vægt på eccentrisk del.

Bulgarsk squat kan meget vel gå hen og blive min nye lår-buster i stedet for front squat (tak, sas :) ). Det bliver faktisk nemmere at holde balancen med en håndvægt i hver hånd. Hvis man ser bort fra den vægt, som balancebenet læsser af, svarer to 5-kg's håndvægte jo til, at man i alm. squat har egen kropsvægt på stangen (78 kg) + 20 kg = næsten 100 kg :devil:(I wish...) :tongue:

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Hej Niske :)

Jeg har overvejet at lave en ny log, men så skulle det være når der sker en naturlig ændring i min træning, som fx at jeg bliver skadesfri og kan begynde at træne efter bænkpreskonkurrencer eller hvad jeg nu vil igen (det er forhåbentlig snart).

Der er nu også lidt nostalgi i at have en gammel log fra begyndelsen af min MOL-tid (eller fra dengang online logbog-forumet blev oprettet), så det er med lidt blandede følelser jeg ville lave en ny :unsure:

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Skåne-DFHT Deloaduge 2/session B:

Opvarmning: Hang snatch 4x5 x 25 kg

DB bænkpres: (1x10 x 10 kg); 8-8-7 x 14 kg

Push press: (1x5 x 30 kg); 3x3 x 37,5 kg - lidt bedre lockout i dag :)

Assisted pullups, widegrip: 8-6 x -25

Tri pushdown: 2x8 x 17,5 kg

Underhand chinups, 6 sek. negs: 3x3

Cervical extensions: 2x15 x 16 kg

BB bicepscurls: 2x5 x 31 kg; 1x15 x 21 kg (backoff).

Det var sidste dag i DFHT runden :)

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Hej igen :)

En summering af træningsloggen efter en uge på La Santa Sport:


Squash 45 min


FITBALL træning 1 time

Lidt finnesvømning

Deep water træning (vandaerobic) ½ time

Badminton 1 time


Golf ½ time

Surfing 1 time

Badminton 45 min

Step 1½ time


Kajak ½ time

Styrketræning -

Opvarmning: Hang snatch 4x5 x 25 kg

Bænkpres: (1x10 x 20 kg; 1x6 x 30 kg); 3x6 x 35-37,5-40 kg; 1x3 x 42,5 kg (failure)

DB incline BP: 2x8 x 10 kg; 6-5 x 12 kg supersæt med

DB incline flyers: 2x10 x 8 kg; 10-11 x 6 kg

Widegrip pullups: 8 - (mindre assist) 6 - 5 reps

Yates rows: 3x8 x 40 kg (let)

Upr. rows: 4x8 x 35 kg

DB triceps ext: 8-6-5-5 x 5 kg

BB bicepscurls: 6x8 x 24 kg

Concentration curls: 2x10 x 8 kg

Var vældig inspireret af vægtløftning på Eurosport, som kørte på centerets fjernsyn - følte mig dog lidt flimsy ved at snatche 25 kg i opvarmning, når tøserne med BW først i 60'erne snatchede over 100 kg :chicken: - imponerende :w00t:

Surfing ½ time i ikke-begynder vind :tongue:


Surfing 2½ time :w00t:

Bodybike ½ time


Surfing 2 timer :sweetsun:

Fitball instruktion 1 time


Fitball træning 1 time - hvorefter vi fløj ind og øvede stående squat; det lykkedes mig faktisk uden vægt og på en blød bold B)

Styrketræning -

Opvarmning: Hang snatch 3x5 x 25 kg

Dødløft: (1x8 x 60 kg); 6x6 x 80 kg

Goodmornings: 3x8 x 45 kg

Swissball hyperextensions 2 sæt

Surfing 1½ time

- og så hjem fredag 28.11 :( :(

En fed uge, hvor jeg især blev inspireret til VL og swissballtræning, samt surfing :w00t:

Jeg genovervejer i øjeblikket at kigge ned i VL Kono, som ligger lige om hjørnet. Ret praktisk :)

Har jeg råd til begge dele, vil jeg dog stadig bevare medlemsskabet i OBBC, da Kono ikke har åbent formiddage og weekends :unsure:

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Jeg skal have meget teknisk bistand (inden jeg brækker brystbenet på mig selv i cleans) :blink:

Men jeg prøver lige at tage ned og kigge - skal jeg stille op til konkurrence i VL, så skal jeg jo være medlem dernede.


Fredag og lørdag: Ingenting.


Styrketræning - volumen overkrop og lidt powercleans:

Opvarmning: Hang snatch 3x5 x 25 kg; 1x5 x 30 kg

Powercleans: 2x3 x 40-45 kg; 4x3 x 50 kg

Bænkpres, 1 min pause: 6x6 x 30 kg

Militærpres, 1 min pause: 6x6 x 20 kg

UH chinups 6 sek. negativer: 4-3-3

BB Bentover rows: 3x6 x 50 kg

Pushups på swissball: 15-12-11

Preacher curls (maskine): 4x10 x 15 kg

Lidt balanceøvelser på swissball (min nye dille :tongue: ); Xax prøvede også til, og det bliver garanteret bedre næste gang :biggrin2:

Efter styrketræning: Spinning 1 time :devil:

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Så skal du jo virkeligt til at squatte igen. Mindst 25% af din træning. Læs evt denne artikel af Louis Simmons om hvordan han mener VL BURDE træne:

Article by Louie Simmons on how he would train the O-lifts, if anyone doesn't know he is the founder of Westside Barbell Powerlifting Club and the most successful Powerlifting trainer in the world, his methods on Powerlifting were revolutionary and extremely impressive. This is from MILO magazine. It's quite long, but worth the read as I found it interesting and controversial.

In 1968 Jan Talts of the USSR said his training consisted of 90%

power work and 10% actual competitive lifts. By doing this, he became

one of the greatest lifters of all time. I recall him moving up to

110 kg. (actual weight roughly 100 kg.) and soundly defeating Bob

Bednarski at the 1970 World Championships in Columbus, Ohio. If this

system worked for him, why not me? Thus by using the training of the

Soviets and modifying the special exercises to fit into powerlifting,

I have developed the strongest power club in the world.

In the United States, Olympic lifters have the Olympic Training

Center, a national coach, and money in their budget. In fact, the

Olympic lifter has everything that a powerlifter does not, yet the

United States powerlifters rule the world, while our Olympic lifter

brothers drag up the rear at international meets.

I ask you, how can this be? Olympic lifters have a lot of excuses,

none valid. This brings me to the title "What if" I trained Olympic


If I were an Olympic lifting coach, I would first teach how one

should train. A major mistake is doing the two lifts too often. Good

training requires variety. I have said before that everything works,

but nothing works forever.

The dynamic method with submaximal weight should be employed. This

method is very effective with the correct percentages. I would

recommend using weights between 60 and 80% of max to start with. A

lifter who can clean 400 would start with 240 for the first week of

training. The lifter would perform 12 cleans with short rest periods

between sets (45 seconds to start with) and then 12 power snatches

with the same percent and the same rest time between sets. If a

lifter's best snatch is 330, the weight is 198.

Jump 5% a week, and repeat 12 cleans and snatches at 65%. At 70% and

75% reduce the lifts to nine each. When you reach 80%, I recommend

eight lifts each, for a total of 16.

You are now employing the dynamic method with submaximal weight. You

have also established a rest period. When using relatively light

weights, short rest intervals are crucial. One should never let the

body recuperate. If this happens, the athlete is doing nothing.

Naturally, the lifter must use maximum force and always try to

accelerate the bar.

The lifts should only be done once time per week. Lifters in the

United States spend too much time on the quick lifts. The reasons is

twofold. First, the bar speed is too quick, for the most part. A

weight can move too fast to develop max force. The weight selection

is critical. As regards the velocity-force curve (a concept you

should be familiar with), the bar should have a sufficient amount of

weight to achieve the force factor and a certain amount of speed to

supply the velocity. If you understand this, you may begin to see teh

problem. The olympic lifter may move the bar so fast that force is


Remember what I said about weight selection. Let me illustrate by

talking about throwing an object with a certain arm speed. Arm

movement represents your absolute strength. If I throw a whiffle

ball, it won't go very far because it's too light for max force to

exist. Now if I throw a shot put, it doesn't go very far either

because it's too heavy; thus no velocity is developed. However, if I

throw a baseball, it will go a great distance because I have found a

balance between force and velocity. This balance is found by doing

velocity work with the Olympic lifts, and force work with special

exercises in a controlled method known as the conjugate method.

Foreign lifters have said the U.S. lifters lack strength, and I see

the same thing. But no one seems to have an answer. I do. To suceed

at weight lifting, a number of things are required. First you must be

very strong.

This is where special exercises come in. If you think you must clean,

for example, to be good at the clean, you are wrong, at least partly.

I have seen a strong man clean 250 the first time he tried. How did

he make that initial clean with no formal training? It was done

through other physical activity. If he only concentrated on the

clean, it is doubtful that he would ever double his effort to 500.

However, if he used special exercises to develop the correct pulling

muscles, he would have a much better chance.

It is known that to become a better miler, one has to increase his

ability to sprint as well as increase stamina to the point of

performing more and more work by doing multiple sets of runs at

specific distances. At the same time, the rest periods between runs

must be shortened. Also special exercises must be done to advance his

progress. This is true in weightlifting as well.

The second reason why too much time on the quick lifts is that if a

lifter cleans and snatches all the time, it can lead to

overdevelopment in some major muscle groups, while neglecting others.

I'm sure that if you line up five weightlifters in a row, you will

find that some have better traps, while lacking erector size, anad

some may have huge glutes, while others have hardly any glute

development. This is because they have different structures. Special

exercises can counteract this.

When using the conjugate method, you must work your weaknesses first.

If your traps are the weak link, work them first with pulls from

boxes, snatch grip deadlift shrugs, or one-arm snatches. You will

develop max force through heavy weights lifted at a slow tempo. If

your pulls, good mornings, back raises, squats, etc., go up, your

clean and jerk and snatch will go up as well.

I have a junior (22 year old) 275 pounder who is the only junior to

hold the open world record in the bench press at 728.5 pounds. He

actually exceeded the 308 world record, the only man to do this. He

trains the bench press with 365 for eight to ten sets of triples,

barely 50% of his max. How is this possible? This is accomplished

through special exercises for the bench press. The triples are done

in a very explosive manner, followed by triceps, delt, and lat work.

The second workout consists of rack work, floor press, or board press

for a max single. We don't care how slow or hard the lifts are on

this day. This is the max effort method. We don't even care if a lift

is missed, because at least he is putting forth maximum effort. He

will do a certain major exercise for two or three weeks and then

switch. By doing this, he maintains velocity on one day and max

effort on the other day 52 weeks a year.

What's my point? You can do the same, by doing the multiple sets with

submaximal weights and building explosive strength, and build amazing

brute strength throughout the year with pulls off at least four

different height boxes. Pick a certain box and max out for two or

three weeks. Then switch to a different box and repeat. The pulls

should be followed by some type of good morning. There should be a

wide variety of exercises to choose from, and the number of exercises

should be limited to four or five per workout. Don't do what you like

to do; rather do what you need to do.

I am amazed to hear that the squat is overrated as far as developing

the Olympic lifts. Remember Paul Anderson? He was an unreal squatter.

Paul was lightyears ahead of everyone in the squat, and at the same

time he catapulted himself ahead of everyone on the Olympic platform.

The increase in his squat paralleled his success in the Olympic

lifts. After Paul visited the USSR and astounded them, they began to

build squat racks. They soon realized the benefits of the squat.

I hear all the time that one only has to squat with 10% more than

their best clean and jerk (C&J). But why then do we hear of monster

squats by the European SHWs (900 pounds and more)? Well, if my math

is correct, they are doing a lot more than 10% over their C&J. The

same holds true for D. Aranda of Cuba, a junior world record holder

in the C&J with 402. He squats a deep 617. The 175 pound difference

is well over 10%!

The squat can be the equalizer for the U.S. lifters. I recall that

Kurlovich said the squat had no correlation to the C&J. That may be

true for him because of his particular body structure. He quite

possibly is built in a way that the legs and low back work heavily in

all exercises. But not everyone is in this category. It is true that

the squat could increase to the point where it would not help the C&J

and snatch, but remember Kurlovich? He claimed a 400 kg. squat. The

ability to do 881 could have been the reserve he needed to do those

massive snatches and C&J's."

The U.S. lifters need to increase their squat poundages for the main

purpose of increasing their absolute strength in the hips, low back,

and legs. The squat should be a mojor part of training. Most of the

training should be between 50 and 70%. I have a 165 pound lifter that

trains with 8 to 12 sets of two reps. Short rest periods are a must

(45 to 60 seconds) between sets. He trains with 405-435 and his best

contest squat is 722. As you can see, he never uses more than 60%.

The same is true for my 220. He never handles a weight over 500, yet

made an easy 843 at the Worlds. That is also 60% for his sets of two

reps. I have many examples of the 60% rule. Everyone at Westside

squats one time a week, followed by a variety of low back and ab

work. This is our dynamic method.

We also have a maximum effort day. We manage these great poundages

through a high volume of training, coupled with roughly 40 special

exercises, using only two or three at a time and rotating them every

two or three weeks; this is called conjugate training.

If your snatch grip deadlift goes up 50 pounds along with an increase

in your high pulls off boxes, your calf-ham-glute and back raises,

and your squats, then your snatch is increased. You must set records

in many special exercises. Pick a group of exercises that work well

for you and rotate them every two or three weeks.

My methods are the reverse of everyone else's. For example, if my

lifter does a C&J with 402 and we are trying to compete with a lifter

who is capable of 462, my training goal is to bring up the strength

to that of our competitor by working towards being equal to his high

pulls, squats, back raises, good mornings, etc. When we become equal

to him in the special exercises, we will be equal to his 462.

The U.S. lifters have the techinal skills but lack a high level of

special strength, which can only be developed through special

exercises. Progress in a lift does not stall; rather, a particular

muscle group stalls. If our bench press stalls, we simply do more

special work on the triceps, delts, upper back or lats. That is what

is holding back the bench press, not the bench press itself.

I would use the same systrem for the Olympic lifts. Only a few have a

perfect balance of muscle groups. Everyone else needs to do a higher

volume of work for certain muscle groups. I am certain you have seen

lifters with tremendous traps with mediocre erectors or just the

opposite. Just look at the photo in MILO, Vol. 3, No. 2, page 31, of

Pisarenko doing snatch pulls off a bench. Note first his balanced

physical development. Certainly some of it comes from special pulls,

such as thoses in the photo. Why do some Russian lifters do snatch

pulls while standing in knee-high water? These special exercises

enable them to kick out butt. There is no excuse for a U.S. lifter

not to be on page 31 of that issue of MILO.

With a high volume of reverse hypers, belt squats, kneeling squats,

and special work with chains for pulling, learning how and why box

squatting should be incorporated into training, knowing what

percentage and how much volume to use, doing some eccentric,

isokinetic, static, and dynamic work and many special exercises, we

could move up considerably in the world of weightlifting. If we are

to have a chance at the world level, we must learn how to train. If

there is an excuse to fall back on, it is not knowing how to train.

I would like to say something about Gary Taylor. Here is an

unbelievably strong man. Did you notice that he is strong in just

about everything he does? I would guess that one exercise contributed

to the progress of the next exercise. This is exactly what I am

talking about. One needs a widee array of exercises. I am quite sure

Gary could still do well in weightlifting and take his fair share of

powerlifting trophies as well. Is he a throwback to lifters like

Ernie Pickett, Fred Lowe, and Russell Knipp, or is he what should be

the future of weightlifting? Mixing an assortment of special

exercises to excel in cleaning ability and his unreal push jerk, I

think he exemplifies the latter.

Powerlifters sometimes will use the Olympic lifts to help their

speed. It would be wise to do special exercises in slow tempo to

develop max force in the Olympic lifts. Special exercises will not

destroy form, but will in fact bring good form together by

reinforcing the weak links.

We know that there are six phases in the snatch. I find it hard to

believe that each phase is equally developed in most lifters. Find

the weak phase and strengthen it through special means.

I find a similar problem in the squat. Most lifters base the amount

of their squat poundages off their C&J. But American lifters' C&J are

so weak that it holds the squat back. Push the squats along with the

pulls. Don't do it the other way around. It's not the C&J that should

dictate the squats and pulls, but vice versa.

The number of training workouts should be between four and a maximum

of eight. For now, over eight would lead to overtraining. Once the

work capacities are raised, then and only then would more workouts be

added. I would raise workloads by reverse hypers and belt squats.

Both have rehabilitation qualities and strength building potential.

Exercises like walking barbell or dumbbell lunges and static squats

against a wall would also be used to raise work capacity. Hip flexor

work with either hanging or lying leg raises, one-leg swings, or

spread eagle sit-ups would be done. Overhead support work must be

done from the front, back, and seated. Different grips would be used.

Lots of work for the torso, glutes and hamstrings is needed.

We need to view training tapes of the best lifters between major

meets to see what made them strong. We must learn to max out on

special exercises to test our strength gains. Learn the difference

between a training max and a contest max.

I have found success by changing routines and exercises to fit the

individual lifter. The body is always changing and so must the

training for constant progress.

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Hæh, det er der såmænd ikke så meget i - hende som vandt DM i min vægtklasse, trak 40 kg :xmas: (jeg varmer op med 30).

Er man blevet en præmierytter? :santa2::tongue:

Nej, seriøst, så troede jeg da ikke du gik rundt konkurrenceambitioner i vægtløftning, eller har du bare, ligesom jsc og mig til tider har, svært ved at holde fokus på noget bestemt i træningen og vil prøve noget nyt? :chicken: :xmas:

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Jeg har haft patellaseneproblemer, sikkert gr. biomekanikken i mine teknisk lousy squat. Kan jeg ikke squatte uden problemer, så lader jeg selvfølgelig være. Kan jeg heller ikke komme i bund ved træk og stød (dvs. hvis jeg må holde mig til powerversionen af de to), så holder jeg mig til powerversionen. Men jeg har heller ikke tænkt mig at gøre mig til mere porcelænsdukke end jeg er. Tingene skal have deres chance; man kommer ingen vegne hvis man ikke prøver til, vel?? :4whip:

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